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  • Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему Глобализация (11 класс)

Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему Глобализация (11 класс)

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предварительный просмотр материала

Развернутый урок английского языка.

Учитель высшей категории Макоева З. Ш.

Учебно-методическое обеспечение: УМК «Happy English», учебник 11 класса общеобразовательной школы, при начале обучения со 2 класса, Обнинск, Титул,2014 год.

Авторы: К Кауфман. М Кауфман.

Тип урока: Урок обобщения, систематизации и закрепления знаний.

Характерные черты урока: - речевая направленность,

- ситуативность,

- функциональность

- индивидуализация процесса обучения.

Тема: «Should we agree with Globalization?»

Цель: Более глубокое усвоение знаний, высокий уровень обобщения, систематизации.

Учебно-методические задачи:

  • образовательные: выявить качество и уровень овладения знаниями и умениями, полученными на предыдущих уроках по теме : обобщить материал как систему знаний.

  • воспитательные: воспитывать общую культуру, эстетическое восприятие окружающего; создать условия для реальной самооценки учащихся, реализации его как личности.

  • развивающие: развивать пространственное мышление, умение классифицировать, выявлять связи, формулировать выводы; развивать коммуникативные навыки при работе в группах, развивать познавательный интерес; развивать умение объяснять особенности:, закономерности:, анализировать:, сопоставлять:, сравнивать: и т.д.


  • мультимедийный проектор

  • интерактивная доска

  • компьютеры для каждого учащегося

Содержательная часть урока

Речевая зарядка:

  1. Teacher: Today we are going to discuss this phenomenon, phenomenon of Globalization.

Globalization is the process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology.

Globalization has several aspects which affect the world in different ways.

Nowadays Globalization is an extremely popular topic, whatever country you are in.

It's is recognized that it has both positive and negative impact on development of the world.

But how it reveals itself in different parts of our life?


The political decisions of one country can affect the situation in a region, a continent or even the world


A lot of students from Russia study in other countries


There are many international cultural organizations all over the world


There are a lot of organizations which regulate relationships between countries


Companies can have business partners in different parts of the world


There are a lot of political problems that concern not one but several countries


There are a lot of goods with foreign names that have been produced within Russia


Students from different countries can work together on some international projects.

  1. Teacher:

So you see, that it's evident that globalization influences the main spheres of our life the economy, politics or culture and education. And we can't ignore that fact.

  1. Teacher: You prepared mini- projects. You were split into the groups according to the sphere you were going to research. We shall start with the answer to the question. What is globalization? What did we learn about it?

The first project is "Globalization"

We prepared a project about globalization.

Globalisation refers to the idea that the world is developing а single economy and culture as .а result of improved technology and communications and the influence of very large multinational companies. The world is seen as а global village in which аll countries depend оп each other and seem to bе closer together.

There are many arguments surrounding the phenomenon of globalisation and they're all quite controversial. Opponents of globalisation or anti-globalists say that it exploits workers and degrades the environment. They say that, as multinational corporations bесоmе more powerful, they bесоmе less accountable for their actions. And there's increasing concern that multinational (mainly American) companies are crushing the cultures of smaller nations.

But supporters of globalisation, or globalists, argue that world trade makes everyone richer. They say that, as more countries make trade deals with one another, international understanding increases, therefore lessening conflict and improving human rights.

1) Globalization is difficult to define.

2) Globalisation scholars regularly dispute what is actually globalization.

3) According to the world Health Organisation the definitions of "Globalisation" or increased interconnectedness and interdependence of people and countries is understood to includes two elements: the opening of boarders to increasingly fast flow of goods, services, finance, people and ideas across international borders and the charges in institutional and policy regimes at the international and national levels.

Teacher: You may ask questions to the girls.( Pupils ask some questions)

The second project is "Globalization in Economy"

Globalization influences the economic process.

Economic globalization is a world trend and it inevitable influences economies of all countries. Russia has to integrate into the world economy, too.

In general, the business cycle looks like the following.

Setting up a business is quite a complicated process. It consists of several stages.

At first, buying materials and employing people. After that producing goods. The main seen is selling the goods to a customer. If you have enough money then you buy materials and employ people to continue your business. If there is no enough money you borrow money from an investor. Then comes buy materials and employ people.

Gradually, the company starts to see the whole world as its customers and suppliers, and doesn't care about boundaries and nationalities.

Other things are very important for the company now. The first: it's product should be recognizable worldwide as a product of this company it should be the same all over the world wherever it is produced.

The second: the product should be of the same quality. This is how company gets global.

There are a lot of examples of global companies now. Everyone has heard about Mc Donald's, Coca-Cola, Ford, Samsung. The number of global companies is growing rapidly. You can come across Proctor and Gamble in any region of the world. Actually they are no longer national companies. They work in the global economy.

Business need to grow to be successful. However, this doesn't mean that small companies will die out, they have their own niche in the market and have every chance to succeed as well.

Everything has advantages and disadvantages. We interrogate 10 respondents, who elder than 18 years. Results of poll you can see on the slide.

The first question was «What is the main advantage of globalization for the Russian economy». Our opinion poll shows that 40 % of all respondents answered us that the main advantage of globalization is globalization can create new jobs and increase employment. 30 % of respondents answered us that people can buy food, cosmetics, electronics and all of their favorite brands everywhere. The third group of people consist that globalization increases competition among companies, Russian companies have investors, customers or partners abroad and in the global economy people of different nations interact intensively.

But we know that globalization has some disadvantages. We decide to make the second opinion poll. We asked ten grownups the question «What is the main disadvantage of globalization for the Russian economy». Our opinion poll shows that 60 % of all respondents think that the national economy becomes dependent on other countries. 20 % of all people say that globalization can ruin local companies and it is the main disadvantage of globalization. Two groups of people of ten per cent notice that globalization makes the local company dependent on the economic situation in the world, nowadays global companies are quite independent of the local authorities.

(The presentation to the lesson contains all the given information in pictures ,opinion polls…)

Teachtr: Any questions?

The third project is "Globalization in politics"

Is there а safe seat in the boat if it goes down?

  1. The countries of the global village have common problems and tend to unite to solve them. Balance and stability in the world requires participation of аll nations, whether they are rich or рoor. Political leaders hold meetings and summits to work out а general poliсу to deal with terrorism social and environmental problems.

  2. Under globalization, politics can take place above the state through political integration schemes such as the European Union and through intergovernmental organizations such as the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the World Trade Organization. Political activity can also transcend national borders through global movements and NGOs.

  1. There is no doubt that the main goal of аnу nation is stability, safety and welfare of its citizens. It may seem that if the government makes good laws and cares for their people, the nation can enjoy a life which is free of problems and risks.

  1. But we also сan see the effects of globalization in the social arena as well. While 15 percent of the population of the Earth enjoys living in the richest countries, 15 billiоn people live in absolute poverty. This causes instability and unbalance in the world. Flows of illegal emigrants from poor countries move to more developed countries, bringing unemployment, criminal and religious problems with them. (слайд 2 пункт 1)

  1. It is evident that in the age of high technology and global integration the boundaries can't properly divide or protect countries аnу longer(слайд 2 пункт 2)

  1. Thus, Political instability in оnе country, а local military operation or an unpopular political decision сan cause а chain reaction and affect many countries. (слайд 2 пункт 3)

  1. Russia should not ignore the political and social problems of other countries as these problems can affect it, too.

Teacher: Your project contains a lot of important information. May be students are interested in some details?

Then we may come to the next project.

The fourth project is "Globalization in culture"

One of the aspects of globalization is its influence one cultural life, educational system. The process of integration and intense communication among nations leads to so-cold cultural diffusion. People in different corners of the world start to share the same interests and preferences; their lifestyles and pastimes are becoming more and alike. Indeed, if you travel to a remote African country, you can see that local families often prefer watching psychological thrillers with Michael Douglas on video (with Coca - Cola and chips) to their traditional pastimes.

The influence of the film industry and television on the formation of a global culture is very strong. According to statistical surveys undertaken by UNESCO, the leading countries in this field are the USA, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong and India. And it's evident that America dominates greatly both in producing feature films and promoting them all over the world.

The same can be said about music, particularly pop music. In any capital city of the world or any remote village, you can hear the same songs broadcasted on all radio stations. Young people of all countries share tastes in music and there is already the World Celebrity.

The entertainment industry is not the only contributor to qlobalization. Other factors also influence people's customs, morals, family values, and education. Nowadays a lot of students get an education outside their own country. Consequently, the educational standards are getting more and more universal. Governments realist how important it is to raise the educational standards within their countries to give their young people a fair chance to compete with their contemporaries from more developed countries.

Due to great number of tourists and people working in foreign countries, and because of the influence of television and the Internet, it's very difficult nowadays for any nation to stick to old traditions and not let other cultures inside their countries. And many people can't do without certain things they have adopted from other cultures. Now it's not only the Chinese who enjoy special tea ceremonies or the French who laugh when watching French comedies. And the Russian ballet belongs not only to Russians but to art lovers all over the world. So, the world is becoming increasingly global. In many ways it's great benefit. But at the same time, many people are concerned with the world's growing interdependence. Today's teenagers are the first people to live in the global world. They are the future.

  1. And our next mini- project will give us the information about anti- globalization movements. They try to protect the world from Globalization to combat it.

The groups and individuals that represent what is known as the anti-globalisation movement began in the late twentieth-cetury. Their purpose was to combat the globalisation of corporate economic activity and to prevent the free trade among nations that might result from such activity.

Members of the anti-globalisation movement have generally seeked to protect the world's emulation and ecosystem from what they believe to be the damaging effects of globalisation. Support for human rights is another cornerstone of the anti-globalisation movement's platform hey advocate for labor rights, environmentalism feminism, freedom of migration, preservation of tne cultures of indigenous peoples, biodiversity cultural diversity, food safety, and ending or reforming capitalism. The movement itself includes diverse and sometimes opposing philosophie of the globalisation process, and incorporates alternative visions, strategies and tactics.

Generally speaking, protesters believe that the global financial institutions and agreements they make undermine local decision-making methods. Many governments and free trade institutions are seen as acting for the good only of multinational corporations (e.g. Microsoft, Monsanto, etc). These corporations are seen as having privileges that most human beings do not even have, such as moving freely across borders, extracting desired natural resources, and utilising diversity of human resources. They are then able to move on after sometimes doing permanent damage to the environment, the culture or the economy, in manner impossible for that nation's citizens to actually do themselves. Activists also claim that corporations impose kind of "global monoculture". .

Activists of the movement argue that, if borders are opened to multinational corporations, they should be similarly opened to allow free and legal circulation and choice of residence for migrants and refugees. These activists tend to target organisations such as the International Organization for Migration and the Schengen Information System. In 2003, rnany of those involved in the movement showed wide opposition to the war in Iraq. Many participants were among those 11 million or more protesters that on the weekend of the 15th of February participated in global protests against the Iraq war and were dubbed the "world's second superpower" by an editorial in the New York Times. The economic and military issues are closely linked in the eyes of many within the movement.

Despite the lack of formal co-ordinating bodies, the movement manages to successfully organize large protests on global basis, using information technology to spread information.

One argument often made by the opponents of the anti-globalisation movement is that, although it protests about things that are widely recognised as serious problems, such as human rights violations, genocide and global warming, it rarely proposes detailed solutions. Some have also criticised the movement for engaging in violent or destructive protest. In general, movement leaders tend to encourage peaceful protest as the more productive way of getting attention and respect for their goals, although occasionally process do turn violent.

Teacher: And now we should express our opinion whether we realize our responsibility towards this phenomenon. Here is a shot survey. Fulfill the tasks, please. Take you places at the computers.

The Questions

  1. Name global companies you know

  2. Is globalization good, bad or inevitable?

  3. Think and say if you

  • Support anti-globalist movement

  • Are against

  • Are neutral

  1. What's your attitude towards globalization?

  • For

  • Against

  1. Evaluate the importance of this topic in your education


  1. The conclusion

You've discussed the topic of globalization thoroughly and you see that you are the generation living in the era of great international interaction and cooperation, and you will take responsibility for its further development.

You've worked hard so everybody deserves excellent marks.


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