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- Конспект урока Fashion Magazinе
Конспект урока Fashion Magazinе
Урок «Modern Fashion Magazine»
1.Развивать у учащихся способность монологически и диалогически
высказываться по теме урока и давать свою оценку, разбираться в
стилях и направлениях современной моды, быть активными,
2. Воспитывать культуру внешнего вида.
Оборудование: магнитофон, мультимедийное средство, работы учащихся
образовательные: развивать навыки говорения по теме, способствовать расширению словарного запаса, используя лексику по теме;
развивающие: развивать умение работать в группе, способствовать умению выражать мысли; развивать творческие способности;
воспитательные: воспитывать уважительное отношение друг к другу; воспитывать инициативность, активность, умение работать в группах и в парах; формировать навыки самостоятельной работы.
Организационный момент.
Речевая разминка.
Активизация изученной лексики.
Подготовка к представлению модных журналов учащихся.
Проверка домашнего задания.
ролевая игра
презентация модных журналов.
песня для релаксации.
Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов. Домашнее задание.
1. Организационный момент.
T: Morning, glad to see you. You look so smart today and it's quite natural. Every young person wants to be attractive.
Would you like to make some compliments to each other. (students say compliments) Thank you. It is very important to be polite.
What is the theme of our lesson ?
You are right. It's "Modern Fashion Magazine" (1 слайд)
2. Речевая разминка.
T: Is fashion really extremely important in the life of people?
Let's look at the words of wisdom.
Task: Read the English proverbs with the Russian equivalents.
Listen to me first!
Repeat after me !
Let's work in groups. I give one sheet of paper to each group. Choose one of the proverbs, draw it. You have three minutes.
Try to guess what proverb is it.
3.Блиц-опрос .
T: OK! I'd like to carry on a short survey. Let's divide into 2 groups: optimists and pessimists. The yellow card is for optimists, the white one is for pessimists. Answer my questions!
1Do you like to wear modern clothes.?
2What colour do you like?
3.Do you follow the latest fashion?
4.Do you like to do shopping?
5.Do you like to wear fashion magazine?
T: Well, thank you for your answers.
4. Подготовка к представлению журналов.
T : We always want to be striking. And who makes a fashion?
You are right. And who are the world famous fashion designers? (учащиеся называют известных модельеров - K. Chanel, В. Зайцев, В. Юдашкин и др)
Do you know any modern British designers? I'll help you to remember. Look at the next slide- this is Аlexander McQueen(- a British designer, known for his classic clothes), Zandra Rhodes, ( a very expensive and strange-fashion designer.), Susan Scott (an Irish designer), Adel McBride (a designer of romantic style in fashion).
5. Представление модных журналов учащихся.
1)Ролевая игра
There are fashion designers in our class too. Let's go to the Fashion shop.
M.C (Miss Chatter) Hello!
S.A. (Shop Assistant) Hello, Madam! Can I help you?
M.C I would like to buy something glamourous?
S.A. Hmm, We have some modern magazines made by our designers. Would you like to watch them?
M.C With pleasure! (садится на стул)
2) Представление журналов
(М.С. I don't like it. It's not my cup of tea. No, no it looks easy.(расстроено))
3) Релаксация
Don't worry! Children! Let's sing a song to Miss Chatter! (дети поют песню «If you want to be happy»
После представления последнего журнала, она восхищенно
- Oh, this dress is just what I want. Can I try it on?
S.A. Of course. Here you are. Fitting room please.
6. Активизация изученной лексики.
Well, children. While our Miss Chatter is in the Fitting room, I offer you to play a game "Clothes".
Which words are associated with the word "CLOTHES"? Let's make two teams. The team which stops saying, will lose the game. (учащиеся называют различные слова)
M.C. (после примерки) Does it suit me?
S.A. It looks wonderful.
M.C. How much is it?
S.A. Twenty pounds.
M.C. Here you are.
S.A. Thank you.
M.C. Goodbye. (уходит)7. Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов. Домашнее задание.
T: Well, children. You have shown your interesting magazines today. I think you will be modern, trendy in real life too, because "People look first then listen" (показываю на плакат) Do you agree?
It's a pity, but our time is up.
You see an apple tree on the blackboard. If you liked our lesson put a red apple , if didn't like put a green one on it.
I thank you for the lesson. You have only good and excellent marks today. You may go. Good-bye!
(если остается время, можно предложить учащимся раскрасить одежду героев мультфильмов)
Make a happy face
If you want to be happy,
And have a happy day,
And spread a bit of joy around
Then there is just one way.
Make a face,
Make a face,
Make it as happy as you can
And make a face!