• Учителю
  • План- конспект урока аглийского языка на тему Я хочу быть здоровым (4 класс)

План- конспект урока аглийского языка на тему Я хочу быть здоровым (4 класс)

Автор публикации:
Дата публикации:
Краткое описание:
предварительный просмотр материала

Дата: 02.12.16


Тема: Я хочу быть здоровым.

Цель: развитие коммуникативной культуры и социально-культурной образованности учеников, позволяющих поддержать беседу и выразить свое мнение по теме "Здоровый образ жизни".


  • Учебные: формирование лексической базы по теме «Здоровый образ жизни», обучение устной речи, совершенствование навыков чтения. Создание проекта.

  • Развивающие: развитие познавательного интереса учащихся, повышение мотивации к изучению иностранного языка.

  • Воспитательные: обеспечить стимулирование речемыслительной и социальной активности учащихся; воспитывать чувство бережного отношения к своему здоровью.

Тип урока: обобщающий урок.

Оснащение урока:

  • мультимедийное оборудование;

  • раздаточный материал.

Ход урока:

  1. Hello , boys and girls! Today the topic of our lesson is " I want to be healthy". We have an unusual lesson . We have a lesson -competition. I've divided our group into two teams. The first team and the second team.

  • At first answer my questions:

  1. Are you healthy?

  2. What do you do to be healthy?

  1. The first task is make as many sentencas as you can what you do to be healthy.

(В презентации идут слайды, дети составляют предложения)

( I play sport games, I eat vegetables(fruit), I clean my teeth, I take a shower, I don't eat at Mcdonalds, I don't drink cola, I wash my hands, I eat fish, I drink milk, Irun and jump)

  1. The next task is to make a list of what you must or mustn't do

The first team must do

The second team mustn't do

Fix these cards on theblackboard(звучит музыка, дети прикрепляют карточки на доску)

( watch TV a lot, go in for sports, eat healthy food, eat chocolate , eat chips, go to bed early, help about the house, skip, swim, drink much coffee, play the computer, go to bed late)

  1. </ The next task is Reading ( на экране текст , у детей карточки с текстом)

At first let's read the unknown words:

Proper names: Chimpo, Lucy

Do gymnastics -заниматьсягимнастикой

Forget - забывать

In the tree - на дереве

Sometimes -иногда

Always - всегда

Often - часто

Never - никогда


Chimpo is very healthy. He never watches TV. He plays sport every day, he does gymnastics in the trees. He never eats chocolate, he always eats fruit. He washes his face and hands every day. But he never clean his teeth.

Lucy isn't very healthy. She watches TV every day and she never plays sport. She eats chocolate every day and she never eats fruit. She sometimes cleans her teeth, but she often forgets. She never washes her face.

  • Is everything clear?

  • Now answer my questions:

  • Who is Chimpo?

  • Who is Lucy?

  • Is Chimpo healthy?

  • What does he do to be healthy?

  • Is Lucy healthy?

  • What does Lucy do?

  • What does Lucy often forget to do?

- Now read the sentences below , say if it is true or false:

  • The first team read the right sentences and the second team read the wrong sentences and correct them. (дети читают предложения на карточках)

  • 1. Chimpo never watches TV.

  • 2. Lucy always eats fruit.

  • 3. Chimpo never plays sport.

  • 4. Lucy sometimes cleans her teeth but she often forgets.

  • 5. Chimpo washes his face every day.

  • 6. Lucy washes her face too.

  • 7. Chimpo is very healthy.

  • 8. Lucy always plays sport.

Now we have a test. " Are you healthy?"

You must answer the following questions and choose the best word:

  1. How often do you play sport?

  2. How often do you watch TV?

  3. How often do you eat chocolate?

  4. How often do you eat fruit?

  5. How often do you wash your face?

  6. How often do you clean your teeth?

( 2-3 человекаотвечаютнавопросы)

We have a few minutes before the end of the lesson and we are going to make a project "I want to be Healthy". Each team has special cards and pictures , use your imagination and make a poster.

(звучит музыка каждая команда делает свой плакат)

  • Are you going to do everything to be healthy?

  • I wish you to be healthy.


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