- Учителю
- Урок по английскому языку для 4 класса
Урок по английскому языку для 4 класса
Открытый урок английского языка в 4 классе по теме
"Animals in our life"
Цель урока: повторить и закрепить лексический материал по теме "Животные".
Обучающий компонент цели: активизировать лексические единицы и лексико-грамматические конструкции в речевых ситуациях, развивать навыки монологической речи и аудирования, совершенствовать грамматические навыки, формировать исследовательские навыки для поиска и извлечения необходимой информации в сети интернет, научить оформлять доклады и выступления.
Развивающий компонент цели: расширение кругозора учащихся, развитие языковых, интеллектуальных и творческих способностей учащихся.
Воспитательный компонент цели: создать условия для формирования у учеников бережного отношения к животным.
Тип урока: комбинированный речевой урок.
Оборудование: интерактивная доска, компьютер, проектор, презентация к уроку, мультимедийная учебная программа М. З. Биболетовой "Английский с удовольствием / Enjoy English" (4-й класс), карточки с заданиями.
План урока:
1) Организационный момент - 1 мин.
2) Фонетическая разминка - 2 мин.
3) Определение темы, целей и задач урока - 1 мин.
4) Основная часть урока - 30 мин.
- игра «We are poets»;
- составление предложений про животных и местах их обитания c использованием наст. простого времени (окончание -S в IIIл. ед.ч.);
- игра «Yes or No»;
- разгадываем загадки про животных «The funny riddles»;
- работа с карточками «Magic letters»;
- физминутка «Head and shoulders»;
- аудирование (мультимед. учеб. прогр. для 4 кл., unit 3, lesson 40, part 1);
- рассказ о своем животном с опорой на схему, представление рисунков;
- выступление с докладами;
- викторина "The smartest and the most attentive pupil"
5) Подведения итогов, оценивание, рефлексия - 6 мин.
Ход урока.
I. Организационный момент:
- Good morning, children! I'm glad to see you.
- Good morning, our teacher. We are glad to see you, too.
- Sit down, please. So, how are you today?
- We are fine, thank you!
- That's o'k! And what date is it today?
- Today is the twenty eighth of January, Tuesday.
II. Фонетическая разминка:
- Before we begin our lesson, let's practice our tongues. Look at the screen and repeat after me.
(Хоровая и индивидуальная отработка стихотворения - слайд №2.)
Let's go to safari park
To see the animals when dark.
The bear's big, the hedgehog's small.
The brave lion lies along!
The elephant is strong and grey.
The panda sleeps the whole day.
Only hungry crocodile
Looks at me and waits my smile.
III. Сообщение темы и целей урока:
- What do you think, what about will we talk today? What theme is our lesson?
- About animals.
- Yes, you are right. (слайд №3 - тема урока)
IV. Основная часть урока:
- Today we will travel around the world of animals. We'll talk about wild and domestic animals, will know where they live and how long they can live, and a lot of interesting facts about them, for example, what is the biggest and fastest animal in the world, and else, we'll remember some grammar rules and play. So, let's begin. And the first, let's remember the names of animals. I'll read the beginning of the poem and you must end it. Are you ready? O'k, let's go then.
Игра «We are poets»
Думал и запоминал:
Животное … an animal.
Мишка косолапый ходит еле-еле.
Мишка, медвежонок по-английски … bear.
Стреляли в волка: пиф и пуф!
Волк по-английски … wolf
Рыжий-рыжий чудо флокс!
Рыжая лисичка … fox.
Дед траву граблями грабит.
Хочет есть наш кролик … rabbit.
Прыгнула из грядки, прямо на порог
Зелёная красавица, по-английски …frog.
Средь зверей интеллигент,
Слон, слонёнок … elephant.
Так забавны и ловки
Обезьянки … monkey.
Трудный вам задам вопрос:
«Как назвали лошадь?» … horse.
Свинья есть хочет каждый миг,
Свинью мы называем … pig.
Курица известна всем,
По-английски она … hen.
Целый день всё кряк да кряк,
Как назвали утку? … duck.
Где увидеть, отгадай-ка,
В городе тигрёнка, tiger,
Или горную козу?
Только в зоопарке. Zoo.
Кто в далёких странах не был,
Здесь найдёт верблюда, camel,
И конечно Крошку Ру,
Кенгурёнка, kangaroo.
И похожая на тигра
Вся в полоску зебра, zebra.
- Very good! I see you know a lot of animals in English. But do you know, where do they live? Look at the screen, read and remember their places of habitats. (слайд №4)
- And now make up your sentences with these words. For example, a cat lives in the house and etc. (слайд №5 с примерами). Don't forget to add the ending -s to the verb-live!
- Well done! Very good! Now let's play! The game is named "Yes or no". I'll give you some questions and you must quickly answer them. Are you ready? So, let's go.
Игра «Yes or No» (слайд №6)
1) Is a dog an animal? - Yes, it is.
2) Do you like cats? - Yes, I do.
3) Can rabbits swim? - No, they can't.
4) Can hens fly? - No, they can't.
5) Is a pig pink? - Yes, it is.
6) Are crocodiles black? - No, they aren't.
7) Can a wolf sing? - Yes, it can.
8) Have you got a parrot? - Yes, I have.
9) Have you got an elephant? - No, I haven't.
10) Does a cat like milk? - Yes, it does.
11) Does a bear like to sleep? - Yes, it does.
12) Do horses live on the farm? - Yes, they do.
13) Does a giraffe live in the house? - No, it doesn't.
14) An eagle is a bird, isn't it? - Yes, it is.
15) A dolphin is a fish, isn't it? - No, it isn't.
Well done! You are so clever, my dears! So, children, tell me, please, do you like riddles?
Yes, we do.
O'k, then. Let's solve the riddles. (слайд №7)
«The funny riddles» (слайд №8-таблица: домашние и дикие животные)
1) It may be black or white. It lives in the forest. It likes honey and it likes to sleep. What is it? (a bear)
2) It can jump. It can run. It is funny. It lives in a house. It likes milk and fish. What is it? (a cat)
3) This animal is white in winter and grey in summer. It lives in the forest. (a hare)
4) It is pink and dirty. It is very fat. It has a nose-button. What is it? (a pig)
5) This animal is a king of animals. It lives in Africa. It is a yellow and it is a very good hunter.(a lion)
6) This animal likes grass. It lives on the farm. It gives us milk. (a cow)
7) It is a bird, but it can't fly. It gives us eggs. (a hen)
8) This animal lives at home or out of doors. It can run, jump, swim and play with you. It is a man's friend. (a dog)
9) It is very big and grey. It lives in Africa. It has a very big ears and long nose. (an elephant)
10) It lives in the river. It is green and angry. It can swim. It has a lot of teeth. What is it? (a crocodile)
- Splendid! Great! Well done! And look at the board and tell me, please, what is the difference of these animals?
- Some of them are domestic animals, and others are wild.
- Yes, of course. Some of them live with us, but others not live and therefore we call them domestic animals or pets and wild animals. And now you have cards with strange words, you must decrypt these words and write them in the table. Is it clear? So, begin.
(Работа с карточками - слайд №9)
-I see you are tired my dears, let's have a rest.
(Физминутка «Head and shoulders» - слайд №10)
- Children, we are all have some animals at home: cats, dogs, parrots, hamsters and others, but now I want to know what animal would you like to have. But firstly, let's look and listen a boy's story about his animal. (аудирование, мультимед. учеб. прогр. для 4 кл., unit 3, lesson 40, part 1)
- So, it's time to listen your stories. I know that you've prepared not only a story, haven't you? Who is braver?
(Проверка домашнего задания, рисунок и рассказ про животное, которое ребята хотели бы иметь.)
- Unfortunately, we have a very little time, and we can't listen everyone today, collect your pictures with the stories and then I'll check them. But I know that some our pupils have prepared their own reports about the animals. Let's listen them. Be attentive, please, because then we will spend a quiz and will know who is the smartest and the most attentive of you.
(Доклады учеников о животных)
- Good jod, my dears! Very well! So, it's time to know who is the smartest and the most attentive of you. Listen attentively, please, and put your hands up if you know an answer to the question.
The quiz "The smartest and the most attentive pupil"
1) What is the largest animal in the world? (a blue whale)
2) What is the largest land animal in the world? (an African elephant)
3) What is the fastest animal? (a cheetah)
4) What is the cleverest animal in the world? (a dolphin)
5) Can elephants swim? (Yes, they are good swimmers.)
6) How long do crocodiles live? (300 years)
7) What animal has the longest life and how long it lives? (a tortoise, it lives 300-400 years)
8) What animal hates lemons? (a cat)
9) What is the tallest animal in the world? (a giraffe)
10) Who is the loudest of animals? (a whale)
(За каждый правильный ответ вручается фишка и по подсчетам фишек определяется самый умный.)
V. Подведения итогов, оценивание, рефлексия:
So, children, what about have we spoken at our lesson today? (We have spoken about animals at our lesson.)
- That's it. We have spoken about animals and have known what animals are called wild and domestic, where they live and a lot of very interesting facts of their life. You must remember that all of animals need of love, take care of your own pets and don't hurt others.
1. Определение домашнего задания с необходимыми пояснениями учителя.
- Now write down your homework. (cлайд №13)
Ex. 8, p. 82-83 - read, translate;
Ex. 11, p. 84 - write.
Учитель объясняет домашнее задание.
2. Оценка деятельности учащихся.
You have worked very well today. You were very active and attentive. I put "5" to...., "4" to......
Our lesson is over. Thank you for your work. Goodbye.