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  • Конспект урока The house I live in. Houses in Britain (6 класс)

Конспект урока The house I live in. Houses in Britain (6 класс)

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Конспект урока английского языка

в 6 классе по теме «Дом, в котором я живу. Дома в Британии»

Учитель: Денисова Кира Константиновна

Описание материала: конспект урока английского языка в условиях реализации ВГОС в 6 классе.

Технология: деятельностный метод обучения.

Дидактическая цель - создать условия:

- для формирования информационной культуры обучающихся в процессе работы над темой;

- для систематизации и структурирования учебного материала средствами коммуникативного метода.

Тип урока: комбинированный

Цели по содержанию:

- Воспитательная: формировать у обучающихся бережное отношение к дому и домашнему очагу, потребность к достижению согласия и сотрудничества.

- Образовательная: расширить потенциальный словарь обучающихся, научить рассказывать о доме, в котором мы живем.

- Развивающая: тренировать умение планировать, сравнивать, сопоставлять, делать выводы.

Практические задачи:

- Учебные: Развитие лексических навыков обучающихся, умения монологической речи, аудитивных навыков, умения чтения с извлечением заданной информации.

- Познавательные: Развитие навыков поисковой деятельности по извлечению необходимой информации по заданной теме, расширение эрудиции обучающихся, их лингвистического, филологического и общего кругозора, умения различать употребление слов house, home.

- Развивающие: Формирование потребности и способности к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи при работе в группах, развитие умения планировать сотрудничество со сверстниками, умения выражать свои мысли, развитие информационной грамотности и культуры обучающихся, развитие умения сравнивать, анализировать, соотносить со знаниями, полученными в процессе урока.

- Воспитательные: Формирование у обучающихся уважения и интереса к культуре и народу страны изучаемого языка.

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, тематические картинки, задания.


I The beginning of the lesson.

1. Introduction. Greeting.

- Stand up, please.

- Stand still.

- Good morning, dear children

- Good morning, good morning,

Good morning to you,

Good morning, good morning,

I'm glad to see you.

- Thank you, sit down, please.

Good morning dear guests!

Today we have an usual day. We are going to build a house. I hope you will have a wonderful time.

Let us learn, play and sing together!

2. Warming up.

T: Look at the blackboard. We have some proverbs in English. Let's read them!

Home sweet home.

My home is my castle.

East or West home is best.

There is no place like home.

T: There are highlighted words in these sentences. They are similar in all the proverbs. Do you know the Russian equivalent for it? So, try to predict what we will talk about today. Try to name the topic of the lesson!

P: We will talk about homes!

T: If I close the word "home" and put there the word "house" will something change?

P: The meaning will be the same.

3. Aim setting

T: Look at the board. We have a house there, but it is still empty. Step by step we can make it full of pictures.

1-st floor is for words connected with the house;

2-nd floor is for house describing;

3-rd floor is for finding out the difference between words "home" and "house";

4-th floor is for types of houses;

5-th floor is for house selling adverts.

Can we fill in our house now? Why not? What obstacles do we have? What should we do? (children formulate the aims of the lesson)

II The main part of the lesson.

1. Revising the previously studied material

T: Look at the card and read the explanation of the word. Read it aloud. Try to guess what does it mean.

Garden- a part of the yard used for cultivating fruit, vegetables or trees

Garage-a building used for parking cars

Balcony-a platform projecting from the wall of the buiding

Roof- the top of the building

Window- an opening constructed to let the light and air into the room

Attic- a part of the house under the roof

Door- a structure used to close off the entrance

(pupils guess the meaning and put the pictures on the firs floor of the house)

T: Have we managed to fill our first floor? What have we revised?

P: We have revised the parts of the house

2. Reading activity

Before we start our work with this task I'd like you to revise the words you've studied before. Open your books at page - and revise yourselves.

</<font size="4">Are you ready? So, we can move forward!

We move to the second floor. Look at your sheets on the desks. In Exercise 1 you have 2 pictures and only one text.

Variant 1: you tick only the sentences connected with the 1-st picture.

Variant 2: you tick the sentences connected with the 2-nd picture.

This is a living room. The walls are brown. There is a picture on the wall. There is a big wardrobe.

There is no carpet on the floor. There are two beautiful lamps. There is no carpet on the floor. There are four brown cushions on the sofa. The table is white. There is a wooden table. The carpet is light. There is a vase with flowers on the table. The window is very big.

T:Let's check your answers. Read the sentences in a chain. The correct answer is on the screen.

What have we done in this task?

P: We have elicited the necessary information from the text.

T: Can we fill in the 2-nd floor now?

3. New lexical material

T: Let's come back to the proverbs. We can see in every proverb the word "home". But at the primary classes you met with the word "house". Do you know the difference in meaning?

Look at the screen (2 pupils read the definition and examples)

A house(countable)- is a building that is made for people to live in

-I have a big house in the centre of the town

-His house is modern and comfortable

Home (uncountable)- is a place where you live or where you feel very comfortable; it might be a house, a flat or even a tent.

-They did a lot to feel at home

-It is a nice place! I feel like home here!

4. Practicing the rule

T: On your sheets you have exercise 2. Your task is to fill in the word (home/house). You have 3 minutes to do the task independently.

  1. Is your house light or dark?

  2. Sverdlovsk is my home town.

  3. Last year I stayed in Britain too long and I really missed home.

  4. Where is your house?- It is in Green Street

  5. There is no place like home

Exchange the sheet with your partner. The correct answers are on the screen. At the end of the lesson you should hand over your papers.

T: What have we done ?

P: We have studied the difference between two words "house" and "home"

T: Can we fill in the 3-rd floor now?

Reflexing time

T: Look at the map! Please show me where is Britain? (one pupil comes to the map and shows the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) -a connection with Geography lesson

  1. Project wok

Children show the pictures with different types of houses and give a short description of it.

P1: A cottage is a small one stored building usually in a countryside. It is often surrounded by the garden. It is a modest house at the lake or at the mountain resort.

P2: A castle is a large strong building build in the medieval period by a ruler or important person to protect people from attacks. It is usually with high walls and towers.

P3:A bungalow is a small one stored building sometimes with attic and windows in it. There are no stair between living areas.

P4: A cabin is a small house or even a shelter made of wood. It is usually situated in remote or wild area.

P5: A terraced house is a house in a terrace or a raw of houses, usually identical and having common dividing walls.

P6: A caravan is a wheeled vehicle for living or travelling in, especially for holidays. It contains beds and cooking equipment and can be pulled by a car .

Pupils after telling their short reports put the picture on the board.

T: Thank you for your reports. Let's repeat the types of the house once more after me. (in a chorus)

  1. Vocabulary practice.

Two tasks are given (for weaker and stronger pupils)

  1. Matching (for weaker pupils)

T:Match the pictures and the types of houses

  1. Matching (for stronger pupils)

T: Your task is to match the text with the description and the type of the house

I will check your works and you'll get the mark at the next lesson. You have 3 minutes.

1. This house was build long ago. Kings and quins lived there.

a cabin

2. It can be far from the center or in the village. There is only one store.

a castle

3. It can move anywhere. It is connected with the car. Travelers use it.

a terraced house

4. It is situated in the forest. It is made of wood.

a cottage

5. It has common walls with other houses.

a caravan

8.Listening and Watching the Video

T: Look at the screen. Here is a video about different types of houses. Your task is to watch and to listen attentively.

Watching the video

T: Now let's check whether you have everything understood. You have tasks where you have to say if the sentences are true or false. Be quick and attentive.

T: To check the answers look at the screen. Read aloud in a chain every sentence and give the answer.

8.1.Watching the video

8.2.Post-listening exercise.

Mark the sentences T(true) or F(false). Pupils wok individually, then compare the answers with the correct answers on the screen.

  1. Most British people live in bungalow. (F)

  2. About 80 % of British people live in flats. (T)

  3. All houses are of different shapes and color. (T)

  4. Many people live in caravans.(F)

  5. Some people live in very different homes like a castle or mansion. (T)

T: Let's return to our house. What have we done to fill in the fourth floor? Can we say, that it is fulfilled now? (teacher reminds the types of the houses and puts the pictures on the fourth floor).

T: Finally we have arrived to the fifth floor. What do we have to do to make it as bright as the previous ones?

Ps: We have to develop our speaking skills.

9.Speaking practice

T: Look what I have! It's an advertisement of the selling house.

In pairs, look at the advertisement and use the prompts to ask and answer the questions





-Telephone number?

You have 3-4 minutes. Several pairs present their dialogues.

T: What have we done? Can we fill in the fifth floor now?

III The final part of the lesson

  1. Summing up

T: Our building is finished. Look at our house. Do you like it? Was it interesting for you? What did we have to do?

Look, we have the sun in the corner of the blackboard but it isn't shining. If we have reached the aims of our lesson it will be shining again!

Read aloud the aims on the rays

-to revise the words about parts of the house;

-to revise the furniture;

-to develop reading skills;

-to develop listening skills;

-to learn the new words;

-to define the difference home/house;

-to develop speaking.

Well done! Our lesson is almost over. I liked our work! We have three stairs at our house. Il You were successful today stick your smiley on the firs stair, if you have some difficulties-on the second and if you haven't understood anything-on the third. I'll be the first.

  1. Hometask

Write some (6-8) sentences about your house or about your dream house.


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