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- Урок английского языка в 10 классе по теме 'Are you in the Web?'
Урок английского языка в 10 классе по теме 'Are you in the Web?'
Ковалёва Ольга Владимировна
учитель английского языка
МБОУ «СОШ №28»
Урок английского языка
в 10 классе по теме "Are you in the Web?"
Город Череповец Вологодская область
УМК: New Millennium English.
Авторы: О.Л.Гроза, О.Б. Дворецкая и другие.
Тема: "Computers." Unit 8.
Цели урока: 1. Формировать у учащихся умения реализовать новые способы
2. Осуществлять развитие коммуникативной компетенции.
Задачи урока: 1. Ввести и отработать тематическую лексику.
2. Развивать навыки детального чтения.
3. Научить учащихся извлекать информацию из текста в том объёме, который необходим для решения речевой задачи.
Формы организации познавательной деятельности учащихся: фронтальная, групповая, парная.
Ресурсы: учебник, раздаточный материал.
I этап урока. Warm-up.
Работа с учебником. Упр.№1 стр.126. Задание: fill in the mind map "Computers are used for…"
Information for the teacher: welcome all ideas, students may work in pairs or do it with the whole class on the blackboard.
Постановка проблемной задачи урока.
II этап урока. Дотекстовый.
1.Ознакомление с новой лексикой и определение основной идеи текста.
Key words.
A network- сеть
To link- связывать
To connect- соединять
Information age- век информационных технологий
Military- военный
To own- обладать
Global potential- глобальный потенциал
Disruptive nature- разрушительная природа
To search the Web- исследовать сеть
A message board- доска объявлений
To eat into smth- вторгаться во что-либо
2. Работа с заголовком. Учащиеся определяют перечень проблем, поднимаемых в тексте.
3. Ответы на предложенный вопрос до чтения текста. (Работа в группах).
Вопрос: Для каких целей вы пользуетесь сетью интернет?
1. Join discussion groups about a common subject.
2. Get information by searching the Web.
3. Learn in the Internet.
4. Download e-books.
5. Get multimedia- graphics and video.
6. Chat or exchange messages with people all over the world.
7. Download music.
8. Publish your own material on the Web.
9. Playing games.
10. Send and receive e-mails.
11. Get or exchange files.
III этап урока. Текстовый.
Чтение текста и выполнение заданий.
Задание 1. Заполните пропуски вариантами из списка.
The Internet is a vast network that connects many independent networks spanning over _____ countries in the world. In ____ it became a mainstream thing and soon _____ of people were using the World Wide Web. Internet telephony service Skype now has ____ million users globally. The ______ elements of the Internet are the _____ of the Web, the _______ of Internet tools and its ______.
(170, 1990s, global potential, disruptive nature, 196, millions, 3, innovations)
Задание 2. Определите самые популярные цели использования «всемирной паутины».
The most popular activities in the Internet.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Задание 3. Прочитайте данные ниже утверждения и определите, верны они или об этом ничего в тексте не сказано.
The Internet was created by the US military.
The Internet is bad for family life.
Ann Fox thinks that the Internet has global importance.
Some organizations with the government want to own the Internet.
Australian school kids did homework for Korean school kids using the Internet and making pocket money.
IV этап урока. Послетекстовый.
Make up the plan of the text.
Copy the chart and fill it in using the facts from the text. Think of at least one more argument for and one more against.
Arguments for the Internet
Arguments against the Internet
V этап урока.
Домашнее задание. Get ready to report your ideas on the topic "The Internet as the greatest achievement of the information age".
Text. The Internet.
Hello, I am Ann Fox. I am a university professor and I am teaching computer science. I find the Internet the greatest development of the information age. This invention belongs to Americans. Like the first computers the Internet was created by the US military men. In 1990s it became a mainstream thing and soon millions of people were using the World Wide Web. The Internet has changed the reality, people around the world meet and connect on-line and the world around us seems smaller.
The Internet is a vast network that connects many independent networks spanning over 170 countries in the world. It links computers of many different types, sizes, and operating systems, and, of course, the people of those countries that use the internet to communicate.
The one thing all these different computers have in common is the use of the Internet Protocol, IP in short, which lets computers of different types to communicate with each other. And many people want to know who owns the Internet. The answer is "nobody". No organization, corporation or government owns or runs the Internet. Instead, many people and organizations voluntarily meet to develop standards for many various technical needs of running the Internet.
As for the World Wide Web, the Web was invented by Tim Berners-Lee and others at the European Laboratory for Particle Physics in Switzerland. It was originally for text links only, but as it was further developed, multimedia links were added too. And the Web soon became the most popular way of linking to resources on the Internet.
Here are six most popular activities in the Internet. The most common things you can do are get information by searching the Web, send and receive e-mails, chat or exchange messages with people all over the world, join discussion groups about a common subject, get or exchange software and files, publish your own material on the Web in blogs, message boards or your own Web pages.
The Internet also has three basic elements which are the global potential of the Web, the disruptive nature of Internet tools and its innovation. The global potential and innovations of the Internet are clear, I think. Ten years ago, I discovered Korean school kids doing homework for Australian school kids. They used the overnight time difference between Australia and Korea and made some decent pocket money. Not very ethical, I should say, but very enterprising and very global. And what I mean by "the disruptive nature of the Internet" is that the Web giants like Google and Amazon are in a smaller way disruptive for the travel industry, for example. The Web has made a shift in power from corporations to users, and techie tools like Internet telephony service Skype are used now by millions of people. Skype now has 196 million users globally.