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  • Конспект урока по теме 'Животные' 6 класс

Конспект урока по теме 'Животные' 6 класс

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Конспект урока по английскому языку
в 6 классе


учитель английского языка

Ситникова Анна Ивановна


Урок по английскому языку для 6 класса по теме «Животные»

Учитель: Ситникова А.И МБОУ" Печищинская ООШ"

Цель урока: Создание условий для успешного формирования навыков МР ,ДР

Тип урока: комбинированный


Образовательные: ознакомить уч-ся с написанием личного письма

Развивающие:развивать умения аудирования,устной речи,развивать умения выражать свое мнение

Воспитательные: работать в парах,выслушивать мнения одноклассников,проявлять уважения ко всему что окружает человека

Фоомирование УУД

Личностные: положительное отношение к процессу познания,применять прпвила сотрудничества

Регулятивные: Оценивать и корректировать свою деятельность

Познавательные: воспроизводить по памяти информацию,необходимую для решения учебной задачи,высказывать предположения

Планируемый результат:

Совершенствования навыка УР по теме"Животные",писать письмо по образцу

Оборудование: аудиозапись, карточки,презентация

Эмоциональное вхождение в урок.

1.Good morning boys and girls. Nice to see you again. How are you?

Let's greet your shoulder partners.( How are you? Are you in good mood? I am glad to see you. Have a nice day!)

I am very glad that all of you are in good mood today.

Постановка цели урока. Мотивация учебной деятельности.

.Listen to the poem and try to guess the theme of our lesson

I love all kind of animals

Dogs and cats and rabbits.

I love all kind of animals

Despite their little habits.

If I had tons of money,

Do you know what I would do?

I would buy lots of animals

And I have my own zoo.

But they wouldn't be in cages,

They would be free to run around.

And there's one thing they would feel

And that is safe and sound

You are absolutely right. Today we continue to speak about animals and we'll learn to write a personal letter

Актуализация знаний

I want you look at the blackboard and repeat after me these words.(Take-off- tough-down)

Funny/pretty/loving/naughty/goose/monkey/forest/peacock/wing/ beak/domestic/

Who knows these line of words stand up, please. Well, done.

Do your like animals? What kind of animals do your know?

Тренировка лексических навыков

Look at the screen and name the animals according to the heading

Pet animals/ Farm animals/ Wild animals

Well, and now make these nouns in plural(затем уч-ся образуют мн.число от данных сущ-ных)

Учитель обращает внимания на существительные исключения

A deer- a mouse

A fish- a goose-

And now guess the riddles

-This animal lives in the forest. It is neither big nor small. It likes to eat carrots and it is afraid of foxes and wolves.This animal run very fast.( a hare)

- This animal is very big. It is grey and sometimes white. It has a very long nose( an elephant)

-This animal can be black, grey, white or red. It lives in the house. It can catch a grey mouse. It likes meat, fish and milk. It can run, jump, climb and walk.(a cat)

- This animal is red and sly. It likes hens, cocks, hares, and ducks. It lives in the forest (a fox)

-It is very long. It doesn't have any legs. It eats small animals. It can be very dangerous(a snake)

-It has a very long neck and four long legs( a giraffe)

-It has big ears. It has fingers and toes. It likes to swing from trees(a monkey)

-It is a very big cat (a tiger)

-It can swim in the water and walk on land. It wears a shell( a turtle)

-It is pink and likes to roll in the mud(a pig)

Тренировка навыков МР и ДР

Corners(Farm animals-Wild animals- Domestic animals)

What would you chose. Think about 10 seconds. Open your exercise books and write type of animals you like.

And now stand up. Push in your chairs and go to the corner according to your choice. Make a pair. Who is taller begins. Share your ideas. You have enough time. Why do you choose farm animals. You have different opinions.

Thank you for your sincere answers.

Children we often compare people's characteristics with animals traits, don't we ?

Can you find these similes?

Busy - a loon

Crazy - a jaguar

Fast - a bee

Happy - a pig in mud

Scared - a goose

Silly -a turtle

Slow -a giraffe

Tall - a bug's ear

Cute -a church mouse

Quiet -an owl

Shy -a rabbit

Wise -a mouse

And now open your diaries and write down your homework (to learn these proverbs by heart)

Учитель раздает карточки с пословицами на дом

Динамическая пауза. Упражнения для улучшения осанки

I see you are tired . Let's have a rest.

Hands up

Hands down

Hands on hips

Sit down

Stand up

Hands to the sides

Bend left bend right

One, two, three hop

One, two, three stop

Усвоение нового теоретического материала.

Today we'll learn how to write a personal letter.

Look at the screen.

Учитель объясняет правила написания личного письма, затем уч-ся пишут о себе и своем любимом питомце по образцу


Do you like our lesson? What was the theme of our lesson? What new words have your learn? Have you understood the material of our lesson? And now fill in this table box.

My participation in the lesson.

My feelings and emotions during the lesson.

My difficulties.

Valuable thoughts for me from the lesson( уч-ся заполняют форму самооценки своей деятельности на уроке)

Thank you for your excellent answers and your work. The lesson is over.

Список использованной литературы:

1.Валлиуллина Юлия Евгеньевна ,учебник для 5 класса-М: «Просвещение»,2015

2.Бурлакова А.П., «Занимательный английский»- М: «Просвещение»,1986


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