- Учителю
- Group Project 'To Ukraine with Love'
Group Project 'To Ukraine with Love'
Учбові проекти
як форма інтерактивної роботи на уроках англійської мови
Важливою вимогою суспільства до особистості є набуття вмінь і навичок, що сприяють розвиткові та самореалізації особистості. Це завдання значною мірою вирішується через запровадження інноваційних технологій, серед яких важливу роль відіграють інтерактивні технології.
Метод учбових проектів - одна з форм інтерактиву. Працюючи над проектом, учні вчаться працювати в групі, допомагати та підтримувати одне одного, відшукувати інформацію з різних джерел, оформляти матеріал та представляти його, оцінювати свою роботу на фоні інших, порівнювати свій власний рівень володіння мовою та бачити досягнення. Проектна діяльність допомагає учням набути навичок пошукової роботи через практичну самостійну та колективну роботу з додатковою літературою, розв'язати проблемну ситуацію та набути навичок застосування отриманих знань, набути позитивного досвіду групової роботи.
Організація роботи здійснюється за планом :
1. Вибір теми проекту з обов'язковим урахуванням актуальності, зацікавленості та практичного використання результатів.
2. Підбір учителем питань та завдань, формулювання мети, розробка плану роботи над проектом.
3. Формування груп, визначення лідерів, оголошення теми та мети проекту, обговорення плану роботи.
4. Періодичний контроль та короткий звіт представників груп про виконаний обсяг робіт проводиться на початку уроку.
6. Попередні консультації груп з учителем, підготовка до презентації.
7. Презентація та захист проекту.
8. Оголошення підсумків та їх обговорення.
Частина проектів є груповими й виконується під загальним гаслом «Навчання у співпраці». Створюються тимчасові групи по 4-5 учнів, які виконують різні за типом та часом виконання проекти. Групи є мобільними і під час виконання нового проекту , склад змінюється. Це дає можливість змінювати свою позицію у групі: одного разу ти - лідер, іншим разом - консультант або рядовий член команди. Даний метод можна застосовувати на поточних уроках, під час підготовки позакласних заходів, проведення літньої навчальної практики.
Зміст роботи
Тип заняття
Види мовленнєвої діяльності
Визначення проблеми
Розробка плану роботи
1-2 години
Картка вчителя
Робота учнів над проектом
Поза-урочна робота
6 годин
Картка учнів
Самостійний пошук інформації
Поточний контроль
1 година
Усний звіт
Робота учнів над проектом
Поза-урочна робота
7-10 годин
Картки учнів
1 година
Підготовле-ний учнями проект
Підсумкове оцінювання
1 година
Картки підсумко-вого оцінювання
1. National symbols
2. Geographical position
3. Economical situation
4. Ecology
5. Education
6. Trip about Ukraine
7. Donetsk region
8. Sport
9. National symbols
10. Native Town
Every year Ukraine celebrates the anniversary of its independence and we need to analyze the achievements of our country. That's why it is very useful for us to know the history of Ukraine. Every bird likes its own nest, the proverb says. We love our Ukraine and we are proud to say we are Ukrainians.
I'd like to tell a legend about Ukraine. Many years ago the God made peoples and gave them the land. Our forefathers were late and they were not given land. They came to the God. He was praying at that moment and they did not interrupt him. They waited. The god said that they were good and respectful. They told him about the reason for their coming. The God proposed them the black land (soil). Our forefathers said, "No, the German, French, Spanish and Italian people live there. " And the God answered, "Then I'll give you the land I have left for the paradise. There is everything there: rivers, lakes, forests, deserts. But remember: if you take care of it, it will be yours, if not - it will belong to your enemies."
Our forefathers went to that land, settled there and have lived up there till nowadays. And their country was called Ukraine.
Teacher: Today we gathered to generalize our knowledge concerning the theme "Ukraine". The lesson isn't usual. We are going to have the meeting of our debating club. Your assignment was to be divided into groups or pairs where everyone had his own task to show your speaking skills.
So, guys, go ahead.
Student 1: (in folk clothes) My native land... A cherry garden flourishing in spring, a quiet river, a field of sunflowers that stretches far belong the horizon.
Student 2: (in folk clothes) My native land... The street where my friends and I live, the school we all go to, the old park we used to play in when we were kids.
Ukraine! Ukraine, Motherland, and Homeland are some sacred words for everyone. These words are full of deep meaning for all of us.
Student 1: I'd like to start our meeting with the words of the famous Ukrainian poet Vasyl Symonenko:
Native land of mine! My mind is brighter,
Tenderness and love in my soul grow.
When you're mighty hopes and dreams uplifting.
In my life here strong and steady flow
You are bread for me, my aim for living
From your soul I came and shall return
And beneath your high domed heavens
Life's hard lessons my young soul did learn.
Teacher: Every country has its national symbols.
I think it will be interesting to know about them.
- I am visiting your country and I want to know more about it. I am from Great Britain and I don't know what national symbols of Ukraine are.
- The national symbols of Ukraine are the national flag, the national emblem and the national anthem. They were adopted by the Verkhovna Rada in 1992.
- I heard that the Ukrainian flag consists of two horizontal stripes of equal width. The top is blue and the bottom is yellow. These are the colours of the sky, the mountains, the rivers and the golden fields of your beautiful country. Is it true?
- Yes, it is.
- What can you tell about national emblem?
- Similar to other European nations, the national emblems of Ukraine have changed during the millennium of Ukrainian history.
- I know that the contemporary national emblem of Ukraine is a trident. Tell me please about history of foundation of a trident.
- The first image of a trident appeared in the ninth century, Ihor, the Prince of Kyivan Rus sent ambassadors to sign a treaty with the Byzantine Emperor and they sealed the document with a trident.
- What does the trident mean?
- This emblem was a mark of authority and a mystic symbol of one or several of the ethnic groups which inhabited ancient Ukrainian territory and which came to compose the Ukrainian nation. Maybe do you know something about the Ukrainian trident?
- Yes, I do. It is thought that the trident represented the division of the world into three spheres: the earthly, the celestial and the spiritual - as well as the union of the three natural elements: air, water and earth. Tell me, please, when was the trident adopted?
- In 1918 the trident was adopted as the national symbol of independent Ukraine. Sovereign Ukraine adopted the trident as its emblem again in 1992.
- And what about National anthem of Ukraine? Say a few words about its history.
- The anthem of Ukraine "Shche ne vmerla Ukraina" is of quite recent origin. In 1863 the Lviv journal "Meta" published the poem of the scientist and poet Pavlo Chubynsky. In the same year it was set to music composer Mykhaylo Verbytsky.
- When was a song adopted?
- In 1917 the song was officially adopted as the anthem of the Ukrainian state. When Ukraine gained its sovereignty "Shche ne vmerla Ukraina" became the state anthem again.
- Thank you for interesting information.
Teacher: It's common knowledge that every educated person has to know the main facts about history, geography and culture of his native land. From childhood we know these facts. We learn them at our lessons at school. And now, see the fragment of geography lesson at our Lyceum.
- Hello, students. The theme of our lesson is "The Population and Geographical Position of Ukraine". Who did the homework? Answer my question. Where is Ukraine situated?
Student 1 - Ukraine is situated in the middle of Europe.
- You are right. What is the population of Ukraine?
Student 2 - The population is about 45 mln. people.
- Ukraine is washed by...
Student 3 - the Black and the Azov Seas.
- Is it right that Ukraine is the biggest country of Europe?
Student 4 - No, it is not. Ukraine is the biggest country in the Western Europe.
- What countries does Ukraine border on?
Student 5 - Ukraine borders on Russia, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Belorus and Slovakia, Romania.
- Say me, please, how many lakes are there in Ukraine and where are they located?
Student 6- There are more than 20000 lakes in Ukraine. They are located in Polissya and Crimea.
- Yes, you are right. The lesson is over. Good bye.
Teacher: You've heard about geographical position of Ukraine from which we can make a conclusion that Ukraine is supposed to be economical developed country.
How is it in reality, will figure it out from the dialogue of this pair.
- Hello! I'm a representative of the European counsel. I want to value the economic position of Ukraine.
- Hello. I'm a minister of foreign trade. Nice to meet you. I'll tell you about economy of Ukraine with pleasure. Ukraine has a developed economy with strong industry and agriculture.
- Tell me about the rich of Ukraine's lands.
- Huge coal deposits lie in the Donbas, the centre of Ukraine's heavy industry. Ukraine also mines iron ore, natural gas and many others.
- I have the information what Ukraine's heavy industries produce iron and steel and such machines as tractors, machine tools and mining equipment. Is it true?
- Yes, it's true! Ukraine also produces cars, buses, railway carriages, airplanes. Do you know that Ukraine is famous for its agricultural production and it is known as the breadbasket of Europe?
- Yes, I know. I know also that Ukrainian farmers raise beef, and dairy cattle.
- To my mind, Ukraine is very impressive country.
- I agree with you! Thank you!
Teacher: Development of economy has its consequences and they are not always good for nature.
We have the group who organized the publication of the newspaper devoted to the problems of environment protection of Ukraine. They are our guests. They will tell us about ecological situation:
Student 1: For many centuries the people who lived on our planet before us had been trying to make their life easier and more comfortable. They thought that resources of the Earth were endless. They used those resources without thinking about the generations that would come after them. Our ancestors chopped down the forest, killed animals that lived there and invented machines and instruments that polluted the water the air and soil. In the 20 century, the rapid growth of science and technology resulted in an increasing negative effect on the biosphere of the Earth. This leads to the reduction of the life-span of man.
Student 2: Sorry for my interruption. Let me introduce myself. My name is Mareya York. I'm representative of an international organization Greenpeace in Great Britain. We have similar problems connecting to environmental Greenpeace in Great Britain. Huge industrial enterprises pollute the air we breathe, the water we drink and the land, which gives as bread, vegetables and fruit. Their discharge of dust and gas into the atmosphere returns to the Earth in the form of acid rains. It also destroys the ozone layer of the Earth and causes ''greenhouse effect''. It effects forests rivers, crops and people's health. People die younger, because of cancer, AIDS and other diseases which are directly connected with the polluted environment they live in. Many species of animal and birds face extinction die to the pollution of the biosphere. I have a question: What kind of situation with air pollution do you have in your country?
Student 3: We have such trouble problem. The worst situation with air pollution is in big overpopulated cities. I know from your newspapers, radio that in Mexico city, for example breathing is equivalent to smoking 2 packs of cigarettes a day. The big industrial cities in Ukraine like Zaporighya, Donetsk, Kharkiv and some others have the same situation.
Student 4: Thanks for your answer. The tragedy of Chernobyl was paid attention all the world. In April 1986 that nuclear power plant just north-west of Kiev suffered the worst nuclear accident in history. What other consequences of this tragedy? Tell me please about it.
Student 5: Dozen died immediately, tens of thousands were evacuated while the long-term effects to human life are difficult to calculate. A large part of Ukraine, Russia and Byelorussia was polluted by radioactive substances. Great damage was done to their economy, nature and people's health. The problem of Chernobyl has not been solved yet because of the economic difficulties that Ukraine is having now. The power plant was closed on December 15, 2000.
Student 3: And what about work of Greenpeace in your country?
Student 4: From the very beginning I want to say a few words about such international environmental organization as Greenpeace. It wants to preserve earth natural resources and it's many different types of plant and animal life. The organization campaigns against nuclear weapons testing, environmental pollution & harmful practices in fishing logging & industries.
Student 6: When & where Greenpeace started?
Student 4: Greenpeace was started in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, in 1917, by members of a small group opposed to nuclear weapons testing by the United States military in Alaska.
Student 3: Why did they cold they are group Greenpeace?
Student 4 : The group renamed itself Greenpeace to show the biggest goal of creating a green & peaceful world.
Student 6: What are the main action of this organization?
Student 4: Greenpeace became know for it's exciting exploits that attracted media attention to environmental issues. Greenpeace members in small rubber boats have disrupted whaling expeditions by putting themselves between the whales & hunters harpoons. They did something similar in Newfoundland to protest the killing of baby seals, whose soft white fur is used by clothing manufactures to make coats.
Student 3: What about numbers of your organization?
Student 4: Greenpeace has about 3 ml. paying members & more than 40 offices in 30 countries. Its international headquaters are in Amsterdam, Netherlands. My final question to you. In what way does your country solve the actual problem - the problem of environmental protection?
Student 5: Our country pays much attention to the question of nature conservation. Article 67 of our constitution reads: ''Citizens of Ukraine are obliged to protect nature & conserve its riches''. New laws and resolutions have aim to protect the atmosphere from pollution, protect the country's natural resources & save plants, birds, animals from extinction.
Teacher; We do not think about future generation when we are trying to achieve good results in economy, polluting our planet. And future generation is our children who attend different educational establishment. What do we have in educational sphere?
- I interview to the minister of education of Ukraine. (The pupil's name) we are happy to see you here. Tell us, please, what are stages of education according to ''the law of education?''
- According ''the law of education?'' there are the following stages of education: pre-school education, secondary education, vocational education, higher education, often-diploma training, post graduate courses, doctorate courses, improving qualification courses, beyond - the - school education, self - education.
- Education is compulsory in Ukraine, isn't it?
- Yes, it is. In Ukraine education is compulsory for all children between the age of 6 to 15.
- What can you tell about secondary school?
- The secondary school give general education which has three stages: primary school, main school and high school. Most of the children enter school with the pre-school education.
- Yes, it's true. I know that for adults there are evening and distance learning secondary schools. And what about vocational and higher education in Ukraine?
- Vocational education is provided either in secondary schools or in vocational schools.
- What are the types of higher educational establishments?
- In Ukraine there are the following types of higher educational establishments: technical schools, colleges, institutes, conservatories, academies, universities.
- It is well known about cooperation between our country and other countries in the field of education. Explain this problem.
- Our universities develop cooperation with institutions of higher education in foreign countries on the basic of bilateral agreements they exchange experience on teaching methods the work of departments.
- I think that in a few years our country will create the base of intellectual potential of the world not only of Ukraine.
- I completely agree with you.
- Thank you very much.
Teacher: Our country needs attention; we have to protect it and to multiply its riches. The main treasure is our people and places where they live. Let's make a short trip about Ukraine and visit the most famous places of the capital Kyiv.
- If I was asked what my favourite city is I would say without hesitation that it's Kiev.
- Yes. If only you visited Kiev you are sure to feel like coming back there again and again.
- What do you know about history of Kiev?
- Kiev is the capital of our country. It is one of the largest European cities. More than three million people like there. Kiev is situated on the Dnieper, the longest and most beautiful river of Ukraine. The capital of Ukraine is an ancient city Kiev is one of the oldest cities in Eastern Europe. It is more than fifteen hundred years old. The beautiful old legend about the foundation of Kiev tells about the 3 brothers. Its history goes back to the 5the century. That's why it is rich in numerous historical monuments and ancient buildings. What places of interest do you like?
- Numerous churches remind the visitor, that Kiev has always been the centre of Slavonic culture. Kiev is famous for the oldest monastery, Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra.
It was the main centre of the early culture of Kievan Rus. In the centre of the city there is St. Sophia's Cathedral. Opposite it there is the Cathedral Library containing a great number of valuable books. The Independence Square-is the main square of Kyiv. There are many museums, monuments, theatres in Kiev.
- I know that Kyiv is the largest centre of national culture. A lot of concert-halls, fifteen museums, palaces of culture, film studios, the circus make Kiev a large culture, centre in Ukraine. The Kiev Shevchenko Opera and Ballet House, the Kiev Franko Drama Theatre are well-known all over the world. What kind of centre of Kiev?
- Kiev is not only cultural centre. Kiev is a busy political, economic and industrial centre of this country. Its enterprises produce machines, TV-sets and electronic equipment, chemicals and textiles industry. Tell me please, what do you know about government of Ukraine?
- Kiev is the seat of the Supreme Council and the cabinet of Ministers President of Ukraine lives and works there.
- I think that not only inhabitants of Kiev, but all citizens are proud of their capital.
- We invite you to our capital.
Teacher: Travelling is very exiting and brings a lot of unforgettable moments. But I can assure you that sport is not less thrilling. There are the students who describe the development of sport in our country. We are very glad to see another pair who will present us their point of view on the role of sport in people's life.
- We are glad to see you . I am a reporter of famous sport program and today we invited a famous Ukrainian sportsman ( name). Nice to meet you.
- Hi!
- So, I want to tell about your sport career. Say, please, how did you become a sportsman?
- I believed to be a football - player from early childhood. Although my parents were against this choice, I attend football section.
- And how did you catch to the higher Ukrainian league?
- My trainers consider that I'm a very good player because I train much and play well, I changed many teams and now I play in the high league of our country.
- As you have been a professional sportsman you maybe know a general status of sport in Ukraine. Would you explain it?
- Nowadays sport is widely developing in Ukraine, as all over the world but not so rapid. For example, some kinds of sport are not so popular and we hear about them just a little. Other ones, such as football and basketball, take a large place in sport life of Ukrainian people.
- Let's speak about the fact how sport is useful for people.
- Sport is one of the few things that makes people healthy and strong. The general belief is that a person who goes in for sports can't be weak and ill.
- Thus, nobody likes to be clumsy and often ill, and all want to have nice bodies and strength such as sportsmen and athletes have.
-And there is a fact that physically inactive people get old earlier then those who find time for sport activity.
- To confirm all these I must say that good health is better than good medicine.
- Of course. Keep your health and go in for sport.
Teacher: Sport helps people to be healthy and strong. And home helps people to be completely happy.
Student1: I liked your excursion about the Kiev, but I must say, Krasnyi Lyman is worth to visit too. We are inhabitants of this small and cosy place and we are proud of our town. Today I met my pen-friend from England and decided to come here with her. Let me introduce my friend.
- Hello, my name is . . . I came from England. I like to visit your beautiful country and your town Kr. Liman. (The name's of the student1) has written about her native town and I can see it with my own eyes.
- As to my native city we have population of 50000 people. What about population of your town?
- The population of Krasnyi Lyman is more than 28 000 people.
- I was impressed by beauty of the city. It is a small quite town but very cosy.
- There are no theatres and large hotels, multistory houses and broad avenues in my town, but still I do like it because I live here. Krasnyi Lyman is green and tidy with a typical modesty of a provincial beauty with natural magic. I think it is much better than bright sights of big cities.
-How can the people of your town spend their free time?
-We have lots of opportunities to go in for sports because there is good stadium in our town. There are many lakes and forests around the town because it stands on the river Siversky Donets and there are many rest houses and sanatoriums here.
I am happy to live in Krasnyi Lyman because my parents, friends, my house are here.It is not easy to leave my nest if I need. And every time I come back, I am happy to be where my heart is.
- I am very glad to know about you and youe native town and I think next time you will visit my country and my town.
Student 1: There is no place like home. Ukraine is our home and even when it happens to live abroad we never stop dreaming of the golden cupolas of Kyiv's cathedrals, green streets of our native place and beauty of our native land.
Teacher: So, our meeting is over. Thank you for visiting us.