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- The Future Simple Tense тақырыбында өткізілген ашық сабақ
The Future Simple Tense тақырыбында өткізілген ашық сабақ
«Өзге тілді тек өз тіліміз арқылы ғана үйренуге болатынын естен істе шығармауымыз керек».
Form: 4
Time limit: 45 min
The theme of the lesson: My Dream. The Future Simple Tense
The type of the lesson: traditional
To enrich pupils` knowledge, outlook
To develop pupils` critical thinking, speaking, reading, listening & writing
Students should be able to
revise and use Future Indefinite Tense
express their opinion about future profession and future action
speak the short sentences.
Eguipments: pictures, posters, cards, tape-recorder, slaid
Quotations: 1. ""
The plan of the lesson : I. Organization moment a) greeting
b) checking pupil's attendance
II. Checking home-task
III. Presentation of a lesson
IV. Practice
V. Generalization a) giving home-task
b) evaluation
The Procedure of the lesson:
Organization moment
Good morning, good morning,
Good morning to you.
Good morning, my teacher,
We're glad to see you!
Good morning, good morning,
Good morning to you.
Good morning, dear children,
I'm glad to see you!
T.I'm very glad to see you! Sit down , please! How are you? Class: OK, thank you! T.Let's begin our lesson
Before beginning our lesson, I invite you to watch a film. Do you know the film "Менің атым - Қожа"
«Менің атым - Қожа» фильмінен Рахманов ағайының «Менің арманым» туралы шығарма жазуға тапсырма беріп, Қожаның ойланып отыратын сәтін көрсету.
I want to give you a task: Now, please, write down about your dreams in one sentence on this sheet of paper.
(Түрлі-түсті парақтар таратылып, әр оқушы бір сөйлеммен қазақ тілінде өздерінің армандарын жазады.)
Жазылған армандарды күн шапағы ретімен тақтаға орналастыру.
Now, continue our lesson, the theme of our lesson called " My dream. Future Indefinite Tense." Students, on the latest lesson we have been talking about the future. You learned to say the sentences in the future.
Home - task. The children are going to have a fancy-dress party. They are choosing masks and clothes. What are they saying? I shall be a fox. I'll put on the mask of a fox. I'll walk like a fox
I shall be a bear. I shall put on the mask of a bear. I shall walk like a bear.
Dana will be a fish. She will put on the mask of a fish. She will swim like a fish.
Nurbike will be a parrot. She will put on the mask of a parrot. She will repeat every word like a parrot.
I shall be a rabbit, I'll put on the mask of a rabbit. I'll run like a rabbit.
Kausar will be a wolf. She will put on the mask of a wolf. She will bark like a wolf.
I shall be a lion,
And you will be a bear.
I shall run after you
And you'll hide under the chair.
Ok. Thank you. Let's continue our lesson.
A game: FORTUNE - TELLER. In the box will lye a sheet of paper one sentence about what will happen to your classmates in the future. There will be written something realistic or fantastic.
Сен әдемі үйде тұрасың.
Сен әжеңмен Астанаға барасың.
Сен ғарышқы көшесің.
Сен келесі жылы пианинода өте жақсы ойнайтын боласың.
Сенің досың атақты болады.
Сен досыңмен әлемді шарлайсың.
Сен ертең велорсипед сатып аласың.
Сен келесі аптада досыңмен кездесесің.
Сен математикадан жақсы баға аласың.
Сен ұшқыш боласың.
You will live in a beautiful house.
You will visit Astana with your grandmother.
You will move to space.
You will play piano very well next year.
Your friend will become famous.
You will travel all over the world with your friend.
You will buy a bicycle tomorrow.
You will meet your friend next week.
You will get an excellent mark at Maths.
You will be a pilot
What are you going to do
When you are twenty-two?
I'll write a story,
I'll make a plane.
I'll teach children.
I'll make rain.
What are you going to be
When you are twenty-three?
I'll be a pilot,
I'll be a doctor.
I'll be a teacher.
I'll be a worker.
Where are you going to be
When you are twenty-three?
I'll be in London,
I'll be in Rome.
I'll be in Africa.
I'll be home.
What are you going to do
When you are one hundred and two?
I don't know
Do you?
Pupils you know the fortune-teller gives us a real conditions of our mind. You have to believe it. Then dream will come true.
Now please, watch a short film about our President of Kazakhstan. His dream comes true. "Балалық шағымның аспаны» атты фильмнен заңғар көкке көз тіккен Нұрсұлтанның арманы орындалды. Сол сияқты қазақтың тұңғыш ұшқышы Тоқтар Әубәкіровтің де кезінде жілікті ұшақ қып ойнап, кейін ағаштан ұшақ ойып жасап, ойнаған бала арманы да орындалды.
М.Шаханов: «Үлкен болып қалу үшін ғаламда,
Үлкен арман керек екен адамға» деген сөзімен сабақты аяқтаймыз.
Giving home-task: your home-task will be "Think about life in 2030 and in 2050? Will the world be different?"
(to write 5-6 sentences )
</<font size="4">Now, boys and girls what have you known from this lesson? What have you learnt? Do you like this lesson? Now the lesson is over, good-bye!