• Учителю
  • Итоговая работа по теме Разговорный английский

Итоговая работа по теме Разговорный английский

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Программа «Тренер - преподаватель по английскому языку»


на тему

« Spoken English »


Cабагинова З.В. ______________

ФИО (подпись)

РУКОВОДИТЕЛЬ: ________________

Евдаш Валерия Михайловна (подпись)

зав. отд. англ.яз. РИМС ТюмГУ

Салехард - Тюмень 2015



Training plan_____________________________________ 3-5

Reference _____________________________________ 6

Appendix I _____________________________________ 7

Appendix II ___________________________________ 8

Appendix III ____________________________________9-11

Appendix IV ____________________________________12-15

Appendix V ____________________________________16-17

Reflection _____________________________________ 18

Training plan form

Target teacher group: Yamalskaya boarding school

- experienced school teachers of more than 3 years of teaching and who have no experience at all

- their level of English should be Upper-Intermediate or Advanced

- graduates from Philological Institutes


Spoken English

The aim -to help participants in teaching spoken English

The tasks:

to expand trainees' views on some problems of speaking

to find some approaches in studying speaking skills

to define teachers' view on practicing speaking skills

Learning outcome by the end of the workshop the trainees will be able:

  • to apply new material in their work

  • to enhance their level of the experience of practicing speaking skills

Materials & References

A4 size paper, handouts, pens

Audio-visual aids: a presentation



Trainer procedures

Teacher actions


Interaction form

Greeting and warming up, introduction to The subject (10 min)

Begin with chants to concentrate trainees and to identify the topic .

Give them a sheet of paper and ask them to put all types of activity (speaking, listening, reading, writing and translating) in order as they prefer.

They repeat chants together

They match each column according to their learning preferences and give the sheets back to the trainer.

Appendix 1

The chants

sheets of paper from Appendix 2

collection of information

pair or group work

Discussing the results (10min)

Collect all the sheets and put them on the board without asking owner's names. Make comment on each paper and try to sum up the results. Offer your trainees to divide into two small groups of 3 or 4 persons in each,

They got the results and try to find the balance among all the class activities like speaking, reading, writing, translating and listening together and then they share their opinions.

handouts on the board, sheets of A4 size paper

discussion, group work

Theoretical part (10 min)

Tell about problems of teaching Spoken English.

Listen, make note, prepare questions

Appendix 3

group work

Practical part (40 min)

Give clear instructions at the beginning. Offer the trainees a variety of tasks which may help to overcome the problems with speaking, explaining the final result - fight with fear of speaking English. Make two groups of trainees to brainstorm together.

Find the most suitable complex of tasks which may help their trainees to do and start talking. Give their reasons and explain your choice.

Appendix 4


individual, pair and group work

Peer assessment (5 min)

Explains the roles of the participants

Follow the instructions

A4 size paper, pens

Feedback pair, group work

Reflection (15min)

Sum up all the group variants giving comments. Ask all the listeners to vote for tasks from Appendix 4

Reflect on the workshop

A4 size paper, pens. Blackboard

Pair, group work.

Sharing opinions.


1. Celce-Murcia. M. (2001). Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language (3rd ed). USA: Heinle&Heinle.

2. Long M.H & Richards, J.C. (1987). Methodology in TESOL. USA: Heinle&Heinle.

3. Nunan. D. (1991) Language Teaching Methodology. UK: Prentice Hall International (Chapter two & three)

4. Tanner .R. & Green.C.(1998) Tasks for teacher education. UK. Addisson Wesley Longman. Ltd.

5. Notes from own experience. Sabaginova Z.V. Yamalskаyа boarding school.

6. www.teachingenglish.org.uk

Appendix 1

Listen and repeat all together.

1 2 3 4 we are here, what is for

5 6 7 8 speak in English, don't be afraid

9 10 start again

We will speak with you again.

Appendix 2

Offer your trainees to divide into two groups of 3 or 4 persons in each, give them a sheet of paper and ask them to put all types of activity (speaking, listening, reading, writing and translating) in order as they prefer.






Appendix 3

(theoretical part)

Now let's face the problems during the speaking (here you may ask your colleagues name these problems or just give them your ready-made list):

* fear of being laughed at

* lack of vocabulary

* grammar mistakes

* pronunciation

* time pressure

One way to tackle this problem is to find the root of the problem and start from there. If the problem is cultural, it is unusual for students to talk out loud in class, or if students feel really shy about talking in front of other students then one way to go about breaking this cultural barrier is to create and establish your own classroom culture where speaking out loud in English is the norm. One way to do this is to distinguish your classroom from other classrooms in your school by arranging the classroom desks differently, in groups instead of lines etc. or by decorating the walls in English language and culture posters. From one day teach your students classroom language and keep on teaching it and encourage your students to ask for things and to ask questions in English. Giving positive feedback also helps to encourage and relax shy students to speak more.

A completely different reason for student silence may simply be that the class activities are boring or pitched at the wrong level. So maybe you need to take a closer look at the type of speaking activities you are using and see if they really capture student interest and create a real need for communication.

Another way to encourage your students to speak in English is simply to speak in English yourself as much as possible in class. If you are shy about speaking in English, how can you expect your students to overcome their fears about speaking English? The more you practice the more you will improve your own oral skills as well as help your students improve theirs.

Make sure you give the students all the tools and language they need to be able to complete the task. If the language is pitched too high they may revert to their L1, likewise if the task is too easy they may get bored and revert to their L1. Also, be aware of the fact that some students especially beginners, will often use their L1 as an emotional support at first, translating everything word for word to check they have understood the task before attempting to speak. In the case of these students simply be patient as most likely once their confidence grows in using English their dependence on using their L1 will begin to disappear.

The timing of a speaking activity in a class can be crucial sometimes. After break-time, why not try giving students an activity to calm them down and make them focus before attempting speaking activities that involve groups or pair work. Another way to discourage students speaking in their L1 is to walk around the classroom monitoring their participation and giving support and help to students as they need it. Explain to them the importance of speaking English and ask them why they don't feel comfortable speaking English in the class. Maybe they just need some extra reassurance or they don't like working with certain students or there is some other problem that you can help them to resolve.

Sometimes when all the students speak together it gets too noisy and out of hand and you lose control of the classroom. A classroom full of students talking and interacting in English, even if it is noisy, is exactly what you want. Maybe you just feel like you are losing control because the class is suddenly student centered and not teacher centered. This is an important issue to consider. Learner-centered classrooms where learners do the talking in groups and learners have to take responsibility for using communicative resources to complete a task are shown to be more conducive to language learning than teacher-centered classes (Long & Richards 1987). Once the students have calmed down you can return to the original or another interactive group activity.

Appendix 4

(practical part) taken from own school experience and www.teachingenglish.org.uk

To give their thoughts on topic assigned by teacher

Oral diary; oral weekly report

Group presentations on a completed project

Picture description


Chained storytelling

Role play



Jazz chants etc.

First meeting

The task is to create a new character and make your first good impression. You can be whoever you want to make friends. You can be a famous person, an animal or a fairy-tale creature. The most important thing is to introduce your new personality as creative as possible.

Detective story

The students get the cards with their roles. They read the cards properly. The teacher helps in understanding the situation. There was a crime and something has been stolen. The students are not allowed to show each other their role cards. One person is supposed to be a detective. He or she (it has to be the strongest speaker in a class) asks questions, trying to find a thief. Students are not supposed to lie about their actions at the night of crime, but they have to talk to each other to get the truth. The aim of the task is to combine speaking actions with practicing general and special questions.

Perfect story

Trainees work in pairs, make a story and then they present it together to the audience. In the end the class choses the best story.

The students are given a series of simple questions like:

What is his / her name?

What is __________ about them? (e.g. strange / unusual / nice...)

What was their -problem last year?

What happened?

Why have they become so __________ ?

How many __________ have they -__________ ?

Who have they been __________ recently?

What have they been __________ for the last five years?

Role play

1.One other way of getting students to speak is role-playing. Students pretend they are in various social contexts and have a variety of social roles. In role-play activities, the teacher gives information to the learners such as who they are and what they think or feel. Thus, the teacher can tell the student that "You are David, you go to the doctor and tell him what happened last night, and…" (Harmer, 1984)

2. The task: going shopping along a typical British high street. Half of the trainees have shopping lists and the other half own a shop.

There are five shops:

a computer shop

a newsagent's

a fruit shop

a small supermarket

a language bookshop

The cards are structured so that some discussion and negotiation is necessary to find most of the things on the trainees ' shopping lists. In addition, each list also has a short task typical of normal interaction in the street, for example asking the time or directions to a bank. At higher levels trainees can be encouraged to elaborate on the conversations and make them more complex.

Find someone who

Put the title 'Find someone who' on a worksheet. Draw a grid ( 5 squares across and 5 down). In each square put the prompts : hates cats, likes rap, lives near the school. The prompts will depend on the language structures you wish to practice/ use.

Elicit the questions trainees will need to ask before you allow them to circulate and ask each other.

The first person to write a name for someone in each of his categories is the winner.

Matching opinions

Choose a controversial statement. For example:

'Women are the best drivers.'

'Mobile phones should be banned from public spaces.'

'Homework should be optional.'

'Burgers are better than pizza.'

Either dictate or write the statement on the board. trainees decide if they accept, reject or modify this statement, according to their personal opinion. When they have made their decision, you would then say 'OK go round the room and try to find somebody who has the opposite opinion to you' or 'OK go round the room and find someone who has a similar opinion'. Alternatively, they could mingle in the class to find the range of opinions, like a small survey - how many trainees accepted, rejected, or modified the statement.

Appendix 5



At the beginning of the workshop, participants were asked a task which considered all kinds of speech activity, and determined how much time is devoted to each. Then analyzed and found thaton the 1st place -Reading, the 2nd-Writing,the 3d -Translating, 4 th -Listening and the 5 th -SPEAKING. During the training, participants have listened to and discussed the theory of speaking skills and their problems. Each of the participants shared his opinion. After analyzing all the existing methods of activating skills spoken language, it became clear that these methods are not as complicated as they seem, and each teacher can choose those or other, which it considers more appropriate for the students according to their level of proficiency in English. Emphasis was placed on the fact that when speaking in the first place to overcome their uncertainty and the most important thing is not strictly find mistakes.

The best way to express your thoughts are simple words and phrases. You can train the ability to understand the meaning of speech, using keywords. Moreover, it is very important to find and offer interesting topics for discussion. And, of course, the conditions of dialogue should be favorable.

During the practical part we were offered a variety of tasks that could help overcome the problems with speaking, explaining the final result - the struggle with fear. Participants were eight people so divided into two groups and held a joint brainstorming. Students were to discuss each activity. All the proposed tasks were interesting . Summing up the training workshop, we came to a conclussion that in order to overcome the language barrier, it is necessary to include and fairy tales, poems and songs, not just the standard activities.

In my opinion, there is a language barrier or not, we should try to overcome it and find a better way. Otherwise it will be impossible to improve our speaking skills and learn to speak fluent in any foreign language.

At the end of the training there was a reflection. It was necessary to evaluate the content; on methods of interaction; the group's activities; your sown activities ,forms and methods, then an analysis has been made of reflection. All participants took an active part in the seminar-training, goals and objectives have been achieved, we have proved that the integrated use of modern methods can yield positive results and lead to the improvement of communicative competence. New methods of learning English help us to overcome the language barrier. This kind of work has been approved, the participants expressed their wishes, it was mentioned about necessity of such workshops with an invitation of other teachers of their school and between schools necessity, and in the future, and between necessity.

Thank you very much!



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