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- Конспект урока и презентация по английскому языку 'Конфликты, как их предотвратить' (9 класс)
Конспект урока и презентация по английскому языку 'Конфликты, как их предотвратить' (9 класс)
Тема: Conflicts and how to prevent them
Тип урока: комбинированный, урок совершенствования знаний, умений и навыков
Вид урока: урок закрепления изучаемого материала
практические: формирование практических умений в говорении и чтении;
воспитательные: воспитание интереса учащихся к такой проблеме как конфликт и способах его разрешения, улаживания;
образовательные: расширение кругозора учащихся, изучение причин возникновения конфликтов;
развивающие: развитие логического мышления, коммуникативных умений и применение их на практике.
Задачи урока:
образовательная: закрепить и обобщить знания учащихся по теме «Конфликты»;
развивающая: способствовать развитию умения анализировать и обобщать знания;
воспитательная: воспитывать личностные качества: ответственность, самостоятельность, способствовать воспитанию культурных ценностей;
здоровьесберегающая: предупреждать переутомление у учащихся путем смены деятельности.
Технологии: традиционно-педагогическая, информационно-коммуникативная (слайдовая презентация), сотрудничество.
Формы работы - индивидуальная ( домашнее обучение).
Приемы работы - классификация знаний, обобщение знаний, перенос знаний в новую ситуацию, проблемные ситуации, использование ТСО.
Оснащение урока: дидактический раздаточный материал по теме, компьютер, проектор.
1. Организационный момент:
Good afternoon. I'm very glad to see you. How are you? I hope our work today will be successful.
2. Введение в тему урока. Сообщение целей, задач урока:
Today we'll speak about conflicts and how prevent them (слайд 1 - тема урока). During our work we'll repeat the words and summarize everything you've learnt about conflicts, we'll speak about the reasons and types of conflicts and discuss the ways of resolving and preventing conflicts.
Let`s start our work.
3. Фонетическая зарядка:
First of all let's work with our active vocabulary. Take these cards and repeat the words after me:
Respect - уважение, уважать;
Resolve - решать;
Resolution - решение, улаживание;
Right - право, правильный;
Relation - отношение;
To prevent - предотвращать, мешать;
Peaceful - мирный;
Peacefully - мирно, спокойно;
To avoid - избегать;
To lead - вести, приводить;
Reason - причина;
Mind them during our lesson.
4.Совершенствование лексических навыков чтения:
Now look at these texts. You've got different texts but the task is the same. Look through them and try to answer the question what is «conflict»? You see, there is no fixed definition. And what about the reasons of conflicts? (disagreement, lie, betrayal, envy, etc.) Find in the texts, please, the sentences about the reasons of conflicts.( приложение 1 тексты)
5. Совершенствование лексических навыков говорения:
We all face conflicts in our everyday life. What kinds of conflicts do you know? For example, conflict between a teacher and a student. Look at the slides and tell what kinds of conflicts are presented here? (слайды 2-5 с видами конфликтов).
- Conflict on the work. -Well done.
- Conflict between girlfriend and boyfriend. - Thank you.
- Conflict between classmates.
- Family conflicts.- That's right.
- Political conflict. - It's no doubt.
- War conflict. - Ok.
And now I suggest you to read to Jayne Major, the Doctor of Philosophy. Read how does she resolve a conflict with her child? While reading try to answer the question "Who helps her to resolve a conflict?" Is it clear?
A mediator -посредник; примиритель; специалист по урегулированию споров и конфликтных ситуаций.
6. Работа с лексикой :
The task of our Centre is to give people advice how to resolve conflicts.
I suggest you to work and give me advice on what I should do and what I shouldn't do if I have a conflict. Choose the right word combinations.
We should …
We should not …
observe other people's rights
ask for advice from someone who is older than you
listen attentively to other people
be optimistic
be confident and relaxed
tell people what makes you unhappy
bully people
criticize differences
ignore someone's opinion
trouble people
punish unfairly
quarrel with people
7. Совершенствование лексических навыков. Кроссворд:
By the way do you know the main rule or secret of preventing conflicts? Doing this crossword puzzle we'll answer the question "How to prevent conflicts?" (приложение 2 - кроссворд). Work for 3-4 minutes.
We've got a word TOLERANT. Well, be tolerant and you will prevent conflicts. (слайд 9 -).
8. Рефлексия:
So the last task for you. (слайд 6,7,8 - п). Tell me please what did you learn about conflicts?
Now I know how to…
Now I can…
Now I know…
11. Подведение итогов:
We had a very active lesson today. … I'll give you excellent/good mark. Remember, very often the resolution of the conflict depends on our behavior, our kindness and love. I'll give you these sayings and words of wisdom. You'll translate them at home. May be they will help you in your future life. Don't have conflicts! Be tolerant and happy! Thank you for your work. Good bye!
Приложение 1. Тексты.
Текст 1.We all face conflict at some time in our lives. But it doesn't always have to be negative. It doesn't have to end up as a war! In fact, if you learn skills to deal with conflict, there can be some really positive and satisfying outcomes.
Conflict is when people disagree on an issue, or can't get along well. This is just a part of life. It's natural for people to disagree at times, because we all have different interests, values, goals and needs. Sometimes we don't understand other people and what they really mean, or they don't understand us.
Conflict happens in personal relationships, with family, parents, friends, partners, teachers and work mates.
Conflict also happens in the wider society, among groups with different interests and values, different religions, races, countries, political parties and even sporting teams.
Conflict can also happen within yourself when you learn something new that is different to what you always believed. The conflict inside yourself can make you want to hang on tightly to your old beliefs or it can lead you to change your beliefs.
Conflict can result in changes, often for the better.
Текст 2.The only certain things in life are death, taxes, and conflict. Death only happens once, taxes only happen once a year, but conflict happens every day of your life. You need a better plan than ignoring them and hoping it will all go away.
When speaking of conflict, what would immediately come into mind would most likely be how differences and disagreements make such an occurrence to spring up. Hence, what is conflict?
There is no fixed definition; to put it in simple words, conflict is a situation in which it is difficult for two persons to exist together peacefully. It is a misunderstanding between people. Conflicts usually happen when something that is good for one person is bad for another person. So people quarrel, argue or even fight with each other. To understand, consider the Gaza strip conflict. Decades have passed but the differences in opinions, ideologies, and inability to resolve that dispute has resulted in immense loss of men, money and material. In essence, it is a disagreement on some or the total aspects of an idea, opinion or act. The parties involved try to resolve by agreeing on some common terms.
Приложение 2. Кроссворд.
All people have to __________ the rights of other people.
Students of our class ___________ conflicts peacefully.
Conflicts between states can __________ to war.
People all over the world must _________conflicts between states.
Children have the _________ for education.
If we resolve a conflict __________, we will have better relations.
A peaceful ___________ of a conflict is important.
If people don't listen to each other they may have bad _______.