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  • Банк заданий для обучения навыкам говорения учащихся 9-х классов для прохождения устной части ОГЭ по английскому языку

Банк заданий для обучения навыкам говорения учащихся 9-х классов для прохождения устной части ОГЭ по английскому языку

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Банк заданий по обучению говорению


Из четырех речевых умений (,говорение чтение, аудирование, письмо)-говорение является самым главным. Людьми, которые «знают язык» считаются те, кто умеет свободно на нем общаться. ,так как говорение включает в себя все остальные виды знаний и умений. Большинство людей изучающих иностранный язык ,прежде всего заинтересованы в том, что бы говорить на этом языке.Банк заданий для обучения навыкам говорения учащихся 9-х классов для прохождения устной части ОГЭ по английскому языку

Речевые упражнения ,которые развивают ученические способности выражать свою мысль через устную речь \ посредством говорения ,являются важным компонентом обучения иностранному языку. Достаточно сложно разработать такое упражнение и управлять им во время выполнения. чем при выполнении тех же заданий по аудированию, чтению или письму. Так что же должно представлять из себя «эффективное языковое упражнение»

Эффективное языковое упражнение должно обладать следующими характеристиками:

-Ученики активно принимают участие в разговоре-большую часть времени отведенное на задание должны говорить ученики, а не учитель. Паузы во время выполнения заданий должны быть минимальными.

-Участие в разговоре во время выполнения задния на говорение должно быть равным для всех учеников. На практике же, большую часть времени говорит учитель, либо один или два доминирующих ученика.

-Высокая мотивация к говорению-ученики хотят говорить если предмет разговора им интересен и они хотят поделиться своими мыслями

Или же они хотят сотрудничать что бы выполнить цель задания.

-Уровень знания языка по теме должен быть на достаточном уровне-

Учащиеся выражают свою мысль высказываниями \репликами ,соответствующими их языковому уровню и которые легко понимаются всеми участниками разговора. Соблюдение грамматических правил и употребление лексики так же должно быть на должном уровне.

На практике очень мало заданий по говорению, которые выполняются на уроке соотвествуют вышеперечисленнным требованиям.

При выполнении заданий на обучение говорению встречаются следующие проблемы

- учащиеся стесняются говорить на иностранном языке, так как бояться сделать ошибку

- недостаточный уровень информации по теме-«нечего сказать» по данному вопросу

- низкий уровень участия в разговоре

-Использование родного языка

Учитывая вышеперечисленные требования мною были разработаны следующие упражнения , направленные на развитие навыков говорения учащихся

9 класса.

Банк упражнений для обучения говорению в 9 классе

Unit 1. Linking Past and Present

I. Expand on these ideas using the prompts. Comment them on.

1. The use of fire was a step without which no development of man would have been possible.

-. It gave him the possibility …

-So, he could …

2. Gradually man learned a capture and tome some of the wild animals and discovered how to plant crops.

- It gave him possibility …

- More than that …

3. The man invented writing and learnt how to record spoken language.

- It was very important for …

4. The Greeks were the people to use writing to record language as spoken by contemporary man.

- It was very important for creation such arts as …

- It gave way …

- In my opinion …

5. After the time of the Romans , the speed of discovery slowed down . -It happened because …


6. In the 15th century Europe was suddenly filled with a wish to explore the world. These exploration inspired people to …

a) Fistly,



7. No less important was the invention of printing.

-It created …

-People could …

-The availability of books …

8. The 18th century culminated in Industrial Revolution.

-It was very important because …

-More than that …

-In addition …

-To sum up

9. The 19th century was the age of machine and electricity .

- It gave the way to the development of…

-In addition …

-To come to the conclusion …

10. All discoveries today are based the ideas of men who lived before.

-In my opinion …

-So, that's why.

II. Answer the questions. Begin your answer with: In my opinion / To my mind / As far as I am concerned.

1. What motivates people to make new discoveries and inventions?

2. How does progress in science and technology influence people's lifestyle?

3. Do people change a long side with the changes in the material world?

4. Is the world changing for the better or for the worse?

5. What time of the history would you like to live and why?

6. What invention would you like to make? Why?

7. What inventions influenced the development of civilization in most dramatic way?

8. Which inventions of mankind did more harm than good?

9. How do you see the future of your planet?

III. Complete the sentences using Topical vocabulary then comment them on.

1. The state of war means that a country…

2. The other side…

3. A well well-organized army has…

4. Wars and military conflicts…

5. People involved in wars…

4. You are going to give a talk on why it is important to know history.

Remember to say:

- if you like history

- if people always learn lessons of history

-what history can teach us

V. You are going to give a talk on the most urgent problems today

Remember to say

-if you like history

-what history can teach us

-if people always learn history lessons


Unit 2. People and Society

1. Answer the questions. Begin your answer with the words: In my opinion / To my mind / As far as I am concerned.

1. Do you think politicians have an effect on your every day life?

2. What famous politicians do you know? What have they done for their people?

3. Do you personally find politics interesting?

4. Could you go into politics?

5. Can you remember any names of philosophers who tried to teach people to better lives? Where did they live? What did they teach?

6. Why should people be socially conscious?

7. What do you think in the new millennium peoples will become closer and finally unite or keep their national integrity?

II. Comment on these ideas using the prompts:

1. The rule of Mikhail Gorbachev in the Soviet Union

As far as I am concerned,

At first,


2. How the two superpowers - the USSR and the USA - brought the cold war to the end

At first,


After that,

Personally I think,

3. The political reforms in Eastern Europe in 1980s

As for me,




In conclusion

II. Complete the following ideas using the Topical vocabulary. Comment them on.

  1. People and governments of good will have always aspired to a lasting peace in the world.

To this end they …

2.People also aspire to justice and encourage their governments to recognize their civil rights. Some of the civil rights are:

3. People's rights can be:

4. International law also provides for…

IV. Look through the Topical vocabulary and find synonymic words and words combinations to the following.

A.1) For this aim. 2) To want to have something. 3)To work together. 4) To try to do something. 5) To promise. 6) Future generations. 7) To forbid using something. 8) To abuse the right.

B. Make up the sentences of your own using these expressions.

V. You are going to give a talk on the most urgent problems today.

Remember to say

  • how much local conflicts threaten peace and living in these places dangerous.

  • the terrorists attacks are becoming more and more bold and destructive.

  • In what way people can unite to find these negative phenomens of nowadays

Unit 3. You are only a teenager once.

I. Answer the questions on the topic. Begin your answers with: As for me / In my opinion / To my mind.

1. Can you imagine yourself in ten years' time?

2. What will your professional career and your family life be like?

3. Are you a good friend? Why do you think so?

4. Are you a good son/daughter? Why?

5. Are you a good pupil? Why do you think so?

6. What are your strong and weak points?

7. What is the most important thing for you now? Do you think it will change with time?

8. What features of character do you appreciate in people in general? Do you think you have these features?

9. What would you like to change in yourself ?

10. Are your friends important for you? Why?

II. Comment on the following statements using the Topical vocabulary.

a. Parents often complain that the age between 3 and 19 difficult.

- It doesn't concern every child of course but a great number of teenagers tend to become …, … and …

- More than that, some teenagers …

- So, it is very difficult to …

- That's why …

b. As a result some teenagers often …

- Then …

- Next …

- In addition …

- That's why…

c. Modern life exposes young people to certain dangers and hardships. So some teenagers believe that.

- The others become …

- What is worse some …

- It leads to …

- To sum up …

d. Young people may face problems that need to be solved. To this end they have to learn…




In conclusion

III. Translate into English using Topical vocabulary.

1. Идеальный учитель должен уметь поддерживать дисциплину, даже если некоторые ученики ведут себя дерзко и невоспитанно.

2. Вы рискуете провалить свои планы на будущее.

3. Родители Джейн не хотели, что бы их присутствие не смущало друзей на вечеринке и поэтому ушли навестить своих друзей.

4. Ей всегда было легко с одноклассниками.

5. Хелен было из бедной семьи и плохо одевалась, за что ее часто дразнили в школе.

6. Мистер Смит обнаружил, что в его классе учились много интернет зависимых учеников, которые проводили очень много времени со своими мобильными телефонами.

7. Каждый человек в школе считал Пола бунтующим и склочным мальчиком.

8. Он решил посвятить свою жизнь упразднению социальной несправедивости.

9. Иногда очень трудно для подростка ладить со взрослыми и своими друзьями.

IV. Try to analyze yourself, your behavior and attitudes. Say if you:

- might be called a typical teenager

- if you call yourself a good friend

- a good pupil, a good son/daughter

- had or have problems with your parents, teachers and friends

- how you cope with your problems

V. Give two-minute talk on your teenager friends. Remember to say:

- how many friends you have and if you have the same interests

- what you usually do in your spare time

- if friendship is important for you and what brings you together

VI.Work with proverbs.

A. Match two parts of the proverbs.

1. A friend is need a) by company he keeps.

2. A man is known b) is a friend indeed.

3. The friends you choose c) make long friends.

4. Short visits d) is to be one.

5. The way to have a friend e) make long friends.

B. Say which proverb gives the main idea of the text.

Mike and Nick were schoolboys. They lived in the country. The boys went to school together and they liked to play and do other things together.

One day Mike came to Nick's house and said, "Nick, you have so many good books. I see that here is an interesting book in your library? Can you give me this book to read? I'll bring it back next week."

Nick did not want to give books to other people, and he said, "Why do you want to take my book home? You can read here , in my house. I want you to come again and read here."

Mike saw what kind of friend he had, but he did not say anything. He wanted to teach him a lesson.

The next day Nick came to Mike and said, "Mike, you have a good gardening knife. I want to work in my garden tomorrow. Can you lend it to me for two days?" Mike answered, "Why do you want to my knife home? You can work with it in my garden."

C. Make up your own story using one of the proverbs.

Банк заданий для обучения навыкам говорения учащихся 9-х классов для прохождения устной части ОГЭ по английскому языку

Unit 4. Family matters.

I. Answer the questions on the topic. Begin your answers with: As for me / In my opinion / To my mind / In my view.

1. Does family play a very important part in your life? Why / Why not?

2. Is it important for people to be legally married? Why do you think so?

3. What is the best age for getting married? Why?

4. How many children should a family ideally have? Give your resons.

5. Why are there so many divorces in the modern world? Are they a curse or a blessing?

6. Is a marriage contract a good idea? Why? / Why not?

7. Can parents and children understand each other? What can help to bridge generation gap?

8. What in your view is the biggest problem in connection with family life?

II. Discuss the following questions:

Are there are any rules in your family?

What are they? Are the important for you?

III. Think what you are allowed to do and what you have to do. Choose and tick the ideas that are true for you. Write sentences using the phrases from the box.

Model: in our family we all have household chores. I have to wash the dishes.

do household chores

come home late

prepare meals

watch TV

talk on the phone

be allowed to use the bath

have to do take out the garbage

wash the car

water the flowers

walk the dog

Talk to the class about the rules in your family.

IV. You found a family in the album. It was taken some years ago when the family was on holidays. Describe the photo and write who you can see on it. The words in the box can help you.

In the centre; on one's left/right; grandmother; grandfather; mother; father; uncle; aunt; cousin; niece; nephew; on my mother's/father's side; mother/father - in - law; … years old; be in one's mid - thirties /fourties; turn 60; elder/younger; resemble;

V. Why parents and teenagers argue?

The argument arises out of clash roles. Teenagers want to gain greater independence, more freedom. Young people and their parents have different views on when the children should be allowed to do things alone: choose what to wear and eat, what time to come home, with whom to go out, etc.

Researchers have found that most disputes between parents and teenagers are not very hated and are typically about issues, such as:

  • Fighting with brothers and sisters,

  • Cleaning up bedroom,

  • Possessions;

  • Their own space, time,

  • Helping out around the house;

  • Doing home work,

  • Bedtime,

  • Time to come home,

  • Household chores

  • Friends and responsibilities

Issues that tend to generate more heat, but occur less frequently, include:

  • Talking back to parents,

  • Lying,

  • Getting poor results at school,

  • Getting in trouble at school.

a. How true are these issues for you? Mark the ones that apply to you.

b . Say what you argue with your parents about.

c. Make your own list, choose three of them and try to explain the reasons to your partner.


1. dispel a myth - развеять миф

2. accurate - точный

3. teen years - подростковый возраст

4. fight - ссориться, спорить

5. clash - столкновение, не совмещение

6. chore - повседневная обязанность

</ household chore - домашние хлопоты



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