- Учителю
- Конспект вне классного мероприятия по английскому языку 'British and Russian holidays' (2-4 классы)
Конспект вне классного мероприятия по английскому языку 'British and Russian holidays' (2-4 классы)
«British and Russian Holidays»
(2 - 4 классы)
Мельникова В.И.
«МАОУ СШ №102»
Нижний Новгород
Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия.
обобщить знания учащихся по праздникам двух стран;
развить умения и навыки монологической и диалогической речи;
развить творческие способности учащихся.
Ход мероприятия.
Teacher: Good afternoon, boys and girls! I am glad to see you here.
(Учитель сообщает тему мероприятия, представляет жюри и 2 команды: "Merry Company", "Beautiful Seven").
Команда 1:
We are not small, we are so tall,
We can carry "Beautiful Seven" on our back,
When they think, we think too
That is not very much to do
We are not small, we are so tall,
We can carry "Beautiful Seven" on our back.
Команда 2:
You are strong,
We are stronger,
We are the strongest in the world,
You are clever,
We are cleverer,
We are cleverest in the world.
а) Конкурс скороговорок
(каждой команде предлагается по две скороговорки)
A black cat sat on a mat and ate a fat rat.
Betty Botta bought some butter,
But she said, "This butter is bitter",
But a bit of better butter
Will make my batter better.
I scream, you scream,
We all scream for ice-cream.
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
b) Конкурс вопросов и ответов
(каждая команда готовит по четыре вопроса команде-сопернице)
Примерные вопросы:
When is New Year's Day?
What do we send to our friends before New Year's Day?
When is Women's Day?
What is the best present for women?
What holiday do we celebrate on the 9th of May?
3. Конкурс на лучший перевод
In the weeks before Christmas Day, people are busy. They send Christmas cards to their friends and buy Christmas presents. Children decorate Christmas trees.
Before New Year's Day we send our friends New Year's wishes. On the night of December 31 we are usually at home. At 12 o'clock, we tell each other "Happy New Year!".
4. Конкурс капитанов
Написать на доске по-английски с завязанными глазами названия двух праздников.
5. Конкурс на лучшую передачу содержания сказки - инсценировки
Для каждой команды инсценируется сказка, на обсуждение содержания каждой сказки команде даётся 5 минут. Капитан передаёт содержание сказки на русском языке.
"The Fox and the Crane"
Fox: Good morning, my dear friend!
Crane: Good morning, Foxy!
Fox: How are you?
Crane: Thank you, I am all right.
Fox: I'm so glad to see you. Come and have dinner with me, my dear.
Crane: Oh, thank you
They go away together.
Fox: Sit down, dear Crane. Dinner will be ready in a minute.
Fox: Help yourself, dear. The porridge is very good. I hope you like the porridge, my dear. I have cooked it myself.
The Crane continues to peck at the plate, but can't eat.
At the same time, the Fox begins to lap up the porridge and soon there is nothing left.
Fox: Sorry, my dear Crane, but I have nothing else to give you.
Crane: Thank you all the same, I had have enough. Come and have dinner with me. Good - bye.
Crane: Come in.
Fox: Good afternoon, Crane.
Crane: Glad to see you. You are just in time for dinner. Help yourself to the soup, my friend.
The Fox licks the jug, but he cannot get at the soup. The Crane laughs and drinks all the soup away.
Crane: Sorry, my friend, but I have nothing else to give you Fox: I am very hungry. I was hungry after your dinner, too. Good-bye, dear friend.
Fox: I think our friendship is over.
"Winnie - The - Pooh"
Winnie - the - pooh
Вини Пух зашёл навестить своего друга Кролика.
Winnie - the -Pooh: Is anybody at home?
Rabbit: No, don't shout so loud. I can hear you quite well.
Winnie - the -Pooh: Sorry, is there anybody here?
Rabbit: Nobody.
Winnie - the - Pooh: There must be some body there, because somebody said: "Nobody!" Hello, Rabbit, isn't that you?
Rabbit: No.
Winnie - the - Pooh: Well, could you very kindly tell me where Rabbit is?
Rabbit: He has gone to see his friend Pooh Bear, who is a great friend of his.
Winnie - the - Pooh: To his friend Pooh? But this is me.
Rabbit: What sort of me?
Winnie - the - Pooh: Pooh bear.
Rabbit: Are you sure?
Winnie - the - Pooh: Quite sure.
Rabbit: Oh, well, then come in. (Вини Пух с трудом пропихивается в дом). You are quite right. It is you. Glad to see you. I am just going to have dinner. Honey or condensed milk with bread?
Winnie - the - Pooh: Both. But don't bother about the bread, please. Thank you! Now I have to go.
Rabbit: Good-bye, Pooh.
Подведение итогов.
Жюри подводит итоги, участники получают призы.