- Учителю
- Сценарий к спектаклю на английском языке Колобок
Сценарий к спектаклю на английском языке Колобок
Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку для 3 класса.
Сценарий спектакля «Колобок»
Пулина Марина Геннадьевна, учитель английского языка МБОУ
специализированная школа № 2 им.Д. И.Ульянова с углублённым
изучением английского языка, г.Феодосия , Республика Крым
Описание работы: Данная работа представляет сценарий
театрализованного спектакля для учащихся начальной школы (8-9 лет).
Участники и зрители спектакля в игровой форме изучают иностранный
Цель: обеспечение эстетического и интеллектуального развития
1) совершенствование грамматического строя монологической и
диалогической речи школьника, эффективного общения и речевой
2) создание положительной мотивации и потребности в практическом
использовании английского языка.
3) развитие творческого потенциала обучающихся и их способности
работать в коллективе.
4) развитие у учащихся памяти, мышления, внимания, воображения.
5) развитие у школьников чувства ритма, темпа, чувства
- презентация на проекторе на заднем плане сцены;
- музыкальное сопровождение (отрывки произведений);
- костюмы.
Сценарий : Little Round Bun Characters: Magpie Mouse Little Round Bun Bear Rabbit Wolf Hedgehog Fox Squirrel
Magpie - My dear friends, hi! Here am I - the Magpie! Everywhere I fly, to know everything I try. Do you know why so clever am I, Then follow me and don't cry! That's a story about Little Round Bun Oh, who's that? Hello, who are you? Little Round Bun - I'm Little Round Bun I can sing and roll and run And I run away from home I'm here all alone. Bye! Magpie -What a funny thing. But here's the Rabbit. Let's watch. Little Round Bun - Hi! Who are you? Rabbit - I'm Rabbit Long Ears, and you? Little Round Bun - I'm Little Round Bun. Glad to meet you. Rabbit - I can eat you up, Little Round Bun. Little Round Bun - No, you can't. I can run and I can sing. Listen! I'm Little Round Bun. I can sing and roll and run. And I run away from home I'm here all alone. Bye! Magpie - A very smart thing! But here's the Squirrel. Let us see. Squirrel -Hi! Who are you? Little Round Bun - I'm Little Round Bun, and you? Squirrel - I'm Squirrel Bushy Tail, I can eat you up, Little Round Bun. Little Round Bun - No, you can't. I can run and I can sing. Listen! I'm Little Round Bun. I can sing and roll and run. And I run away from home I'm here all alone. Bye! Magpie - Smart! Who's the next? Oh, it's a hedgehog. Hedgehog - Hi! I'm Hedgehog Long Needles, and who are you? Little Round Bun - I'm Little Round Bun. Hedgehog - I can eat you up, Little Round Bun. Little Round Bun - No, you can't. I can run and I can sing. Listen! I'm Little Round Bun. I can sing and roll and run. And I run away from home I'm here all alone. Bye! Magpie - Very nice! Who's the next? Mouse - I'm Mouse Long Tail, and you? Little Round Bun - I'm Little Round Bun. Mouse - I can eat you up, Little Round Bun. Little Round Bun - No, you can't. I can run and I can sing. Listen! I'm Little Round Bun. I can sing and roll and run. And I run away from home I'm here all alone. Bye! Magpie- how do you like it? But who's this? Oh, it's a Bear. Little Round Bun - Hi! Who are you? Bear - I'm Bear Brown Hair. I can eat you up now. Little Round Bun - No, you can't. I can run and I can sing. Listen! I'm Little Round Bun. I can sing and roll and run. And I run away from home I'm here all alone. Bye! Magpie- Fantastic! But here's the Wolf. Little Round Bun - Oh, hi! Who are you? Wolf - I am Grey Wolf, and you? Little Round Bun - I'm Little Round Bun. Wolf - I can eat you up, Little Round Bun. Little Round Bun - No, you can't. I can run and I can sing. Listen! I'm Little Round Bun. I can sing and roll and run. And I run away from home I'm here all alone. Bye! Magpie- Oh, here's the Fox. I don't like it, I don't like it at all. Fox - Oh, what a nice Little Round Bun. I like you. Little Round Bun - Who are you? Fox - I'm Smart Fox. Little Round Bun - Glad to meet you, Smart Fox. Fox - I'm glad to meet you, too. I like you. I can eat you up. Little Round Bun - No, you can't. I can run and I can sing. Listen! I'm Little Round Bun. I can sing and roll and run. And I run away from home I'm here all alone. Bye! Fox - It's a good song. Come here! Sing it again, please. Little Round Bun - I'm Little Round Bun. I can sing…. Fox - GULP!!! Magpie - Poor silly Round Bun! What a pity! Oh, oh, oh!