- Учителю
- Проектная деятельность в 9 классе: ' Чем заняться ночью в городе?'
Проектная деятельность в 9 классе: ' Чем заняться ночью в городе?'
Конспект урока в 9 классе по английскому языку, учителя Зайцевой С.Г., МОУ СОШ № 75, г.Саратов.
Тема : Мини -проект : Чем заняться ночью в городе?
цели урока :
развитие навыков чтения
развитие умения работать в группе
развитие умения читать информацию "между строк"
развитие навыков аудирования и говорения.
Уровень Intermediate , время 60 мин
Оборудование : мультимедийный проектор, карты Саратова , цветные карандаши, листы А3 для постеров, журналы, доступ в сеть, распечатанный дидактический материал (приложения 1 и 2).
Пояснительная записка: уроки чтения как правило не очень радостно встречаются учащимися ,особенно старших классов, т.к. как правило это очень скучно. Однако ,считаю, что если тема текста и задания к тексту выбраны верно, и как минимум интересны для подростков, приближены к реальной их жизни, чтение может быть очень увлекательным и динамичным. Тогда урок чтения превращается в веселое, совместное и коммуникативное общение на основе темы текста. Данный текст и аудиозапись к нему были заимствованы с сайта British Council :UK culture. Данный урок может быть использован на дополнительных занятиях по англ.языку в школах, как занятие в кружках или элективах, либо в течении двух уроков в школе , в 9-10 классе.
Ход занятия.
Подготовительные задания :
рассадить детей по группах 3-4 человека и попросить составить список дел, которыми моно заняться вечером в городе .
попросить учащихся поговорить друг с другом о том, чем они занимаются вечером в городе, и какие места для этих занятий идеально подходят.( диалоги)
Рефлексия промежуточная.
в группах по 4 человека раздать Лист А
задание : соотнести названия под буквами с частями текста из Листа А.
Данное задание можно провести в качестве соревнования между командами /группами, что заставит их работать быстрее и дружнее, ставить баллы за правильность ответа и скорость выполнения задания.
Определить какое утверждение верно , а какое неверно. Раздать группам Лист В. Ответы зачитываются учителем , группы сами сверяют свои ответы и ставят текущие баллы.
Работа с лексикой. Раздать список слов на листе С и попросить в группе как можно скорее найти эквивалент данным словам в тексте. Ставят баллы. промежуточная рефлексия.
Диалогическая речь. Группы получают вопросы на Листе Д. В парах составляют диалоги на текущие вопросы. Учитель на свое усмотрение прослушивает пару диалогов из разных групп. Промежуточная рефлексия.
работа над мини-проектом.
Учащиеся в группах по 4 человека записывают аналогичные вопросы о городе , в котором живут, т.е. о Саратове.
Далее учитель просит их на карте города Саратова найти и обозначить места , где молодежь может проводить время как вечером , так и днем.
Составляют краткую характеристику этих мест ,используя интернет в классе на компьютере, или мобильный интернет на телефонах.
Составляют небольшой текст о том, где они сами проводят время по вечерам, какие из перечисленных мест посещают, или хотели бы посетить , куда пригласили бы новых иностранных друзей для развлечения вечером /днем. Предпочитают учащиеся развлекаться вечерами / днем…
Полученную информацию оформляют в виде постера с рисунками ,картами, фотографиями и краткими описаниями заведений и мест ,в которых можно отдыхать вечером и днем в Саратове. Либо мини-проект может быть оформлен в виде справочника заведений, в которых отдыхает молодежь Саратова.
Защита проекта. В случае, когда данный материал реализуется на уроках в старшей школе, защита проекта становится домашним заданием. Если же учащиеся успевают закончить работу в течении одного занятия, то учитель дает на подготовку представления своей работы 5-7 минут для каждой группы и обязан проследить , чтобы времени хватило и на выступление каждой группы.
См.Приложение 1,2
English lesson plan, the 9-10 th form , Zaitseva S.G., Secondary School №75 , Saratov
UK Culture: A Night out in Newcastle
Topic: Things to do in a city at night
- To develop reading skills
- To develop the ability to work co-operatively in a group
- To develop the ability to deduce meaning from context Procedure. Pre reading task
- to develop listening and speaking skills
Level: Intermediate. 60min
Procedure. Pre reading task:
• Put the students into small groups and get them to brainstorm things they
can do in the evening.
• Get students to talk about their favourite things to do in the evening and
what are the best places for young people to go to have a good time.
Reading tasks:
• Divide the class into groups of five and give out the list of paragraph titles
from Worksheet A.
• Then give each student a paragraph from the text in Worksheet A. Ask
them to find the correct title to match to their text.
a) A night-club with a difference (para 3)
b) Party atmosphere (para 2)
c) Safety on the streets (para 5)
d) What is there to do after dark? (para 1)
e) What to wear? (para 4)
• Next give out the list of statements from Worksheet B to each group and
get them to work as a group to decide if they are true or false.
1. Newcastle is a very old city. (true)
2. People don't wear much at night because Newcastle has very mild weather.
(false. It's very hot in the night clubs, but the weather can be very cool.)
3. The 'Bigg Market' is in Glasgow. (false. It's in Newcastle.)
4. The people of Newcastle speak with accent called 'Geordie'. (true)
5. The presence of the police stops people from being loud, high spirited and
aggressive. (false. The police presence prevents aggression but not
loudness and high spirits.)
6. The Tuxedo Royale is very popular. (true)
7. Tuxedo Royale is the name of a ferry which goes to Northern Ireland. (false. It
used to be a ferry but it has now been converted into a night club.)
8. Women go to 'hen parties' the night before they get married. (true)
9. You can only get into some clubs if you dress as a policeman. (false. Some
clubs have a dress code which means people have to dress smartly.)
10. Young people go to Newcastle to go to the 'Theatre Royal'. (false. They come
for the bars and clubs.)
1. Read out the answers for the students and see which group has got the
most correct.
2. Give out the list of definitions from Worksheet C and tell the students that
they should again work in groups to find one of the bold words in text
which has that meaning.
1. a party for men before a wedding (stag party)
2. a party for women before a wedding (hen party)
3. clothes (outfits)
4. crowded (packed)
5. fashionable (trendy)
6. people who go out a lot at night (clubbers)
7. place (setting)
8. to attach a ship or boat to the land (moored)
9. to change something from one thing to another (converted)
10. to prevent (deter)
• Read out the answers and give each team their score.
Post reading discussion task:
• Put the students into pairs or small groups and ask them to discuss these
questions from Worksheet D.
How does a night out in Newcastle differ from a night out in your
Which of the places mentioned in the text would you most like to visit?
Which of the things in the text would you not want to do?
What do men in your country do the night before they marry?
What do women in your country do the night before they marry?
What places would you advise a foreign visitor to go to for an evening
out in your country?
Do they prefer discuss whether their city is a 'daytime city' or a 'night-time it at night or during the day?
1.Answer the follow questions. Discuss in your group:
Where can the youth spend a night out in Saratov?
Which of the places would you most/ less visit in Saratov?
Which of things would you not want to do at night?
What places would you advice a foreign visitors for an evening out in Saratov?
Discuss in your group whether Saratov is a 'daytime city' or a 'night-time ?
2.Find out on the map and point out the places where the youth can spend a night out.
3. Discribe the places using the plan:
dress code
party atmosphere
a difference
business hours
4. Write a similar text about a night out in Saratov. If possible you could also include photos. Prepare a similar text about Saratov during the day. Do you prefer discuss whether their city is a 'daytime city' or a 'night-time it at night or during the day?
Приложение 1.
What is there to do after dark?
It's a myth that there's nothing to do in our cities at night. Our cities are packed
with culture and attractions, and many people go to cities such as Newcastle or
Glasgow for the nightlife alone. As night falls on Newcastle the shops and offices
close, transforming the city. Newcastle's nightlife has something to offer everyone,
from dinner at one of the many restaurants to an evening at the 'Theatre Royal'.
Most young people are drawn to the centre of Newcastle for its trendy bars and
clubs. An area of town named the 'Bigg Market' helped put Newcastle on the
'party' map and at weekends it is full of people moving from bar to bar. As the
night draws on, they then move onto nearby night-clubs.
Party atmosphere
Crowds of friends mix with groups of visitors, from tourists to hen and stag
parties. These are traditional parties that happen before weddings, the women
have hen parties and the men stag parties to celebrate their last night out as
single people. Conversation, laughter and loud music are everywhere; pouring out
of hot night-clubs and trendy bars. Amongst the crowds you'll hear the local
Geordie accent mixed with others from all over the UK and the world.
a night-club with a difference
One of the most popular destinations is the 'Tuxedo Royale' a ship permanently
moored under the Tyne Bridge. It's open every night and is an old Northern Irish
ferry which has been converted into a floating night-club. There are many bars
and dance floors on it. At weekends the wait to get in can be quite long but once
on board ship, the drinking and partying continues into the early hours.
What to wear?
Dress codes for entry into bars and clubs are common and strictly enforced at the
weekends, which means people wear their best clothes and are out to make a
good impression. People don't wear much, which may appear strange, as it can
get very cold outside at night. There's a very good reason for it though - inside the
night-clubs it's very hot, so there is no need for a coat. Some groups of people
dress in theme outfits for special nights out like birthdays so don't be surprised if
you see clubbers in school or police uniforms.
Safety on the streets
The police maintain a high profile to deter trouble and watch over the clubbers
making sure that people enjoy a safe but fun night out. The police presence
means people are loud and high spirited but not generally aggressive. It's the
combination of the historic setting, the wide choice of bars and night-clubs, and
Geordie attitude to having a good time that attracts people from all over the
country to enjoy the amazing nightlife.
Приложение 2
UK Culture: A Night out in Newcastle
Worksheet A
Match the paragraph you have been given to the correct heading.
a) A night-club with a difference
b) Party atmosphere
c) Safety on the streets
d) What is there to do after dark?
e) What to wear?
Paragraph 1
It's a myth that there's nothing to do in our cities at night. Our cities are packed with culture
and attractions, and many people go to cities such as Newcastle or Glasgow for the
nightlife alone. As night falls on Newcastle the shops and offices close, transforming the
city. Newcastle's nightlife has something to offer everyone, from dinner at one of the many
restaurants to an evening at the 'Theatre Royal'. Most young people are drawn to the
centre of Newcastle for its trendy bars and clubs. An area of town named the 'Bigg Market'
helped put Newcastle on the 'party' map and at weekends it is full of people moving from
bar to bar. As the night draws on, they then move onto nearby night-clubs.
Paragraph 2
Crowds of friends mix with groups of visitors, from tourists to hen and stag parties.
These are traditional parties that happen before weddings, the women have hen parties
and the men stag parties to celebrate their last night out as single people.
Conversation, laughter and loud music are everywhere; pouring out of hot night-clubs and
trendy bars. Amongst the crowds you'll hear the local Geordie accent mixed with others
from all over the UK and the world.
Paragraph 3
One of the most popular destinations is the 'Tuxedo Royale' a ship permanently moored
under the Tyne Bridge. It's open every night and is an old Northern Irish ferry which has
been converted into a floating night-club. There are many bars and dance floors on it. At
weekends the wait to get in can be quite long but once on board ship, the drinking and
partying continues into the early hours.
Paragraph 4
Dress codes for entry into bars and clubs are common and strictly enforced at the
weekends, which means people wear their best clothes and are out to make a good
impression. People don't wear much, which may appear strange, as it can get very cold
outside at night. There's a very good reason for it though - inside the night-clubs it's very
hot, so there is no need for a coat. Some groups of people dress in theme outfits for
special nights out like birthdays so don't be surprised if you see clubbers in school or
police uniforms.
Paragraph 5
The police maintain a high profile to deter trouble and watch over the clubbers making sure
that people enjoy a safe but fun night out. The police presence means people are loud and
high spirited but not generally aggressive. It's the combination of the historic setting, the
wide choice of bars and night-clubs, and Geordie attitude to having a good time that
attracts people from all over the country to enjoy the amazing nightlife.
Worksheet B
Work together and try to decide if these statements are true or false.
1. Newcastle is a very old city.
2. People don't wear much at night because Newcastle has very mild weather.
3. The 'Bigg Market' is in Glasgow.
4. The people of Newcastle speak with accent called 'Geordie'.
5. The presence of the police stops people from being loud, high spirited and
6. The Tuxedo Royale is very popular.
7. Tuxedo Royale is the name of a ferry which goes to Northern Ireland.
8. Women go to 'hen parties' the night before they get married.
9. You can only get into some clubs if you dress as a policeman.
10. Young people go to Newcastle to go to the 'Theatre Royal'.
Worksheet C
Try to match these meanings to the bold words in the text.
1. a party for men before a wedding
2. a party for women before a wedding
3. clothes
4. crowded
5. fashionable
6. people who go out a lot at night
7. place
8. to attach a ship or boat to the land
9. to change something from one thing to another
10. to prevent
Worksheet D
Discuss these questions with your partner.
- How does a night out in Newcastle differ from a night out in your town?
- Which of the places mentioned in the text would you most like to visit? Why?
- Which of the things in the text would you not want to do?
- What do men in your country do the night before they marry?
- What do women in your country do the night before they marry?
- What places would you advise a foreign visitor to go to for an evening out in
your country?
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