Грамматика и лексика. ЕГЭ

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Грамматика и лексика

People have come from all over Britain for this demonstration. I would say there are about 30.000 people here. Some of the __________ from Scotland left home __________ after midnight last night to arrive here on time. All of the members of one group have painted their hands and faces purple and are wearing gas masks. Others have brought their children. The police have arrived this morning, and have been waiting since then in case of trouble. One of the groups __________ the march made a statement yesterday saying that they would do all they could to disturb the demonstration; so the police officials are being very __________ . The march seems very well-organized; __________ have just given armbands to volunteers, who will make sure that people stay on the authorized road and remain _____ .



Demonstrators, shortly, opposing, careful, organizers, peaceful.


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