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  • Урок по теме «Животные – наши друзья. В Зоопарке»

Урок по теме «Животные – наши друзья. В Зоопарке»

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Урок по теме

«Животные - наши друзья. В Зоопарке» («Pets are our friends. In the Zoo»)

(проводился в третьем классе. Обучение ведётся по УМК Биболетовой М.З., Добрыниной Н.В., Ленской Е.А.)

Цели урока:

- воспитание любви к животным, к окружающему нас миру;

- воспитание таких качеств, как доброта, чуткость, терпение;

- развитие самостоятельности, творческих способностей, умение проводить исследовательскую работу, использовать разные источники знаний, умения работать в коллективе;

- расширение лексического запаса на английском языке, создание условий для воспроизведения в памяти учащихся системы опорных знаний и умений по изученной теме, применение изученных фраз в диалогической и монологической речи.

Оснащение урока:

- стенд с фотографиями домашних питомцев учеников;

- раздаточный материал в виде карточек;

- аудиозапись фонетической зарядки;

- мультимедийное оборудование;

- рисунки учащихся.

План урока:

  1. Организационный момент. Мобилизовать учащихся на учебную деятельность.

  2. Определение цели и темы урока. Вопросо-ответная работа (фронтально), фонетическая зарядка.

  3. Мотивация на воспроизведение изученного материала.

  4. Актуализация знаний и умений. Представление готовых проектов.

  5. Применение учебного материала в новой учебной ситуации. Работа с раздаточным материалом (карточками).

  6. Заключительный этап урока:

- оценка деятельности каждого ученика на уроке, подведение итогов;

- объяснение домашнего задания;

- чтение стихов о животных.

Ход урока:

Teacher (T): Good afternoon, my dear friends! I'm glad to see you! Today we will have an unusual lesson. We will talk about animals. We will go to the zoo.

Children, I have some questions for you.

What is your name? How old are you? Are you a pupil? Do you like to play? Do you like pets? Do you have a pet? Are pets our friends? Do you keep animals and birds at home? Must we take care of pets?

Ученики отвечают на вопросы, высказывают свое мнение.

Pupils (Ps): We like pets very much. We keep parrots, dogs, cats, tortoises, guinea pigs at home. They are our friends. We must take care of pets.

T: What domestic animals do you know? Look at these pictures, listen to me and repeat: a sheep


a cow


a cat


a rabbit


a horse


a cock


a dog


a duck


Do you like to go to the Zoo? Do you want to go to the Zoo? Let's go to the Zoo. Let's recite the poem.

We go, we go, we go to the zoo.

There is a tiger there

And a zebra too.

We can see a giraffe there

And an elephant too,

A bear and a monkey,

And a kangaroo.

T: What animals can you see in the Zoo?

Ps: We can see a zebra, a bear, a giraffe, a camel, a fox, a kangaroo, a crocodile, a wolf, a monkey.

T: Let's write the names of these animals on the blackboard and in your exercise books, please. What can they do? Make up the sentences complete:

- dog, my, can, run, and, jump, swim.

- a, swim, can, crocodile?

- monkey, can, a, climb.

- a, can't, fox, fly.

- grey, a, can, wolf, run.

Well done!

Our animals go to town. What do they buy?

Дети в костюмах животных рассказывают четверостишия.

A cat went to town to buy a hat.

What? A cat with a hat?

A hat for a cat?

Who ever saw a cat with a hat?

A cock went to town to buy a clock.

What? A cock with a clock?

A clock for a cock?

Who ever saw a cock with a clock?

A fox went to town to buy a box.

What? A fox with a box?

A box for a fox?

Who ever saw a fox with a box?

A hen went to town to buy a pen.

What? A hen with a pen?

A pen for a hen?

Who ever saw a hen with a pen?

A pig went to town to buy a stick.

What? A pig with a stick?

A stick for a pig?

Who ever saw a pig with a stick?

Проводится физкультминутка. Звучит музыка, ребята поют и делают упражнения.

Hands up hands down

Hands up hands down.

Hands on hips sit down.

Hands up to the sides

Bend left, bend right

One, two, three, hop

One, two, three, stop.

Hands on your hips,

Hands on your knees,

Put them behind you

If you please.

Touch your shoulders,

Touch your nose,

Touch your eyes,

Touch your ears,

Touch your toes.

T: Where do our animals live? Who lives in this house? Describe it.

Ps: What a nice house! It's very good. It's not small, it's not big. Tock-tock-tock.

Who lives in the house?

Дети отгадывают загадки.

This animal is not big, not small.

It lives in the forest.

It has a long tail.

It is red and very cunning.

It likes hens and cocks. (a fox)

This animal is small.

It lives in the house.

It doesn`t like to eat sweet cakes

But it can catch a mouse. (a cat)

This animals is big.

It cat be red, black, grey, brown.

It helps the farmer. (a horse)

This animal is big and brown.

It likes honey all year round. (a bear)

This animal is very nice.

It`s clever, strong and quick.

It likes to run, it likes to jump

With children in the garden. (a dog)

T: They are good friends. They live in the house.

But this animal is very little, grey and poor.

It has a long tail and a short nose.

It has no house. It lives in the garden.

What is it? (a mouse)

T: A cat and a mouse are not friends.

Дети в костюмах кошки и мышки инсценируют рифмовку:

Little Mouse

Little Mouse, Little Mouse,

Where is your house?

Little Cat, Little Cat,

I am a poor mouse,

I have no house.

Little Mouse, Little Mouse.

Come to my house.

Little Cat, Little Cat.

I can`t do that,

You want to eat me.

T: Let's remember the proverbs about animals. Match the proverbs with the pictures.


Proverbs about animals:

-As slow as a tortoise.

-As hungry as a wolf.

-As strong as a horse.

-A cat-and-dog life.

-As busy as a bee.

- As poor s a church mouse.

T: Open your books on p. 94. Let's read ex.1. What colour are our animals?

Let's have a rest.

Звучит музыка. Дети поют и хлопают в ладоши.

Clap Your Hands

Clap, clap, clap your hands,

Clap your hands together.

Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet,

Stamp your feet together.

T: It's time to have dinner. We are hungry. Our animals are hungry too.

Let's sing the song:

Please, porridge hot

Please, porridge hot,

Please, porridge cold,

Please, porridge in the pot

Nine days old.

Some like it hot,

Some like it cold.

Some like it in the pot

Nine days old.

T: What do you like?

Ps: I like bananas, apples.

T: Would you like some milk?

Ps: Yes, please. No, thank you

I would like some bread, porridge, sweets, sugar, meat.

T: Let's feed our animals.

Ps: Honey for a bear.

Fish for a cat.

Corn for a cockerel.

Meat for a dog.

Carrot for a rabbit.

T: The cat is sad. The bear is sad. Why?

Ps: They are fat.

They like sweets, sugar, honey.

They must run in the park.

They must eat bread, fish.

T: We made a wonderful picture of our pets and now, please, tell us some words about your pets.

Ученики выходят к доске, показывают фотографию своего животного и рассказывают о нем.

P1: I have a dog. My dog`s name is Rex. He is not very big. He is black and white. Rex is a good friend. He guards our family. I teach my dog to answer to his name, to understand me, and to do what I tell him. I am kind to my pet. I feed my pet. Rex likes to eat meat bones and drink milk. My dog likes to play with a ball. I love Rex.

P2: I have a parrot as a pet. Its name is Kesha. Kesha is a small clever bird. I teach him to talk. My parrot lives in a cage, but he likes to fly around the room. I feed him. He likes corn. I clean his cage, feed him, talk to him and play with him. I am always kind to him. I like my parrot very much.

T: Your stories are very interesting. The next task for you is the following: guess what animal it is. Fill in the table:






  1. It can speak.

  2. It's man's best friend.

  3. It lives in water.

  4. It likes milk and fish.

  5. It has a short tail and pockets in its cheeks for carrying food.

Дети меняются работами и вместе с учителем проверяют правильность заполнения карточек.

T: Do you know poems about animals? Let's recite the poems.

My Dream

By Gillian Brown

I love all kind of animals

Dogs and cats and rabbits.

I love all kinds of animals,

Despite their little habits.

If I had tons of money,

D`you know what I would do?

I would buy lots of animals

And have my own zoo

But they would be free to run around

And there`s one thing they would feel

And that is safe and sound.

T: And now to conclude our lesson. Answer my questions.

Is it great to have a pet at home? Must we be kind to pets? Is it great to go to the Zoo?

Now write down your homework. Write ex.7, p.99.

Children, how do you feel after the lesson?

Ps: After this lesson I am happy. And I am great.

Дети исполняют песню:

The More We Are Together

The more we are together,

Together, together,

The more we are together,

The happier we are.

For my friend is your friend

And your friend is my friend.

The more we are together,

The happier we are.

T: I'm happy, too. Children, you have worked very well today. Your answers were good and right. I'll give you the following marks…

Thank you for your work. The lesson is over, good bye.

Е.А. Четверикова

Сведения об авторе: Четверикова Екатерина Алексеевна, учитель английского языка МБОУ «Фатежская средняя общеобразовательная школа №2» Курской области.


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