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- Конспект уроку для 4 класу з теми ' East or West, Home is the best'
Конспект уроку для 4 класу з теми ' East or West, Home is the best'
урок з англійської мови
East or West,
home is best.в 3-А класі на тему:
Тема: East or West home is best!
активізувати у мові учнів лексичні одиниці з теми;
організувати монологічне мовлення учнів за темою уроку з опорою на малюнок;
організувати діалогічне мовлення учнів на основі опорного діалогу-зразка;
організувати тренування учнів по оперуванню граматичним матеріалом на рівні речення;
розвивати комунікативну компетенцію, здатність самостійно планувати мовленнєвий вчинок шляхом залучення учнів до іншомовної діяльності з використанням лексичних одиниць, що вивчаються;
розвивати увагу, довготривалу та оперативну пам'ять;
розвивати кмітливість, логічне мислення, мовленнєву реакцію;
виховувати культуру спілкування, колективної співпраці;
виховувати розуміння важливості оволодіння англійською мовою та потреби користуватися нею як засобом спілкування.
Обладнання: комп'ютер, мультимедійний проектор, презентація, мікрофон, тематичні картинки, картки з граматичним завданням.
Тип уроку: урок узагальнення та систематизації знань
1. Greeting
2. Warming up
3. Aim and motivation
T: Good morning, boys and girls!
Р: Good morning, good morning,
Good morning to you!
Good morning, good morning,
I'm glad to see you!
I am glad to see you too! How are you? Are you in a good mood? What is your name? Can you spell it please? Where are you from? What is your hobby? Do you like watching cartoons? What do you like? What don't you like? Do you like singing?
Let's sing a song together. ("Come and meet my family")
T: What is this song about?
P: This song is about family.
T: That's why today the topic of our lesson is: East or West home is best. We are going to speak about our family, our flat, the rooms in our flat, furniture and domestic animals.
Do you like playing team games? Today we'll form two teams. For each task you'll get smiles. At the end of the lesson we'll count these smiles. The team that has more smiles wins.
1.Speaking (monologue)
2. Speaking (dialogue)
4. Physical exercises
3.Grammar Work
5. Playing Jeopardy Game
T: It's time to start now. Look at the screen! What do you see in this picture? Yes, you are right. This is a family tree. Have you got a mother (father, uncle…).
Let's revise some words from the previous lessons. Name the opposites. For example, I say: «Mother» and you say: «Father». Let's start.
Mother, uncle, grandson, wife, parents, son, sister, granddaughter…
Well done! You get four smiles for this task.
One pupil of the team tells us about his (her) family tree and gets smiles for his (her) team. Is there anybody who wants to answer?
a)Look at the screen! What do you see in the picture? Is it a house or a flat? Is it big or small? Look at the plan of this flat! What rooms are there in this house (flat)? Where is the kitchen (living-room, bathroom)?
Work in pairs. One of you is a reporter. She conducts an interview with a famous singer about the house where he or she lives. (Work in pairs) .
That's enough for now. Act out your dialogues, please.
b) Do you have your own room? Have you got a picture of your rooms? Describe your pictures, please. Who would like to do it?
c) Look at the picture of the room, take the microphone and ask question about this room.
Are you tired? Let's have a rest and sing a song.
Let's go to the farm. What animals can you see in this picture?
What animal is this? What animals are these? What animal is that? What animals are those?
Change the sentences as in the example:
This is a cat. - These are cats.
That is a dog. - Those are dogs.
Work in groups.
Are you ready? Let's check your answers.
Do you like playing games? Let's play Jeopardy game. You choose the category and the number of the question. For each right answer you get one smile.
T: I am afraid it's time to finish now. Let's count your smiles together.
I am pleased with your work today. You were very active, your answers were good.
I think you've worked well and your mark is 10.
I think you've worked not very well - you failed the speaking task, that's why your mark is…
I'll give you a test next week. Please revise the vocabulary on the topic.
See you next Monday.