- Учителю
- Животные в нашей жизни
Животные в нашей жизни
Конспект урока английского языка в 6 классе
Учитель: Кольцова Нина Николаевна
Тема урока «Animals in Our Life»
Цель урока: Совершенствование речевых навыков.
Тип урока: урок обобщения и закрепления знаний, умений, навыков.
Учебная: развивать умение давать краткую характеристику, умение говорения на уровне подготовленного монологического высказывания по теме; строить оценочное суждение, описывать действия с помощью Present Simple и Past Simple
Развивающая: развивать воображение, способность к обобщению и сравнению
Воспитательная: формировать положительное отношение к братьям нашим меньшим; развивать сопереживание проблемам животных.
Формирование УУД:
личностные: положительное отношение к процессу познания, применять правила сотрудничества;
регулятивные: планировать решение учебной задачи, оценивать и корректировать свою деятельность.
познавательные: воспроизводить по памяти информацию, необходимую для решения учебной задачи; находить дополнительную информацию; высказывать предположения, обсуждать проблемные вопросы;
коммуникативные: участвовать в учебном диалоге, сотрудничать в совместном решении проблемы и строить монологические высказывания.
Планируемые результаты:
Базовый уровень: тренировка в использовании лексико-грамматического материала в устной речи, понимание текста для аудирования по теме урока.
Повышенный уровень: умение строить монологическое высказывание, строить высказывание по проблеме.
Оборудование: Медиа проектор, экран, компьютер, карточки с новыми словами, кассета с записью песни "What's this?", презентация «Animals in our life»
Ход урока.
T: Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you. I hope you are well and ready to work hard at our lesson. I believe the lesson will be interesting for you and you'll enjoy it.
I have got a very beautiful picture for you. What do you see on it? (Слайд - природа)
P: A river, a forest, maintains, the blue sky, grass…
T: What is wrong with this picture?
P: There aren't any animals on it.
T: Yes, you are right. Today we are going to speak about animals and pets in our life.
Look at the blackboard. What is the theme of the lesson?
P1: Animals in our life. (Слайд - тема урока)
T: Let's repeat the names of animals now. Look at the blackboard and say: What animals can you see? As for me I can see a … (Слайд - животные)
Ps: I can see a …
T: You know lot of animals.
T: Where do these animals live? Make up sentences. (Слайд - таблица)
in the deserts
at the farm
in the forests
at home
in the country
in the trees
in the mountains
in the zoo
in the rivers
T: What can we say about all these animals?
P: The animals can be wild and domestic and some of them are our pets.
T: Let's give characteristics of these animals. (Слайды животных)
P1: A fox is cunning, strong, clever and independent. It runs very fast.
P2: A camel is athletic, naughty and harmful. It can walk for a long distance.
P3: An eagle is clever, independent and serious. It can fly high.
P4: A cow is obedient, loving and friendly. It gives people milk. It eats grass.
P5: A wolf is independent, clever, brave, cruel and unfriendly. It can run very fast.
P6: A duck is naughty, silly and funny. It can swim.
P7: A bear is lazy, curious and unfriendly. It likes honey. It sleeps in winter.
P8: A dog is clever, intelligent, loving and friendly. It guards people.
P9: A monkey is funny, sociable and naughty. It climbs the trees very quickly.
P10: A horse is intelligent, independent and friendly. It can run very fast.
P11: A cat is curious, loving and friendly. It catches mice.
P12: A crocodile is terrible and aggressive. It is long and green. It likes to eat meat and fish.
P1: Нина Николаевна, may I ask you a question? All my friends have got a pet - a cat, a dog, a hamster. As for me I have got a parrot. Have you got a pet?
T: Yes, I have got a pet. But let's have a guessing time. Please, ask questions and guess my pet.
Ps: Is your pet big or small? T: It is neither big nor small.
Does it live in a cage? No, it does not live in a cage.
How many legs has your pet got? Four.
Has it got a long tail? Yes, a long fluffy tail.
What does it like to eat? It likes milk, but sometimes it catches mice
Can it speak? A little. It can sing songs when it sleeps.
I think it's a cat. Yes, you are right. It's a cat.
What is its name? Murka.
(Слайд - кошка)
T: Now who wants to tell us about your pet?
P1: I've got a hamster. It's my favourite pet. His name is Khoma. He is little and nice. He is white and fluffy. He has got a short tail, little legs and little black eyes. Khoma likes to eat fruits and vegetables. (Слайд - хомяк)
P2: I've got a rabbit. (Слайд - кролик)
P3: My pet is a tortoise. It is a wild animal but it can live in a house too. My tortoise is very slow and likes to sleep very much. It likes to eat fruits and grass. In summer when it's warm I take it for a walk and it eats flowers. (Слайд - черепаха)
P4: And I want you to guess my pet. I'll describe it. Listen. It is the second biggest animal in the world. It can eat 300 kilos of food and drink 200 liters of water. It lives in Africa and India. It is kind, clever and very intelligent. I think it will be a good friend. I want to have this animal at home but my mother says it's impossible. (Слайд - слон)
T: Children, do you know that people use animals in their proverbs. Let's read them and find Russian equivalents. (Слайд - с пословицами)
T: Some days ago we read the text about London Zoo. You told about your visits the Zoos in other cities - in Moscow, in Tula, in our town. Why do people need Zoos? What is good about them? (Слайд - зоопарк)
P1 - People can see different animals there.
P2 - People can feed the exotic animals and watch the young babies grow there.
P3- People learn new things about nature.
P4 - Zoo lovers can study animals in their cages.
P5 - It is very enjoyable. People can find new friends.
T: But where else can we meet animals? What do they do there?
P1: We can meet them in the circus. They work there. People like to go to the circus, especially children.
T: We have a circus in our Tula. Your home task was to learn much about it.
Tula Circus (Слайды - Тульский цирк)
P1: Tula circus is one of the best circuses in Russia.
P2: It was built in 1870 and is one of the oldest circuses in our country.
P3: First it was a wood building in the center of Tula, in Posolskaya Street (now Sovetskaya).
P4: In 1909 Иван Поддубный built a new circus. There were 680 seats. (Слайд - Поддубн)
P5: But in 1948 the circus burnt.
P6: The new building was opened on the 3d of September in 1963. (Слайд - стройка цирк)
P7: There were many interesting shows: Ice Show, Water Show, Horse Show.
P8: Many famous circus artists performed in Tula. They are: Олег Попов, Юрий Никулин, Мстислав and Вальтер Запашные, Эмиль and Игорь Кио</<font face="Times New Roman, serif">. (Слайды - артисты)
P9: Пересказ текста
T: I know you have heard about The Red Book at another lessons. What is this book about?
P1: We can find the endangered animals in it. Our Tula Region has its own Red Book. There are animals and birds which need our care and help. None of us must ever forget that they are our friends! (Слайды - Тульская Кр.книга)
T: What must and mustn't we do for our pets? Each of us. Read, please.
(Слайд - таблицы):
kill birds
feed our pets
give sweets to pets
feed birds in winter
feed animals at the zoo
love pets
hurt animals
take a dog for a walk
play with animals at the zoo
T: Let's listen and read the poem (p.107 ex.14). (Аудиозапись)
T: Imagine that all of you are the directors of different zoos and circuses. And you have got many problems. What would you do as the director? Begin the sentences with
If I were the director of the zoo (circus) I would …
p.107 ex.12
P1… feed the animals well. My animals should be happy and healthy.
P2… buy new animals for my zoo. Then people could see more animals and learn more about them.
P3… repair the animals' cages. People will not be afraid of them.
P4… not allow animals to do dangerous tricks.
T: Are you ready to speak about animals? Stick the statement you choose.
Ps: I am ready to speak about animals.
I am ready to speak about animals with some help. (Слайд)
T: Continue the phrase: (Слайд)
It is interesting to know that …
I have known about … (Слайд)
T: You were very active today. Thank you. The lesson is over. Good-bye.
После предложений где живут животные
What can we say about all these animals?
The animals can be wild and domestic and some of them are our pets.
Характеристики животных
P1: A fox is cunning, strong, clever and independent. It runs very fast.
P2: A camel is athletic, naughty and harmful. It can walk for a long distance.
P3: An eagle is clever, independent and serious. It can fly high.
P4: A cow is obedient, loving and friendly. It gives people milk. It eats grass.
P5: A wolf is independent, clever, brave, cruel and unfriendly. It can run very fast.
P6: A duck is naughty, silly and funny. It can swim.
P7: A bear is lazy, curious and unfriendly. It likes honey. It sleeps in winter.
P8: A dog is clever, intelligent, loving and friendly. It guards people.
P9: A monkey is funny, sociable and naughty. It climbs the trees very quickly.
P10: A horse is intelligent, independent and friendly. It can run very fast.
P11: A cat is curious, loving and friendly. It catches mice.
P12: A crocodile is terrible and aggressive. It is long and green. It likes to eat meat and fish.
Спросить учителя о питомце
Is your pet big or small?
Does it live in a cage?
How many legs has your pet got?
Has it got a long tail?
What does it like to eat?
Can it speak?
I think it's a cat.
What is its name?
Зачем нужны зоопарки и что в них хорошего?
P1 - People can see different animals there.
P2 - People can feed the exotic animals and watch the young babies grow there.
P3- People learn new things about nature.
P4 - Zoo lovers can study animals in their cages.
P5 - It is very enjoyable. People can find new friends.
Где еще можно встретить животных и что они там делают?
We can meet them in the circus. They work there. People like to go to the circus, especially children.
О Красной книге. О чем она?
At Geography and Biology lessons we have already heard about Red Book. We can find the endangered animals in it. Our Tula Region has its own Red Book. There are animals and birds which need our care and help. None of us must ever forget that they are our friends!
После составления предложений, что (не)должны делать с питомцами и животными, на вопросы учителя
Do you look after your pet? ( и другие)
Для 1 столбика: Yes, I do. I look ….
Для 2 столбика:
No, I don't. I never give sweets to pets…
Вы - директора зоопарка или цирка. Что бы вы сделали для своих животных?
(стр.107 упр.14)
If I were the director of the zoo (circus) I would …
P1… feed the animals well. My animals should be happy and healthy.
P2… buy new animals for my zoo. Then people could see more animals and learn more about them.
P3… repair the animals' cages. People will not be afraid of them.
P4… not allow animals to do dangerous tricks.
На каком уровне вы готовы говорить о животных после урока?
I am ready to speak about animals. (Готов)
I am ready to speak about animals with some help. (Готов с небольшой помощью)
Продолжить фразы
It is interesting to know that …
I have known about …
Diana wants to have an elephant as a pet.
the history of Tula circus.
Тульский цирк
Стих, стр.107 упр.12