- Учителю
- Урок Профессии — Professions
Урок Профессии — Professions
Целью данного урока является расширение вокабуляра обучающихся прилагательными, которые лаконично характеризуют особенности различных профессий и подведение их к неподготовленной речи по проблеме выбора профессии. Задания направлены на развитие догадки, умения определить прилагательное по его дефиниции.
Обсуждение ситуаций в паре и осознанный выбор прилагательных, индивидуальное чтение мини-текстов про себя и заполнение пропусков соответствующими описанию профессий прилагательными обеспечивает развитие коммуникативной компетенции обучающихся и подводит их к обсуждению в группах плюсов и минусов различных профессий, формируя целостное мировозрение ребенка.
Тема: Профессии - Professions.
Цели: I. Практические
1. Обучающиеся разовьют УУД в чтении про себя.
2. Повторят и дополнят список прилагательных,
характеризующих профессии.
3. Разовьют УУД по составлению монологического
II. Образовательная
Обучающиеся познакомятся с некоторыми экстра-
лингвистическими факторами из жизни англичан.
III. Воспитательная
Обучающиеся научатся осознанно осуществлять выбор и
принимать решения.
IV. Развивающая
Обучающиеся разовьют память.
Ход урока
I. Организационный этап.
Greetings. A short talk about professions in their family and among relatives.
II. Мотивационный этап.
Цель этапа: включить обучающихся в учебную деятельность по изучению новых прилагательных на личностно-значимом уровне.
Teaсher's question: How can we characterize a job in one word?
Students name adjectives they know.
"dangerous, useful, interesting, boring, important, stressful, exciting" and others.
Teacher: Try to characterize this profession.
"Some parts of my job are not interesting, like filling shelves. I have to do it every day and it is..."
Обучающиеся не знают этого прилагательного.
III. Актуализация знаний и выявление проблемы.
Цель этапа: подвести обучающихся к пониманию необходимости ознакомиться с новыми прилагательными и соотнести их с названиями профессий.
Teacher: What does the verb "repeat" mean?
Students' answer: It means to do something again,like to say or to write.
Teacher: What does the noun "repetition" mean?
Students' answer: It means doing the same thing many times.
Teacher: Who can guess the adjective "repetitive"?
Students' answer: It's something done many times in the same way.
IV. Проект выхода и реализация проблемы.
Цель этапа постановка цели учебной деятельности, выбор способа и средства.
Work in pairs.
</ Exercise 1.Read the definition and guess the adjective. There are two adjectives more.
repetitive =making you feel happy and satisfied because you feel you are
exciting doing something useful or important, even if you don't earn much
glamorous =difficult in an interesting or enjoyable way
rewarding =done many times in the same way
challenging =a person, plan, etc. that can change or be changed easily to suit any
new situation
flexible =a person, place or activity that seems very attractive and exciting, because it is beautiful or is connected with success and wealth
V. Первичное закрепление.
Цель этапа: применить новое знание в типовых заданиях.
Work in pairs.
Exercise 2. Match the adjective to the description. There are two extra adjectives.Glamorous, exciting, challenging, flexible, rewarding, stressful, repetitive, boring, terrible
Example: I get a lot of satisfaction from helping people in my work and the pay is good too! (rewarding)
1.Every day presents a new problem, which I like to solve. (________)
2.My wife works long hours and people are constantly complaining. (______)
3.My friend works for a company where you choose which hours you
work and when you take a holiday. (_________)
4.I have an amazing lifestyle of champagne, meeting celebrities and
appearing in magazines. I love it. (_____________)
5.I find it enjoyable meeting and interviewing different people. It is also a
joy when you finish a long article and it's published. (____________)
6.Some parts of my job are not very interesting, like filling shelves. Also,
changing the window displays isn't exciting. (___________)
VI. Relaxing.
"Banker's Wife's Blues"
Where does John live?
He lives near the bank
Where does he work?
He works at the bank.
When does he work?
He works all day
and he works all night
at the bank, at the bank,
at the great, big bank.
Where does he study?
He studies at the bank.
Where does he sleep?
He sleeps at the bank.
Why does he spend all day, all night,
all day, all night,
at the bank, at the bank?
Because he loves his bank
more than his wife
and he loves his money
more than his life.
VII. Самостоятельная работа.
Цель этапа: самопроверка умения узнавать значения новых прилагательных.
Exercise 3. Silent reading.
Read mini-texts and insert the missing adjective. There are two adjectives more.
Exercise 3 mini-texts
1.Well, the hours are very long and I have to work shifts, but I like my colleagues and I enjoy the variety of the work. You know, every day is different. The main reason I like the job is the contact with patients. I like to feel that I am helping people and my colleagues are great, so that makes the job very ….. It's certainly not the pay - that is terrible.
2. Some people would say it's a …. job, but actually it's hard work as well. The pay is good, but sometimes I don't work for a few weeks, so that can be a worry. I suppose I enjoy the travel - there's a lot of that. But sometimes there's a lot of waiting around for photographers and stylists, which can be really boring.
3.I really enjoy my job, although there can be a lot of routine paperwork and I have to be at a lot of meetings. Preparing cases takes up a lot of my time and can be very …. The best parts of the job are meeting clients and going to court. There are good opportunities for promotion and I have to travel quite a lot, which is nice.
VIII. Включение в систему знаний и повторение.
Цель этапа: включить новую лексику в процесс коммуникации.
Работа в группах
Look at the jobs below and discuss the questions.
How important/useful do you think they are?
How much status do these jobs have in our country?
Do you think they should be paid more or less money? Why?
IX. Домашнее задание.
Name pluses and minuses of different jobs. Explain why you will never be in
these professions.
eg. Politicians are well-paid but their job is very stressful and dangerous.
That's why I will never work as a politician.
X. Рефлексия.
2 adjectives (glamorous, rewarding)
3 verbs (work in shifts, prepare cases, travel a lot)
1 sentence - All professions are important