- Учителю
- План-конспект урока по теме 'British schools. Would you like to attend private schools'
План-конспект урока по теме 'British schools. Would you like to attend private schools'
Урок английского языка
Учитель: Пигарева Н.Н.
Авторы УМК: М.З.Биболетова, Н.Н.Трубанева «Английский с удовольствием.7 класс» Обнинск,Титул,2009
Тема урока «Британские школы. Хотел бы ты посещать частную школу?»
Тип урока: урок комплексного применения знаний и способов действий.
Вид урока: Урок работы с языковым портфолио
Цели урока:
Познакомить с информацией об образовании, о частных школах Британии
Совершенствовать навыков аудирования, чтения, диалогической и монологической речи.
Обучение учащихся навыкам проектной работы.
Формирование способов деятельности, умения применять знания в альтернативных ситуациях.
Развитие навыков иноязычной речи, умения обобщать и систематизировать.
Развитие творческих способностей.
Развитие умений и навыков групповой и индивидуальной работы
Воспитательная: .
Способствование повышения интереса к стане изучаемого языка
Совершенствование умения работы в группе.
Воспитание культуры слушателя.
Воспитание уважительного отношения к своей школе, её истории и традициям.
Формирование УУД
• формирование ответственного отношения к учению, готовности к саморазвитию и самообразованию; •формирование коммуникативной компетентности в общении и сотрудничестве со сверстниками.
• формирование устойчивой учебно-познавательной мотивации и интереса к учению.
• осуществление регулятивных действий самонаблюдения, самоконтроля, самооценки в процессе заполнения языкового портфеля
• формирование умения самостоятельно контролировать своё время и управлять им.
• использование адекватных языковых средств для отображения своих чувств, мыслей, мотивов и потребностей.
• построение устных высказываний, в соответствии с поставленной коммуникативной задачей;
• построение логических рассуждений, включающих установление причинно-следственных связей;
Оборудование: учебники Биболетовой М.З. "Enjoy English -7",ТПО, раздаточный материал «страничка языкового портфолио», заготовки к проектам, компьютер, проектор, презентация к уроку в Power Point
Межпредметные связи: история,география, краеведение,логика
Сценарий урока:
1.Организация начала урока (психологический настрой учащихся)
T: Good afternoon, friends!
S: Good afternoon, teacher!
T: Glad to see you!
S: Glad to see you, too!
2.Сообщение темы урока, мотивация и целеполагание
T: I want you to read a poem and then tell me what we will speak about today.
Subjects are so nice and great
Classes, teachers every day.
Here life is flying by,
Only students will survive.
Open your eyes and ears,
Listen, learn and study here.
T: What is it?
S: School.
Fill your portfolio.(1 задание ЯП)
T: What kind of schools will we speak about? (на доске картинка с Великобританией и её флагом )
S :About schools in Britain.
T: Its written here Eton, Harrow. We will speak about famous private schools and at the end of the lesson I'll ask you : Would you like to attend a public school?
Today we fill your language portfolio. It will be YOUR thoughts, YOUR feelings, YOUR relation. Take the sheets and sign them.
3. Актуализация знаний по теме «School. Emotions at school»
T: What is school for you?
(ответы учеников, в качестве опоры лексика упр.30, стр.68, учебник, заполнение задания 1задание ЯП)
T: Being at school we feel different emotions. How can we feel?
Fill your portfolio.(2 задание ЯП)
4. Закрепление знаний в типичной ситуации
T: Why do people need schools? Do we need schools? Maybe it is not important to attend schools?
(работа у доски -ученики собирают словосочетания для ответа на поставленный вопросWhy do you need school? )
To become clever
To develop my mind
To take part in school activities
To study interesting subjects
To learn new things
To prepare for adult life
To have friends
To enjoy school life and friendship
Why do YOU need school?
Fill your portfolio.(3 задание ЯП)
5.Проверка домашнего задания
T: At home you read some information about schools in Britain. Open your books at page 76.
Now I want to ask you some questions.
-What kind of secondary schools are there in Britain?
-Are state schools free?
-Must parents pay for private education?
-Is it expensive?
-Are state schools mixed or only for boys?
-What are public schools famous for?
-In what kinds of schools students must wear uniform?
Fill your portfolio.(4 задание ЯП)
6.Динамическая пауза
In the classroom I've hidden names of subjects British children study at school. Please find them and clip on the blackboard. It must be 14.
(звучит веселая музыка, ученики перемещаются по классу в поисках табличек с названиями школьных предметов, затем крепят их на доске)
What subjects do YOU have at school?
Fill your portfolio.(5 задание ЯП)
7. Творческое добывание и применение знаний в нестандартной ситуации
T: Of course Britain is famous for its perfect education. Eton, Harrow, Winchester are world famous names. Not every child has an opportunity to study there. We have two groups today . The one group is going to speak about Eton, the other -about Harrow.
(обучающиеся рассказывают о школах Итон и Хэрроу, затем задают вопросы по материалу)
T: State schools and private schools exist everywhere. You know the differences between state and private schools. Now, we're going to name them. What makes them different?
T: But hopefully you like our school. Explain why?
(Ex. 31 p.68)
What do you know about our school?
(3я группа рассказывает о своей школе)
Т: So answer the main question of the lesson: Would you like to attend a public school? Fill your portfolio.(6 задание ЯП)
I hope you've enjoyed the lesson, too. Was it interesting? Would you like to know more about schools in Britain? What did you learn about education in Britain?
9.Подведение итогов. Объяснение домашнего задания
Today we have done a lot. You are very talented and creative. Your HW is
Ex.66, p.75-76. Information about education in English speaking countries Australia and the USA.
The lesson is over. Your marks are…Thank you for the lesson. You may have a break. Good bye.
Приложение к уроку Языковое портфолио ЯП
Language Portfolio 7form
Theme: Schools in Britain. Would you like to attend a public school?
Name__________________ Date_______________ Form______________________
Subjects are so nice and great
Classes, teachers every day.
Here life is flying by,
Only students will survive.
Open your eyes and ears,
Listen, learn and study there. What is it? ______________________
What is school for you?______________________________________________________
Ex.30 p.68 ________________________________________________________
How do you feel at school?
You are ready for the lesson._____________________________________________
You are not ready for the lesson.__________________________________________
You have a difficult test.________________________________________________
You have forgotten a copy-book with HW?_________________________________
You get a good mark.___________________________________________________
You get a bad mark.____________________________________________________
You have an argument with your classmate._________________________________
Your best friend doesn't come to school.____________________________________
Why do you need school?(Ex.46 p.71)
British state school
British private (public) school
Famous private schools
The subjects British students can study at schools. Tick the subjects (+) you've got in your school.
Information Technology
Foreign language
Physical Education
6. Would you like to attend a public school?
Tick the statements which could be your answer.
I would like to attend a British public school, because…
…I want to get the best education in the world.
…I want to study with children of aristocrats.
…I want to live and study in Britain.
…I want to become a Prime Minister of Great Britain.
…I want to wear Eton or Harrow dress.
I would not like to attend a British public school, because…
…it is very expensive.
...I think it is very difficult to study there.
…I think I get good education in Russian state school.
The theme was interesting/not interesting for me.
I'll read some additional information about it.