• Учителю
  • Рок по английскому языку для учащихся 6 класса по теме '1 апреля'

Рок по английскому языку для учащихся 6 класса по теме '1 апреля'

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Краткое описание: данный урок по английскому языку разработан для проведения в рамках предметной недели по иностранным языкам, посвященной Дню Дурака. в ходе урока дети знакомятся с историей возникновения праздника и традициями его празднования в разных странах. ученикам предложены кон
предварительный просмотр материала

Урок для 6 класса по теме «1-е апреля».

Цель: развитие навыков использования лексического материала по теме "April Fool's Day".

Лексика: fool, noon, treat, custom, harmless, celebrations, gifts, remember, forget.

Количество учеников: до 20 учащихся.

Время: 40 минут.

Подготовка: написать на доске предложение. Сделать копии раздаточного материала для каждого ученика.

Подготовка учащихся к восприятию темы.

Учитель записывает на доске предложение"Up the l adder and down the wall, You are the greatest full of all!" и предлагает ученикам догадаться, какая тема урока.

  • Read the sentence on the board. Guess what is the topic of the lesson.

  • Yes, you are right. The topic of the lesson is April Fool's Day.

  • When do you think people say this rhyme? (the teacher writes the students' ideas on the board.)

Развитие навыков использования лексического материала.

Учитель читает вопросы викторины, учащиеся внимательно слушают, обсуждают свои ответы в группах и отвечают на вопросы.

- So today's topic is All April Fools' Day and now we'll check what you know about this holiday.

- You will work in groups. (the teacher unites the students into groups.)

- Every group should have a name that is connected to the topic of the lesson. In one minute you will tell me the name of your group and others will guess how it is connected to the topic.

- Ok, we have wonderful names of the groups. Now we can start the quiz.

- I read a word or expression and three variants of explanation of it. You have time to discuss it within your group and choose the best answer.

- Then every group in turn gives me their variant of answers. I write them down on the board under the name of your team.

- The group whose answer is correct gets 5 points.

- The winner of the quiz is the team with more points.


  1. A trick is ___________

  1. a sweet;

  2. a joke;

  3. a smile.

  1. To be fooled means__________

  1. to be tricked;

  2. to be killed;

  3. to be a fool.

  1. Noon is _____________

  1. the start of the day;

  2. the end of the day;

  3. the middle of the day.

  1. A treat is _______________

  1. some food that you give to your guests;

  2. some words that you say to your guests;

  3. some time that you spend with your guests.

  1. A custom is ______________

  1. a present that you don't like;

  2. a person who works in a shop;

  3. a tradition to do something.

  1. Harmless means ______________

  1. not kind;

  2. not dangerous;

  3. not beautiful.

  1. Celebrations are _____________

  1. holiday meals;

  2. holiday presents;

  3. holiday parties.

  1. Gifts are __________________

  1. presents;

  2. people;

  3. sport.

  1. To remember means _________

  1. to keep in a bag;

  2. to keep in a pocket;

  3. to keep in memory.

  1. To forget means ______________

  1. not to see something;

  2. not to eat something;

  3. not to remember something.

Поисковое чтение текста.

Материалы: копии раздаточного материала для каждой пары.

Учитель раздает копии раздаточного материала и дает задание быстро просмотреть текст и ответить на вопросы.

  • You know the meanings of the most of the words that are connected to the holiday, let's read some facts about it. The first thing to find in the text is the answer to the question I asked you at the beginning of the lesson: When do people say this rhyme?

  • You will work in pairs. (the teacher unites the students into pairs.)

  • Every pair gets a handout with the text about April Fool's Day.

  • You have 3 minutes to look it through and answer this question. (the teacher gives the handouts to every pair.)


If you do try to play a trick in the afternoon, you will probably hear this shout:

"Up the ladder and down the wall

You're the greatest fool of all!"

Содержательное чтение текста.

Материалы: копия раздаточного материала для каждой пары.

Учитель дает задание найти лишние слова в тексте.

  • You know that April Fools' Day is a funny holiday and the text about it is not usual. There are 13 odd words in the text. The odd words are the words that should not be in the text.

  • So read the text and cross out all the words that you think are odd.

  • In 10 minutes we will check your ideas.



If you HELLO have a trick played on you YOUR in the United States, you are an "April Fool". In England, you might be BOOK called a "noddy", which means a "fool" or "simpleton". But if you TEA live in England, don't try to play any tricks in the afternoon of All Fools' Day. In England tricks are played only SANTA till noon. If you do try to play a trick in the afternoon, you will probably hear this shout:

"Up the ladder and down the wall,

You're the greatest fool of all!"

And in France, the person SNOW who is fooled is called an "April Fish". Why a "fish"? No one CUP is quite sure. Perhaps it is because in April fish are young and easily caught. In AFTER France, as a special treat, you NOSE can buy chocolate fish on April Fools' Day.

The custom of playing harmful tricks on April 1 is said to have begun in France more than four hundred years ago. At that time, New Year's Day was March 25. Celebration went on CAKE through April 1, at which time people gave New Year's gifts.

Then, the French adopted a new SHOE calendar. New Year's Day was switched from March 25 to January 1. This confused many TABLES people for a long time. On April the 1st those who SUMMER remembered the switch began to play tricks on those who forgot.

Проверка понимания текста.

Материалы: копия раздаточного материала для каждой пары.

Учитель дает задание составить по 3 предложения по тексту, которые могут быть верными или ошибочными. Потом учитель предлагает перевернуть текст так, чтобы ученики его не видели, и объясняет правила игры.

  • You will work in groups. (The teacher unites the students into groups.)

  • Your task is to make three sentences about the text. They can be true or false.

  • When everybody is ready we start the game.

  • One by one groups read their sentences. When one group is reading their sentence others are listening carefully to say if it is true or false.

  • If your answer is right and you can explain it you get one point.

  • The group with more points is the winner.

Раздаточный материал


If you hello have a trick played on you your in the United States, you are an "April Fool". In England, you might be book called a "noddy", which means a "fool" or "simpleton". But if you tea live in England, don't try to play any tricks in the afternoon of All Fools' Day. In England tricks are played only Santa till noon. If you do try to play a trick in the afternoon, you will probably hear this shout:

"Up the ladder and down the wall,

You're the greatest fool of all!"

And in France, the person snow who is fooled is called an "April Fish". Why a "fish"? No one cup is quite sure. Perhaps it is because in April fish are young and easily caught. In after France, as a special treat, you nose can buy chocolate fish on April Fools' Day.

The custom of playing harmful tricks on April 1 is said to have begun in France more than four hundred years ago. At that time, New Year's Day was March 25. Celebration went on cake through April 1, at which time people gave New Year's gifts.

Then, the French adopted a new shoe calendar. New Year's Day was switched from March 25 to January 1. This confused many tables people for a long time. On April the 1st those who summer remembered the switch began to play tricks on those who forgot.


If you hello have a trick played on you your in the United States, you are an "April Fool". In England, you might be book called a "noddy", which means a "fool" or "simpleton". But if you tea live in England, don't try to play any tricks in the afternoon of All Fools' Day. In England tricks are played only Santa till noon. If you do try to play a trick in the afternoon, you will probably hear this shout:

"Up the ladder and down the wall,

You're the greatest fool of all!"

And in France, the person snow who is fooled is called an "April Fish". Why a "fish"? No one cup is quite sure. Perhaps it is because in April fish are young and easily caught. In after France, as a special treat, you nose can buy chocolate fish on April Fools' Day.

The custom of playing harmful tricks on April 1 is said to have begun in France more than four hundred years ago. At that time, New Year's Day was March 25. Celebration went on cake through April 1, at which time people gave New Year's gifts.

Then, the French adopted a new shoe calendar. New Year's Day was switched from March 25 to January 1. This confused many tables people for a long time. On April the 1st those who summer remembered the switch began to play tricks on those who forgot.


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