- Учителю
- Мероприятие на английском языке 'School days'
Мероприятие на английском языке 'School days'
Подробный план-конспект мероприятия по английскому языку, проведенного в 7 классе МБОУ СОШ № 8 г. Бирск, на тему: «School Days»
Подробный план-конспект мероприятия по английскому языку, проведенного в 7 классе, на тему: «School Days»
Форма проведения: викторина
- Способствовать формированию речевых умений
- Закрепление изученной лексики по теме
- Подвести итог в изучении темы «Школьные дни»
- Способствовать развитию творческих способностей
- Способствовать развитию сообразительности, находчивости
- Способствовать развитию памяти, внимания, воображения
- Расширить кругозор учащихся
- Способствовать расширению познавательных интересов
- Способствовать формированию положительного отношения к английскому языку
- Способствовать формированию умения работать в сотрудничестве, в команде
- Создать дух здорового соперничества, способствовать формированию правильного представления к честной борьбе
Материалы к мероприятию:
Проектор, ноутбук, презентация Power Point
Раздаточные материалы: жетоны, буквы для составления слова, карточки с изображением школьных принадлежностей, цветные карандаши и карточку с изображением, слова песни
Место проведения: 314 аудитория МБОУ СОШ №8 г.Бирск
План проведения мероприятия:
Основная конкурсная часть викторины
Заключительная часть. Награждение подарками
School Days
Wake up! Wake up!
--What time is it?
Wake up! Wake up!
--What time is it?
It's time to get up.
--What time is it?
It's time to get up.
--What time is it?
Come on, get up!
--I don't want to get up.
Come on, get up!
--I don't want to get up.
You have to get up.
--I don't want to get up.
You must get up!
--I don't want to get up.
Ypu've got to get up!
--I don't want to get up.
COme on, get up!
--I don't want to get up.
Get up! Get up!
You're going to be late!
--Late for what?
Late for work.
--Late for work?
--It's Sunday!
No,no,no it's Wednesday. And today we have a competition in the 7th form.
Hello, boys and girls! Today we shall have a competition. Two teams will take part in our competition.
This competition is on the topic "School".
Do you like your school?
Do you have friends in your school?
Do you like to study in your school?
Why don't you like to study in your school?
Alina, do you remember your school days?
Yes, of course I remember my school days. The most interesting days in my childhood.
School is not only a place of education; it is a place where we develop our relationships, increasing tolerance and mutual respect of one another among our classmates. At school we can enjoy different cultural activities and demonstrate our individual talents. Everyone has an opportunity to take part in different performances at a school or class party, or to take part in different sport competitions.
So a teacher plays an important role in our education, and when we remember our school years we usually remember our teachers, if they were fair and intelligent or not. I think that I'm a lucky person - almost all my teachers are very interesting and intelligent. When our teachers criticize us, they follow such rules: they try to correct a student's action, not him; they do not impress upon him that he has no abilities; they try to contribute to the minds and souls of their students; they try to be a path for their students to go through a dark forest of school rules. But I can't judge all teachers, because there are as many opinions how to treat a child as there are people. Teachers must choose their methods themselves, but they should remember that they influence and shape the student's opinion about their school. As for me, I think that in our school almost all teachers understand the students and become like parents to us. They support us and care for us. I was happy at my school and so were my classmates.
We know that you studied this topic. And let's start checking your knowledge
За каждое правильное задание будут даваться карточки. В конце мероприятия мы подведем итоги, подсчитаем ваши карточки, и выявим победителя!
Collect a bag to school
You are going to school. What must you take with you? You should complete the cards.
Каждой команде раздать карточки с изображением школьных принадлежностей. Команды должны дописать предложение на карточке, выбрав подходящие слова.
School uniform
Командам раздать цветные карандаши и карточку с изображением Джессики в черно-белом цвете.
First, listen to me attentivelly, next colour Jessica's school unifrom.
Jessica's winter uniform
Jessica goes to Woodlands Primary School. She wears a school uniform. She wears a red hat.
She wears a white shirt and a red school tie.
She wears a grey school blazer with the school badge on it.
When it's cold she wears a grey sweatshirt.
When it's very cold she wears red gloves and a red scarf.
She wears a grey skirt.
She wears red tights and black shoes.
Favorite school subjects
What are Jessica's favorite school subjects?
School timetable
Read Jessica's timetable and write the missing subjects in the spaces!
Командам выдаются две карточки: одна с текстом, другая со школьным расписанием на понедельник и вторник. Командам нужно заполнить правильно расписание.
Карточка с текстом:
Карточка со школьным расписанием:
8.40 School assembly School assembly
9.00 maths ……………………….
9.45 ………………………………. games
10.30 break break
10.45 drama ……………………………
11.30 ………………………. music
12.15 lunch lunch
1.30 geography ……………………………
2.15 ………………………….. English
3.30 French maths
Unusual subjects in your own timetable.
Invent your-own unusual subjects!
Команды получают задание придумать необычные школьные уроки, например:
drawing on the wall, children's computer games, windsurfing, fishing in the school's swimming pool, riding bike around the town, visiting space, travelling on the spaceship etc.
Побеждает команда, придумавшая больше необычных уроков.
It's time to finish our competition. We're happy to have such clever pupils. Now we shall find out who is the winner today.
Thanks for your active work. We give "fives" for everyone.