- Учителю
- Конспект уроку з теми ' Корисна їжа'
Конспект уроку з теми ' Корисна їжа'
Урок англійської мови 6 клас
Тема уроку: Їжа. Продукти харчування.
• Практична: повторити вивчені у попередніх класах назви продуктів та ввести нові лексичні одиниці до теми, формувати навички читання з повним розумінням прочитаного;
• Освітня: поглибити знання учнів про класифікацію продуктів харчування;
• Розвиваюча: розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію;
• Виховна : виховувати культуру спілкування , прищеплювати прагнення
використовувати здобуті знання як засобу інтелектуального самоствердження.
Обладнання: лексичні картки до теми, аркуші з таблицею для роботи у групі.
Хід уроку.
І. Оргмомент.
Організація класу. Привітання. Введення у іншомовну атмосферу.
How do you do, my dears?
Are you in a good mood?
Are you ready for the lesson?
We have got an interesting and unusual lesson today. We have some guests in the classroom. So, go ahead! We begin to spoke about the healthy food.
Look at the blackboard. There is a sentence here. But all the words in it are written together. Try to divide these words and read this sentence.
So, this is the motto of our lesson. Now, let's read the poems.
1. Vegetables and fruit
For children are very good.
Eat vegetable and fruit
And they'll do you very good.
Those who eat much fruit
Are in a very good mood.
They are in a very good mood,
Those,who eat much fruit.
2. I like eating lots and lots of food
Bread and jam, and meat and fish
Cakes and biscuits too
Beans and mustard, eggs and chips
Mutton, steak, potatoes, peas
And salted mushrooms too
Children do you remember any poems about food?
( poems about food)
P1 : I like pizza
You like cheese
We like ice-cream
Ice-cream please
P2: I like coffee
You like tea
I like you and
You like me!
P3: Milk and bread
For little Fred
Tea and jam
For brother Sam
But I drink orange juice
Cocoa, milk, tomato juice
And sometimes
In a tall green glass
P4: On Sunday I like steak and chips
On Monday bread and cheese
On Tuesday Coca-Cola
And pizza…mmm, yes, please
Now let's remember some English tongue-twisters about food and drinks.
Phonetic drill
1. It is very good and sweet and it is so good to eat(яблуко)
2. A cup of coffee hot in a proper coffee pot.(кава )
3. I scream you scream, we all scream for ice-cream.(морозиво)
4. Give me an orange, orange, orange. I don't like to eat porridge, porridge, porridge.(апельсин)
5. A big fresh-frozen fried fish is on a dish.
6. The cook took a good look at the cookery book.
7. I like the way you look
I like the way you cook
ІІ. Основна частина уроку.
1. Повідомлення теми уроку. Мотивація навчальної діяльності.
So, as you see, we are beginning a new topic - "Health. Food". Do you think we'll have good time learning it? Is it important to be able to speak on this topic? And you will be able not to speak, but to read, listen and understand the menus, the prices, the recipes of the dishes and many other useful things. Shall we start?
Open your copy-books and write down the date.
Play game. 'Snake'
Find the name of fruit and vegetables and write them in your copy-books.
T: What is your favourite dish?
- My favourite dish is a meat soup.
- My favourite dish is fried potato
- My favourite dish is borsch
- My favourite dish is sausage
- My favourite dish is fish
T: And what about the rest of pupils? We made a poll and found out if other pupils in our class liked or disliked these food and dishes, and how often they ate them. Look at the board.
Do you like salted nuts?
How often do you eat salted nuts?
Yes/ No /Every day /Once/twice a week /Once a month/ Very often /Not very often /Rarely
Do you like apples?
How often do you eat apples?
Yes/ No /Every day /Once/twice a week /Once a month/ Very often /Not very often /Rarely
Do you like borsch?
How often do you eat borsch?
Yes/ No /Every day /Once/twice a week /Once a month/ Very often /Not very often /Rarely
Do you like cakes?
How often do you eat cakes?
Yes/ No /Every day /Once/twice a week /Once a month/ Very often /Not very often /Rarely
Do you
How often do you eat fish ?
Yes/ No /Every day /Once/twice a week /Once a month/ Very often /Not very often /Rarely
Do you like potatoes?
How often do you eat potatoes?
Yes/ No /Every day /Once/twice a week /Once a month/ Very often /Not very often /Rarely
P1: I've found out that a typical pupil of our class likes borsch because pupils of 11 answered ''yes'' and - "no''
You should remember that borsch is very useful for our health. It consists of almost 20 components and gives our body enough energy for a half of a working day. That's why you should eat borsch more often.
P2: A typical pupil of our class likes potato, because pupils of 11 answered ''yes'' and - "no''. It's understandable, because potato is the most popular vegetable in our country. It has a lot of vitamins, fiber and minerals. But you shouldn't eat potato very often because it has a lot of calories.
P3: I've found out that a typical pupil of our class likes cakes. All 11 pupils answered ''yes''. But almost all of them eat cakes only on holidays. And it's very good, because cakes have a lot carbohydrates and fats and you should not eat them often, they are not good for our health.
P4: A typical pupil of our class likes fish. Because pupils said ''yes''. But these pupils eat fish not very often, so you must remember , that fish is very useful for our health you should eat more fish.
P5:I would like to say that a typical pupils of our class likes apples.(All 10 pupils answered ''yes''). It's very good. Because apples have a lot of vitamins. But most pupils don't eat apples very often.
P6: I've found out that a typical pupil of our class likes salted nuts( pupils said "yes'' and ''no''. I think those pupils are right and I agree with them. But the other pupils who like salted nuts, don't eat them very often and it's very good
You looked at this diagram.
Tell me please why do you like borsch and potatoes?
Why do you like apples? Why do we must eat fish?
Why do you mustn't eat salted nuts?
And now I propose you to do test . You can see paper 3 Take them, write your name and do the test. You have 4 minutes
1.Translate the word"Їжа"
a) fish
b) dish
c) fruit
d) vegetables
e) food
2.Borsch is made of:
a) potatoes, fruit, beans, meat
b) meat, carrote, cream, beans
c) beet, meat, tomato souce, potatoes, cabbage
d) beet, macaroni, cabbage, lettus, cheese
e)carrote, cream, soup, potatoes
3. Is it true?
a) Hot dog is a fast food.
b) Pizza is a favourite German dish.
c)Borsch is a favourite Ukrainian dish
d) Deruny is traditional English food
e) Ukrainians like vareniky very much
4. Find the right word-combinations:
a) wet meat
b)boiled potatoes
c) sweet fish
d)sweet fruit
e) fried chicken
5. Choose the Ukrainian food:
a) macaroni, borsch, omelette, holubtsi
b) borsch, cabbage soup(kapusniak), holubtsi
c) deruny, beefsteak, omelette, cabbage soup(kapusniak)
d) pudding, omelette, macaroni, beefsteak
e) pizza, holubtsi, omelette, macaroni, pudding
At the lesson we speak about food. There is a healthy and unhealthy food. I propose you play game" Box"
You must take the object and name it and put in the right place
2. Ведення понять «Ready-made» та «Home-made»:
• What food can we name "home-made"? And ready-made food we buy at the supermarkets and shops. Give the examples of both kinds of food.
• Читання тексту вправи 1 ст.48 підручника з наступним обговоренням за питаннями після тексту.
• Формування навичок вживання лексики.
1. Гра «Великий комбінатор: за допомогою слів із вправи 2 на ст.48 підручника складіть словосполучення та запишіть їх на дошці. За кожне правильне словосполучення автор отримує 1 очко.
2. Гра «Bingo!»: учні записують будь-які 3 словосполучення із дошки. Учитель називає словосполучення у довільному порядку, учні підкреслюють названі словосполучення у зошиті. Виграє учень, який найпершим закреслив усі 3 словосполучення, він отримує 3 очки.
Формування навичок читання. Вправа 4 ст.49 підручника: прочитати текст подумки та розсортувати речення відповідно змісту двох оповідань. Прочитати отримані оповідання вголос.
3. Домашнє завдання. Диференціація
І група:
a)Complete the sentences(for capable students)
1) When I am hungry I want to…
2) When I am thirsty I want to…
3) People cannot live without…
4) There is a lot of … in vegetables and fruit.
5) People have got four … a day.
6) English people drink tea with…
7) Russian tea is tea with…in it.
8) In summer everybody likes to eat berries, fruit or ice-cream for…
9) … is the biggest meal a day.
ІІ група: make the card № 1
ІІІ група: make the card № 2
4. Підсумок уроку. Оцінювання учнів.
At the end of our lesson look at the blackboard and tell me what of these food is healthy and what is unhealthy.(робота з дошкою)
Our lesson is almost over. Did you enjoy it? What new things have you learned today? And we had a really nice competition today. Let's check the points and find the winner. All of you work at the lesson that's why you get sweet present for the lesson. I thank you .The lesson is over. Good buy.