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- Разработка урока-КВН по английскому языку на тему 'Традиции и язык англоговорящих стран'
Разработка урока-КВН по английскому языку на тему 'Традиции и язык англоговорящих стран'
Разработка урока-КВН по английскому языку в 7-м классе
Методические указания:
- предлагаемый КВН можно провести в конце 1 полугодия или года при повторении пройденного материала.
- базовой основой данного КВН являются учебник и программа Биболетовой М.З.
- использование необычных форм активизации лексики и грамматики повышает мотивацию учащихся и делает изучение предмета интересным и увлекательным.
Цель КВН: повторить и закрепить приобретенные навыки и знания.
Задачи: совершенствовать навыки устной речи и её восприятие на слух, формировать навыки самостоятельной работы, развивать навыки общения, обеспечить практическую направленность обучения.
При проведении КВН была повторена лексика следующих тем:
Англоговорящие страны.
Английский язык и его значение в мире.
История и традиции Великобритании.
В КВН принимают участие две команды 7б класса.
Introduction: Dear children!
Attention, please. If you want to win, show us your talents, be ready! Be ready to recite English poems and proverbs. Teams! Be ready to show your pictures. Do not forget to repeat irregular verbs. Try to guess the most quizzes. Captains, be responsible and do everything for your teams to get the most points.
Этапы КВН
Part 1. Great Britain and its people.
Listening to the English anthem (everybody is standing).
listening то the English anthem (everybody is standing).
presentation of home tasks.
competition on the UK and its people:
Нow many parts does the UK consist of? (four - England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland).
What nationalities live in the UK? (English, Scottish, Welsh, Irish and others.
What languages can you hear in Great Britain? (a lot of, dialects: Gaelic, Cockney, Celtic).
What are the British like? (conservative, gentle, hard-working, practical, mystical, prudent, reticent, snobbish).
Name the largest British cities, lakes, mountains, rivers.
In what countries do people speak English as the official language?
What language do people speak during the Olympic games and other international conferences?
Part 2: British sights and traditions. The UK is very popular among tourists. Why is it so?
Reasons for travelling, what are they? (to see sights, to practice English, to meet new people, to study, to see famous cities, to visit museums, on business trip, to see relatives etc.).
What about English transport, how well do you know it? Solve the crossword and find the missing words.
London sights - home tasks. Guess what are the teams speaking about? (8a - about the Tower, Hyde Park, 8b - about Big Ben, Buckingham Palace).
British cities…some of them are very attractive, amazing and interesting. For example, Edinburgh is famous for its Royal Castle and annual music festivals. Bath is known as the city of bathes and writers' museums. There are more two famous cities all over the world. Listen and guess what they are. (8a - Liverpool, 8b - Stratford-upon-Avon).
Some British people became legends nowadays. Their names are very known as the names of famous travellers.
Listen to the poem and try to guess who is who (Chris Columbus -1, Robinson Crusoe -2, Captain Hook -3, Captain Cook -4).
Part 3: Britain, its customs, habits, traditions.
In this part of the content the fans are also allowed to take part in and help their teams to gain the points.
What's the name of the most famous clock in London? (Big Albert, Big Stephan, Big Wren, Big Ben).
What's the name of London underground? (metro, Tube, subway, underground).
What's the name of British flag? (star banner, stripes and stars, Union Jack, John Bull).
Who is the head of the state in Britain? (Mayor, Prime Minister, Queen, Speaker).
What is Humpty Dumpty? (a toe, an egg, an animal, a bird).
Where the official residence of the Queen? (Chatham House, Regent Palace, Westminster Palace, Buckingham Palace).
What's the name of the Queen's eldest son? (Charles, Philip, Andrew, Edward).
Which animals can look at the Queen? (a dog, a cat, a lion, a tiger.
For Christmas dinner the Brinish usually have (chicken, roast beef, fish, turkey).
Who wrote " Winner-the- Pooh"? (L. Carroll, O. Wilde, Tolkien, Milne).
What is the most ancient monument in the UK?(The Lower West Gate, Stonehenge, Hadrian's Wall, The Tower Gate).
What is the English marmalade? (apple jam, orange jam, sweets, a cake).
The midday meal in Britain is called (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack).
The traditional English drink is (coffee, tea, cocoa, milk).
The British money is (franks, dollars, crones, pounds).
Cockney is (a bird, a dish, an accent, a town).
The British like to speak about (politics, music, weather, love).
Britain consists of (districts, counties, states, regions).
Smog is (a suit, a rain, a fog, a hat).
The British have dinner at (11 a.m., 2 p.m., 6 p.m., 9 p.m.).
What river does London stand on? (the Thames, the Severn, the Avon, the Clyde).
Kipling wrote ("Canterbury Tales", "Alice in Wonderland", "Treasure Island", "The Jungle Book").
A double - decker is (a train, a small plane, a hotel, a bus).
The common name for a toy bear in England is ( Michael bear, Tom bear, Teddy bear, Jack bear).
St. Valentine's Day is celebrated in (May, February, December, November).
When it is 12 o'clock in Moscow in London it is (6 o'clock, 7 o'clock, 8 o'clock, 9 o'clock).
How many Houses does the British Parliament consist of? ( one, two, three).
What does the Lord Chancellor sit on? (chair, Woolsack, armchair).
What is the surname of the most famous British Prime Ministers? (Smith, Thatcher, Seymour)
When was the beginning of the British Parliament? ( in 1043, in 1215, in 1475).
Part 4: The captains content.
The teacher names the English-speaking countries and students should guess the capitals of these states, and then tell briefly about these countries (population, main cities, climate, industry and sights).
Conclusion: the jury sums up points, gives prizes to the winners and calls the most active students. Thank you very much.