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  • Урок- ролевая игра Суд над курением

Урок- ролевая игра Суд над курением

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Дата публикации:
Краткое описание:
предварительный просмотр материала

Конспект урока английского языка

проведённого в 11 классе

Учитель: Белоногова С.А.


Урок - ролевая игра «Суд над курением»

Цели урока:

  1. Образовательная: Активизировать изученный грамматический и лексический материал.

  2. Развивающая: Развивать навыки устной речи в ситуации, приближенной к реальной.

  3. Воспитательная: Воспитывать отрицательное отношение к курению.

Оснащение: Накидка и шапочка чёрного цвета для судьи, молоточек судьи, борода, кепка, тросточка. Мультимедийное оборудование.

Подготовительный этап:

  1. Введение и отработка новой лексики по теме:



Judgment- судебное решение

Judicature- судоустройство

To run a court- вести судебный процесс


To file a complaint-подать жалобу

Defendant- подсудимый


Justice- правосудие

Court secretary- секретарь суда

Proceeding- судопроизводство

To make a decision - вынести приговор

As the case stands- При данном положении дел

To be guilty- быть виновным

Jury-суд присяжных



Введение в сценарий игры, распределение ролей.


  1. Судья

  2. Помощник судьи

  3. Ответчики

  4. Врач

  5. Свидетели

  6. Истцы

  7. Члены суда присяжных.

Ход игры:

Court secretary:

To rise! Court goes!

Sit down, please!

Junior jugde: Today we are listening to the case "Teaches against smoking". The defendants are two students of the 11th form. You can see them on the right. The plaintiffs are the teachers of our school Mr. Green and Mrs. Wood. The chairman of the process is judge ….The process is run by the court secretary Miss ….The jury must decide, guilty the defendants or not.

So, let us begin the process.

The word is given to the plaintiff Mrs. Wood, the teacher of Biology, who was the witness of this case. Introduce yourself and tell us everything you can. So, what can you say?

Plaintiff Mrs. Wood:

I'm Mrs. Wood, the teacher of Biology. Yesterday, during the break, I looked through the window and saw these two boys smoking in the school yard. I asked Mr. Green to go and to stop them because smoking is prohibited in our school.

Senior jugde:

Thank you. You may sit down. The word is given to the plaintiff Mr. Green. Introduce yourself and tell us everything you know concerning the case. So, can you add anything?

Plaintiff Mr. Green:

I am Mr. Green, the teacher of Biology. Yesterday Mrs. Wood, asked me to go and to stop the boys she saw smoking in the yard. I went and really saw these boys smoking. They refused and said that it was their own problem and that the school rules are unfair and limit their rights.

Senior judge:

Thank you. You may sit down.

Students, what can you say? Is it true? Do you know that smoking is prohibited in our school.

Defendant 1:

I don't find school rules fair. I think it's up to us to decide to smoke or not. All my friends smoke, my parents smoke too. I think smoking is cool. It's my body and I think I have the right to choose.

Defendant 2:

I completely agree with my friend. Besides, my father smokes and he knows that I smoke. He even gives me money to buy cigarettes. My parents don't forbid me smoking. And if they don't forbid , who can do it?

Senior judge:

Your position is clear. As the case stands, let's listen to one more witness. She is the doctor of our school.


I'm the doctor of our school and I can't be indifferent to this problem. Children don't know about the danger of smoking , that's why I think, they begin smoking. If they knew, they would keep themselves away from cigarettes. If a person smokes, he or she will be ill. To smoke is to live a risky life. Smoking makes people weak; they suffer from cough, heart diseases. Those who smoke die earlier. It is a dangerous habit. Look at the lungs of a smoker. They are dirty black. How could a man suffering this deadly habit be healthy ?

Senior judge:

Thank you, doctor. You may sit down.

Defendant 1:

I don't believe in it. It's all lie. Thousands of people smoke and are quite healthy. Doctors tell about the danger of smoking and smoke themselves.


You can't speak when you are not asked about it!

Senior judge:

Witness Mr. Black is asked to the court.

Mr. Black, heavy smoker:

I'm Mr. Black , the grandfather of one of the boys. I'm a heavy smoker. I have been smoking for 30 years and I'm tired of it. Smoking made me weak; I suffer from headaches, heartaches. I don't want my grandson smoke. I wish him to be healthy, but he doesn't want to give up smoking and doesn't believe me.

Senior judge:

Thank you. You may sit down.


Now I ask members of the jury discuss the case and pass the judgment.

Members of the jury:

-I personally think that the defendant's behavior is disgusting. They smoke themselves and give bad e[ample to younger children.

- I'm sure that the boys don't realize what they do. They want to look older. They have a bad example at home. They don't go in for sports. They don't realize that they are dependant. They think they can stop smoking any time they want, but they are mistaken. It is a very horrible disease. I think they are guilty.

-As for me, I completely agree with you. I would like to add that the problem of smoking among young people is very serious. Many young people begin smoking very early. It ruins their health. But they want to look cool , look older. The price is very high- it is their health, their future.

-I completely agree with you. But I'd like to attract your attention to one more problem. The average age of smokers is becoming younger. Many children from poor families begin smoking very early, even at 6 or7. At 14 they are already sick people. Tobacco plants do everything to advertise smoking. They think only about money, they don't care about the health of people


Have you passed the judgment?

Members of the jury:

-Yes. We find these boys guilty.

They are guilty in ruining their health.

They don't go in for sports.

They set a bad example for younger children.

They are guilty in loosing health and disability to pass on good health to their future children.


Defendants, do you agree that all the members of today's meeting want you to be healthy and lucky?

Defendant 1:


Defendant 2:



You can tell the last word.

Defendant 1:

I shall try to give up smoking.

В конце урока учащиеся выполняют задание:

  1. Придумать и нарисовать лозунг против курения

  2. Срифмовать стихотворение из предложенных слов:

Smoking, dangerous, thing

Smoking, make, weak, sick

Don't, smoke,go in for sports

Be, independent, cigarettes



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