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- Грамматическая игра Wh-questions game
Грамматическая игра Wh-questions game
Teacher's guide:
Subject: Question words + Past Simple (it can be used to practice questions with present simple or any other verb tense)
Material: up to 4 sets of question word slips; sentence list for the teacher; optional prize.
Estimated time: 10 min
Procedure: The students should be divided in groups of 4 or 5 people. Each group gets a set of Wh-question words (where, when, how, who, what). Place an easy-to-sit-on chair in front of the board.
The teacher reads an answer; the groups send someone to sit on the chair carrying the right question word. The student who sits there first has a chance to produce the whole question and score 5 points. If the question is wrong, another group can give it a shot, but this time it is worth 10 points.
In case you have a tie or you want to spice it up, you can use the bonus/challenge round (especially with stronger groups). It's worth 20 points each correct question, 40 if the first groups gets it wrong.
Sentence list:
(use complete or short sentences at your discretion)
I went to Angra dos Reis. Where did you go?
I travelled on 6th September. When did you travel?
I got there by coach. How did you get there?
I went there with my classmates on a school trip. Who did you go with?
I went cycling and played a lot. What did you do there?
I stayed home. Where did you go? or What did you do?
Bonus round:
I went to the shopping centre. Where did you go?
I went shopping.
What did you do?o the movies. Where did you go?
With my girlfriend. Who did you go with?
On foot. How did you get there?
I saw "Batman begins" What did you see?
To my beach house. Where did you go?
I went there last weekend. When did you go there?
I got there by car. How did you get there?
I went surfing. What did you do?
With my family. Who did you go with?