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- Урок английского языка на тему What is this? (5 сынып)
Урок английского языка на тему What is this? (5 сынып)
What is this?
The theme of the lesson: What is this?
Form: 5
The aims of the lesson:
to develop pupils' skills of reading and abilities of asking and identifying objects;
to teach the grammar of demonstrative pronouns;
to enlarge vocabulary connected with school objects.
The visual aids: pictures, an interactive board.
The procedure of the lesson:
I. Org.moment.
1. Greeting.
Good morning, pupils! Sit down, please
2. Duty's report.
Who is on duty today? Is anybody absent today? What day is it today? What date is it today?
II. Checking up the homework.
You must be ready to speak on the topic "Sport in our life". Who wants?
Let's revise the new words at previous lesson. Look at the interactive board and let's do it orally
III. Work with vocabulary
Look at the interactive board and try to find the translations of new words.
IV. Grammar
Demonstrative pronouns - Сілтеу есімдіктері
This is\These are … - мынау\мыналар, жақын жердегі затты айтқан кезде қолданамыз.
That is\Those are … - анау\аналар, алыс жердегі
затты айтқан кезде қолданамыз.
This is an apple.
These are apples.
That is an apple.
Those are apples.
V. Doing the exercises
1. Choose the correct demonstratives.
2. Fill in either this or these
1. scissors 2. cities 3. information 4. items of
information 5. news 6. sheep 7. fish 8. fishes
9. hovercraft 10. analyses 11. thesis 12. pence 13. stairs 14.
ideas 15. advice 16. pieces of news
17. homework 18. pliers 19. children
VI. Giving the hometask
Ex. 7, p. 96. a) Complete the sentences with this or these
b) Complete the sentences with that or those
To revise the grammar;
To learn by heart new words.
VII. Evaluation
To give pupils' marks.
VIII. Conclusion.