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- New lesson Home in England and conditions
New lesson Home in England and conditions
Outline of the lesson
Subject: English
Group: 9
Date: 14.09.2016
Time: 45 minutes
The theme of the lesson: Home in England and the condition of houses
Educational aim: to continue the topic "house current apartments" and to know the condition of houses.
Up-brining aim: To bring-up the interest and love to their subject.
Developing aim: To develop memory, understanding, and to improve speaking and listening skills.
The type of the lesson: Presentation of the new theme
The form of the lesson: Traditional
Visual AIDS: Cards, pictures, presentation
Lesson plan
1. Organization moment
2. Checking homework
3. Warm - up
4. Work at the text
4.1. Pre - reading. Read the text
4.2. While - reading. Translating the text
4.3. Post - reading. Answer for the question
5. Working with tasks
6. Conclusion
A. Giving homework
B. Evaluation
I. Organization moment
Teacher: Good morning students! I am glad to see you!
-Who is on duty today?
- Who is absent?
-Sit down, please and get ready for the lesson students!
-What date is it today?
Good morning teacher!
-I`m on duty today!
-All are present!
Today it is 14th of September
II. Checking home work
Your home task was to retell the text and learn by heart the dialogues and new words
Tom Brown speaks about his flat
Our flat is on the sixth floor of a big twelve-storey building. In our flat we have three rooms, a kitchen, a hall, a bathroom and a toilet.
The first place you get to when you enter our flat is the hall. It is rather large. To the left of the entrance door there is a hall-stand, where we hang our overcoats and put our hats when we take them off. To the right of the entrance door there is a large mirror with a little table under it.
Our living-room is large. The floor of our living-room is yellow, the coiling is white, the walls are blue. The curtains on the windows are brown.
There s a large brown sideboard in our living-room. It is at the wall to the right of the door. In the sideboard there are many plates, cups and glasses. There are some fine vases in the sideboard, too.
There is a cosy red sofa in our living-room. It is at the wall to the left of the door. There are some cushions on the sofa. There s a little black coffee-table in front of sofa. There are some newspapers and magazines n the coffee-table.
We have a large colour TV- set in the living- room. It is n the corner of the room on a table. There is a big base on the TV-set. There are usually some beautiful flowers in the vase. There are two cosy armchairs in our living-room. They are in front of the TV-set.
There are some fine pictures on the walls of our living-room.
We usually spend our free time in the living-room, reading, talking or watching TV. We receive our guests in the living-room, too.
Our bedroom is not very large. The walls of our bedroom are pink, the curtains on the window are yellow. In our bedroom we have two beds. There is a little bedside table between the beds.
There is a large yellow wardrobe in our bedroom. It is at the wall to the right of the door. There are some clothes in the wardrobe.
In the corner of the bedroom there is small dressing table with a mirror over it.
Our study is small. The walls of our study are brown, the curtains on the window are green.
In our study we have a little writing-desk. It is in front of the window. There are some pens, pencils and exercise-books on the writing-desk. There is a large brown bookcase in our study. It is at the wall to the left of the writing-desk. There are many books in it.
Our kitchen is small. There is a refrigerator in the kitchen. The refrigerator is white. There is a gas-cooker in the kitchen. The gas-cooker is black. There is a cupboard at the wall and a little table in the middle of the kitchen. There are some stools round the table.
In the kitchen we cook, have our meals and wash the dishes.
2. Learn the following dialogues:
A. Have you already moved into the new flat?
B. Oh, yes, we have, and we expect you to come to our house-warming party next Sunday.
A. Thank you, I`ll be very glad. Is it a two-room flat?
B. Yes, very nice, one, with all modern conveniences.
A. Is it in a multistory house?
B. It`s a nine-storey building, five minutes from the metro.
A. Well, it`s very convenient, isn`t it?
B. Of course.
A. Is your living room large?
B. It`s about 23 square metres. It`s papered pale grey and there are cream coloured curtains on the two large windows.
A. Is there a carpet on the floor?
B. Yes, we have a thick red carpet on the floor in the middle of the room. Here is a photo of the room.
A. And who is that sitting at the photo?
B. It`s my sister.
A. Is music her profession?
B. Yes, she teaches music at school.
A. The sofa with cushions in the corner looks very comfortable.
B. It`s my mother`s favourite place, you know. It is in front of the TV set, as you can see, and mother likes to rest there after a hard day`s work and enjoy a TV programs.
A. If there is anything to enjoy, you mean.
B. You are right.
A. And who is the little boy standing at the small table between the windows?
B. That`s Nick, my elder sister`s son, and the pet of the whole family.
A. I see.
B. I hope you will come to spend a weekend at our house some day. It takes ten minutes to get there by metro.
A. I`ll be glad to come, thank you.
IV. Work at the text. Read the text.
consider - принимать во внимание, timber - лесоматериалы,
property - свойство availability - наличие
requirement - требование hard - твердый, жесткий
meet requirement - отвечать требованиям purpose - цель
fire-resistant - огнеупорный concrete - бетон
steel - сталь brick - кирпич
decay - гнить clay - глина
ancient - древний disadvantage - недостаток
harden - твердеть fine - мелкий
coarse - крупный, aggregate - заполнитель
crushed stone - щебень cement - цемент
prestressed - предварительно напряженный gravel - гравий
reinforced concrete - железобетон rod - стержень, брус
reinforcement - арматура fibre - волокно
glass reinforced plastics - стеклопластик chemicals - химикаты
polyester resin - полиэфирная смола glass - стекло
on a large scale - в большом масштабе
In order to build a house the civil engineer must consider many important factors: the choice of materials, their physical properties, availability, cost, etc. Materials to be used for structural purposes should meet a number of requirements. In most cases they should be strong, durable and fire-resistant.
Steel, concrete, stone, timber and brick are the most commonly used building materials. Timber is the oldest structural material known to mankind. It is light, cheap and easy to work with. But timber has certain disadvantages: it burns and decays. Timber used for building purposes is divided into two groups: softwoods and hardwoods. Softwoods are chiefly used in construction, while hardwoods are generally used for decorative purposes.
Bricks were known many thousands of years ago. They are molded from clay into the required shape. Bricks are usually rectangular in shape. They are hardened by being fired in a kiln.
Concrete is one of the most important building materials. It is difficult to imagine modern structures without concrete. Concrete is made by mixing together a proportion of fine and coarse aggregates with cement and water. Crushed stone, broken brick and gravel are considered to be coarse aggregates. Sand is the best fine aggregate. Both quarry and river sands are extensively used.
Reinforced concrete is a combination of two of the strongest structural materials available - concrete and steel. There are two kinds of reinforced concrete: with ordinary reinforcement and concrete with prestressed reinforcement. Concrete is reinforced by the incorporation of steel rods.
Plastics and glass reinforced plastics are comparatively new building materials, but they have already found many uses in modern construction. Plastics combine all the best characteristics of building materials with good insulating properties. Plastics are produced from chemicals. Glass-reinforced plastics are produced from polyester resins reinforced with glass fibres. Plastics and glass-reinforced plastics are the materials to be used in modern construction on a large scale.
4.2. Translate the text
4.3. Answer for the question
Exercise 1. Answer the questions:
What must a civil engineer consider to build a house?
What requirements should building materials meet?
What are the most commonly used building materials?
Into what groups is timber divided?
For what purposes are they used?
What does concrete consist of?
What fine and coarse aggregates do you know?
What components does reinforced concrete include?
What is the process of reinforcing ordinary concrete structures.
Why have plastics already found use in modern construction?
Exercise 2. Give the necessary English equivalents:
Materials used in modern construction should (отвечать нескольким требованиям).
(Лесоматериал) is light, cheap and easy to work with, but it has certain (недостатки).
(Кирпичи) are hardened (обжигом в печи).
Building materials should be (прочный, огнеупорный).
Concrete is made by mixing cement, sand, gravel and water (в нужных пропорциях).
(Ввести стальные стержни в бетон) is to reinforce ordinary concrete structures.
Plastics are produced from (химикаты).
Sand is the best (мелкий заполнитель).
1. meet a number of requirements.
2. Timber, disadvantages
3. Bricks, by being fired in a kiln.
4. should be strong, durable and fire-resistant.
5. gravel are considered to be coarse aggregates.
6. Concrete is reinforced by the incorporation of steel rods.
7. chemicals
8. fine aggregate.
Exercise 3. Translate into English:
Для строительства здания необходимы разнообразные строительные материалы.
Кирпич, лесоматериалы, бетон, железобетон и пластмассы - это наиболее важные материалы, применяемые в строительстве.
Сталь используется в качестве арматуры в железобетонных конструкциях.
Бетон изготовляется путем замешивания в соответствующих пропорциях мелкого и крупного заполнителей, цемента и воды.
Кирпич - это искусственный материал, изготовленный из глины и закаленный обжигом на солнце или в обжиговой печи.
Железобетон состоит из двух прочнейших материалов - бетона и стали. Он широко применяется для строительства жилых и промышленных зданий.
Пластмассы и стеклопластики являются новейшими стройматериалами. Они обладают хорошими изоляционными свойствами.
1. Materials to be used for structural purposes should meet a number of requirements
2. Steel, concrete, stone, timber and brick are the most commonly used building materials.
4. Concrete is made by mixing together a proportion of fine and coarse aggregates with cement and water.
5. Bricks molded from clay into the required shape. They are hardened by being fired in a kiln.
6. Reinforced concrete is a combination of two of the strongest structural materials available - concrete and steel. There are two kinds of reinforced concrete: with ordinary reinforcement and concrete with prestressed reinforcement.
7. Plastics and glass reinforced plastics are comparatively new building materials, but they have already found many uses in modern construction.
V. Working with tasks. Learn by heart the dialogue
A New Apartment Downtown
A: Here is a letter from my older sister. They have moved into a new apartment
downtown. She's happy!
B: Oh, what about going there for our winter holidays?
A: No, it isn't. There are not many four- or five-storey buildings there yet.
There are a lot of small houses and cottages with gardens, orchards and vegetable plots there. Our parents have a house like that. It's a very beautiful little house surrounded with trees and flower beds. But it doesn't have any modern conveniences.
B: So, your sister and her husband have a room and their mother has a room
of her own. Their daughter has a room as well. And the fourth room?
A: No, he is a mechanic. There are a number of young families in that new
B: At last! Their city is not very large, is it?
A: Four and with all modern conveniences: hot and cold water, central heating,
a gas-range, built-in cupboards.
B: Is your sister's apartment big? How many rooms are there?
A: They're four: my sister, her husband, her mother-in-law and their little
B: It is different from our big city with crowds of people everywhere...
A: Not yet. But they are lucky that they have such a good apartment.
B: Your sister's husband is an engineer, isn't he?
A: Not a bad idea. There are many fields and woods in the area. The scenery is very beautiful, the air is pure, the snow is always white.
B: How many are they in the family?
A: I think, it's for the family or for their guests.
B: Are they on the phone yet?
VI. Conclusion
A. Giving homework
At home please retell the text and learn by heart the dialogue
B. Evaluation
I put you good marks because you were so active in my lesson
Teacher: Malakan Gulnar