Урок в 5 классе «My wishes

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Краткое описание: Очень часто мысталкиваемся с такой проблемой как в классе мало учеников. Чаще всего этопроисходит в малокомплектных школах. Поэтому удобно использовать станционноеобучение. Каждая парта в классе, это своего рода «станция» сзаданиями, пройдя которую, ученик может двига
предварительный просмотр материала


Класс: 5

Тема урока: My wishes

Цели урока: 1.Практические:

  1. Повторение лексики по теме «Квартира»

1.2. Активизация в речи введенной лексики по теме "Мебель"

2. Развивающие:

2.1. Развитие лексических навыков чтения, говорения

2.2. Развитие навыков диалогической речи

2.3. Совершенствование навыков чтения с полным пониманием прочитанного

3. Воспитывающие:

3.1. Воспитание дисциплинированности на уроке

Ход урока

Этапы урока


Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся

I. Орг. момент

II. Основной этап

III. Итоги урока

3 min

40 min

2 min

Good morning children! How are you?

Let's begin our lesson. The theme of our lesson is "My wishes" Today we'll do some exercises. And now we will travel to the stations. I'll give you a rout map and you must do all tasks on the stations.

Good! Now look at your desk. You can see tasks and let's begin to do it.

Station № 1.Match the words in A with the words in B

  1. a chair

  1. палас

  1. a table

  1. стул

  1. a clock

  1. посудомоечная машина

  1. a carpet

  1. раковина

  1. a picture

  1. растение

  1. a lamp

  1. холодильник

  1. a plant

  1. картина

  1. a sink

  1. стол

  1. a dishwasher

  1. лампа

  1. a fridge

  1. часы

Station № 2. Read the dialogue with your teacher and answer the teacher's questions, please.(ex.1,p.130)

Station № 3.Write the furniture in your room.

Station № 4. Put the verb "to be" in brackets in a correct form.

  1. Tom … the best student in the class.

  2. I … a pupil.

  3. My mother … a teacher.

  4. Ann … doctor.

  5. We … beautiful girls.

Station № 5 Restore the text. Put the sentences in a correct order

  1. Carol's House

  2. There are some books.

  3. There are some flowers on the fire.

  4. There aren't any plants on the fire.

  5. There are books on the shelf.

  6. There are 2 rooms in Carol's house: a living room, a bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom.

  7. There isn't any study in the house.

  8. There is a carpet in front of the fire.

Station № 6.Translate the text.

I interviewed Dmitry. He likes his room, but he doesn't like his bed because it's old. He wants to buy a new bed. Brown is his favourite colour, so he wants to buy a brown bed. He wants to place it near the window.

So, open your diaries, write down your home task:

p. 131-132; ex.4 Complete the sentences. ex.11. Read and write.

Your marks are…

The lesson is over. Good-bye!

Good morning teacher!

Fine, thanks.
















write home task


Station № 1.

Match the words in A with the words in B

  1. a chair

  1. палас


  1. a table

  1. стул


  1. a clock

  1. посудомоечная машина


  1. a carpet

  1. раковина


  1. a picture

  1. растение


  1. a lamp

  1. холодильник


  1. a plant

  1. картина


  1. a sink

  1. стол


  1. a dishwasher

  1. лампа


  1. a fridge

  1. часы


Station № 2.

Read the dialogue with your teacher and answer the teacher's questions, please.

Asel: Do you like your room?

Dmitry: Yes, I do.

Asel: What don't you like in your room?

Dmitry: I don't like my bed. It's old.

Asel: Do you want to buy a new bed?

Dmitry: Yes, I do.

Asel: How much does it cost?

Dmitry: I don't know.

Asel: Where do you want to place it?

Dmitry: I want to place it near the window.

Asel: What colour do you want to buy?

Dmitry: I want to buy a brown bed.

Asel: Is it your favourite colour?

Dmitry: Yes, it is.

Asel: Thank you.

Dmitry: Thank you.

Station № 3.

Write the furniture in your room.

My room

Station № 4

Put the verb "to be" in brackets in a correct form.

  1. Tom … the best student in the class. 1

  2. I … a pupil. 2

  3. My mother … a teacher. 3

  4. Ann … doctor. 4

  5. We … beautiful girls. 5

Station № 5

Restore the text. Put the sentences in a correct order.

  1. Carol's House

  2. There are some books.

  3. There are some flowers on the fire.

  4. There aren't any plants on the fire.

  5. There are books on the shelf.

  6. There are 2 rooms in Carol's house: a living room, a bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom.

  7. There isn't any study in the house.

  8. There is a carpet in front of the fire.

Station № 6

Translate the text.

I interviewed Dmitry. He likes his room, but he doesn't like his bed because it's old. He wants to buy a new bed. Brown is his favourite colour, so he wants to buy a brown bed. He wants to place it near the window.


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