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- Окружающая среда и экология:“WE ARE THE CHILDREN OF THE EARTH” в 9 классе
Окружающая среда и экология:“WE ARE THE CHILDREN OF THE EARTH” в 9 классе
ЗАДАЧИ: 1.Систематизация изученного материала по теме «Окружающая среда».2. Доведение информации о флорe и фаунe Адыгеи. 3. Пропаганда бережного отношения к окружающей среде.
ОСНАЩЕНИЕ УРОКА: карточки, магнитофон, анкеты, таблицы.
ТИП УРОКА: контроль знаний учащихся по изученной теме.
1. Фонетическая зарядка - стихотворение "Hug The Earth"; контроль знания лексики по теме «Окружающая среда»
Заполнение визитных карточек .
3. Программа конференции - чтение вопросов; доказательство важности поднятой проблемы на примере «яблока».
4. Обсуждение I вопроса конференции
5. Обсуждение II вопроса. Проведение анкетирования "Are you a friend of the Earth?" .
6. Обсуждение III вопроса. Проведение викторины «Лучший знаток природы».
7. Прослушивание текста "Adyghe Republic" из пособия "Speak English exploring your region".
8. Исполнение песни Lois Armstrong "What A Wonderful World" .
9. Домашнее задание: упр.65, стр.149
10. Подведение итогов урока и выставление оценок.
Ход урока:
На доске название конференции "We are the children of the Earth", эпиграф "If you don't think about the future you will not have it" J. Galsworthy, а также лист ватмана с вопросами для дальнейшего обсуждения:
What does the world "ecology" mean?
What pollutes water basins, lakes, rivers, seas, oceans and many land territories and the atmosphere?
What must we do to make our life happy, healthy and beneficial?
1. T: Good morning, everybody! Take your seats, please. As you know, today we're going to have a conference devoting to a serious problem. Our conference is called "We are the children of the Earth". We'll discuss the problem of ecology and our environment. You were asked to prepare some interesting materials, some posters from different magazines, newspapers, books may be text-books. But before discussing our problem, let's revise some words and word combinations. Repeat after me, please, all together: to pollute, pollution, raw material, resource, acid, base, substance, neutral, tornado, stinky, chemicals, sulfate, to harm, acid rain, bad breath, creature, to dump, pesticide, trash, energy "leaks", renewable, packaging, hazardous.
Проводя эту работу, прошу Р (кого-нибудь из учеников) перевод того или иного слова (не всех слов!)
T. Now, please read these words on the cards and tell them in your own words:
stinky - P1 bad smell
sulfate - P2 a chemical,
acid rain -P3 sulfate mixed with clouds
pest - P4 insect, bug
to dump - P5 to throw down, unload
lightning - P6 a flash of light in the sky
thunder - P7 a loud noise.
T. Thank you. You were (not?) very active! Let's revise the poem "Hug The Earth"
Repeat after me. Hug The Earth.
Walking along feeling free
Feeling the Earth here with me
And I love her, she loves me.
I hug the Earth, the Earth hugs me.
She's our friend,
We'd like to be together for ever.
The Earth is a garden
It's a beautiful place
For all living creatures
For all the human race
Helping Mother Earth
We can peace fully roam
We all deserve a place
We can call our home.
T. Who knows this poem by heart?
Please, P1.Р2
2. Now let's fill in your visit cards. Put down your names, surnames, topics you are going to discuss. P, tell me please what topic are you going to speak about? (1. Air Care. 2. Cleaner Rain? 3. Dirty water? 4. Cleaner Cars. 5. Poisons in food. 6.Trash.7.Wild Cat. 8. The Protection Of The Environment. 9. Why Must Technology Bring Apology To Ecology?
Today my assistants are P1 and P2. Girls, I suggest you these visit cards. Give them to your classmates, and you, boys and girls, fill in your visit card and pin it to your clothes. After our lesson you will leave them for me.
Visit card: Name…Surname…Topic…
3. So, we are ready to begin our conference. What epigraph have we got, P?
Who is the author of these words? P2 John Galsworthy. Right. Do you agree with these words? P1 read the first question of our conference.
T: So, ecology. What does it mean? Ecology and environment? Is there any difference between these two words.
P1: Ecology is a science.
P2: Environment is everything around us: air, water, rivers, lakes, animals, insects human beings.
P3: Ecology is a science which studies the relationship between all forms of life on our planet with their environment.
T: Thank you. I see that you know what ecology means. Now look at this thing. What is it?
P: It's an apple, a green, tasty apple, I think.
T: Well, I ask to use your imagination to think of what the apple could represent. It represents the Earth. So our Earth is not so big, as you see. I am taking this knife and cutting this apple into 4 quarters. 3/4 of the Earth surface is water and only 1/4 is land. Let's take the piece representing land and cut it into two halves. Only one half of the land is habitable. The rest of the land is the deserts, mountains, frozen ice caps and other places people cannot live. Let's take the piece that represents the habitable land and cut it into 4 sections. Only 1/4 of the Earth's habitable land or 1/32 of the Earth is where all the Earth's food comes from. So we must take care of the Earth if we want to have future. And only 1% of water is drinkable. We mustn't forget about at.
4. Well the first question of our conference is: What does the word ecology mean? Now who can answer this question? Thank you. Any additional information? P9, P4, P3.
5. T: Pupils, read the second question of our conference. How can we answer for short?
P2: Wastes. Technological, agricultural, chemical, nuclear and other wastes.
P3: The intensive development of sciences, industry and chemistry in the 20th century has made the pollution of the environment a global problem which should be solved by all means
T: Who wants to speak more about this problem?
P: I want. We must protect our planet, our water, our land, our animals and birds, our plants, our insects and ourselves…
T: Now, my assistants P1 and P2 will give you activity sheets. Mark any answer you like and we will know if you are a friend of the Earth. I'll switch on the tape-recorder and music will play. When it stops my assistants will pick up your sheet's of paper and make a conclusion.
P: We've looked through your activity sheets. So we can divide our group into 3 parts: those who've got 5-8 points. They are: …
those who have got 9-11 points. They are: …
and those who have got 12-15 points. They are: …
6. T: Thank you. Our last question is: what must we do to make our life happy, healthy and beneficial? Who wants to answer?
P1: We must be economical at home: switch off the light, the TV set and others if we needn't them.
P2: We must save warmth in winter closing windows, doors etc.
P3: We must remember about 3 Rs: reduce, reuse, recycle.
P4: We throw away too much and in the wrong places.
P5: If we use a lot of paper a lot of trees well be cut down.
T: Who wants to add something? Nobody wants. Let's check how you know trees and flowers. Look at these pictures and name the tree by the shape of it's leaves. And now flowers. Good. Thank you.
7. T: Now, dear boys and girls take these leaflets, turn to p. 27 and listen to the text "Adyghe Republic". Look at these words and read them after me:
Adyghe republic occupies 780 square kilometers. Mainly it is a plain situated in the valley of Kuban and Laba rivers. The foothills of this region are very beautiful. The mountains are not very high (500-900m), with the tops Shessi, Oshten and others which are 2000-3250 meters high. The land is very rich here. Every plant can grow on these soils because it is mainly vegetable earth full of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and it gives good crops.
In this region there are many rivers. One of them is Kuban, which is full-flowing and even navigable. Others are Belaja, Laba, Pshish, Kisha, Hods, Furs and others.
Climate here is variable, but still mild and warm. Every season is very nice, but autumn is especially nice, rich and warm. The republic gets a large number of fruit and vegetables.
About 40% (per cent) of the territory is occupied by forests full of birds, animals and various plants.
In 1924 the world famous Caucasian State Nature Reserve was founded in Adyghe. Here one can see hundreds kinds of birds, a 1500 species of plants, 60 kinds of animals.
The people are very proud of their reserve and attentively take care of all species.
8. Now dear boys and girls it's high time for our song. Let's sing together. P1 switch on the tape recorder, please. Let's start.
What a Wonderful World
(Louis Armstrong)
I see trees of green
Red roses too I see them bloom
For me and you
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world
A see skies of blue
And clouds of white
The bright blessed day
The dark sacred night
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world
The colors of the rainbow
So pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces
Of people going by
I see friends shaking hands
Saying how do you do
They're really saying
I love you I hear babies cry
I watch them grow
They'll learn much more
Than I'll ever know
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world
Yes, I think to myself
What a wonderful world
Oh, yeah!
9. Write down your home task, it is on the blackboard. Ex.65, p149. Get ready. Revise all the material you need.
10. T: Dear boys and girls. We've come the conclusion that the Earth is our home, that we are the children of our Earth and we are in charge of our planet. If we want to live long, to live in peace and lore on our planet we must take care of it. I think that you will be agree with me that love is the strongest feeling of every creature. Love to the Motherland, love to the Nature, love to the parents, love between a man and woman, between a boy and a girl. So I want you to sing a song devoting to this great feeling. Relax yourself. You may stand up and dance. The lesson is over. I'm satisfied with you. You worked hard. Thank you. But the best students were… they've got "5", P1,… you've got "4", P1,… you've got "3", P1,… you were not ready at all. It's a pity of course.
Список использованной литературы:
1. Т.Б. Клементьева. Книга для чтения к учебнику "Happy English - 2", «Титул», 2000.
2. Т.Б. Клементьева, Д. Шеннон, Happy English - 2, «Титул», 2000.
3. И.Н. Верещагина, О.В. Афанасьева, English V, М «Просвещение», 1997.
4. Т.Ю. Журина, Английский язык, тематический сборник, Дрофа, 1999.
5. Т.М. Кошева, Speak English exploring your region, Майкоп, 1996.