- Учителю
- План конспект урока в 8 классе 'СРЕДСТВА МАССОВОЙ ИНФОРМАЦИИ'
План конспект урока в 8 классе 'СРЕДСТВА МАССОВОЙ ИНФОРМАЦИИ'
для 8 класса
УМК: "Enjoy English - 8" М.З.Биболетова
Тип урока: урок закрепления знаний с использованием ИКТ, сети интернет в режиме on-line
учитель английского языка
МБОУ Старозюринская СОШ
с. Старые Зюри, Тюлячинского района РТ
Хусаинов Зиннур Зуфарович
2015 г.
Оформление доски: дата, эпиграф к уроку "A man having information possesses the world"(N. Rothschild)- («Если владеешь информацией, ты владеешь миром», Н.Ротшильд)
Оснащение урока: компьютеры по количеству учеников, мультимедийный проектор, экран, звуковоспроизводящая аппаратура
Задачи и цели урока
формирование практических умений и навыков иноязычной речевой деятельности учащихся (в чтении, письме, аудировании).
Формирование практических умений в употреблении языковых средств для написания электронных писем на англ. языке, повышение общей культуры выражения мысли.
развитие мышления, памяти, воображения;
развитие творческих способностей учащихся;
развитие самостоятельности.
формирование мотивации к изучению иностранного языка;
воспитание чувства коллективизма, взаимовыручки, умений работать в паре и группе;
воспитание культуры общения.
Ход урока:
Организационный момент: 1 мин
Teacher:. Good morning students! Glad to see you. I'm sure everybody is all right. Let's make our lesson interesting and useful.
Who is on duty today? What date (day) is it today?
Who is absent today? What date was 3 days ago? ( the 14th of February). What holiday is celebrated on the 14th of February? ( The Valentine's Day)
Мотивация учебной деятельности. 2 мин
Teacher:. I have some riddles for you. Guess, please, what I am speaking about!
1. A paper printed and sold usually daily or weekly with news, advertisements and etc. ( It's a newspaper.)
2. The process of sending and receiving messages through the air; broadcasting programmes for people to listen to.
3. Broadcasting programmes (the news, plays, advertisements, shows) for people to watch on their TV-sets.
4. A way to communicate with your partner who might be a thousand miles away using the computers (e-mails).
Yes, you are right.
What is the common name for these things? (Mass media).
So, today we will have a talk about Mass media.
Речевая разминка . 2 мин
Teacher : As you know, the mass media play a very important part in our lives.
And which of the mass media is the cheapest, the most interesting,…(слайд 4)
Student : The most interesting is TV because there are a lot of shows, games, programmes.( ( по слайду 4)
Student : The most popular and modern is the Internet because it is new technology in all over the world.
Teacher : You are right. What is the Internet?
Student : The Internet is a global System of Networks.
Teacher : What do people use the Internet for?
Student : The main purpose of the Internet is…
The Internet gives us the opportunity to …
With the help of the Internet people can… communicate with other people.
Oпределение темы и цели урока. 2 мин
Teacher : So, as Internet is a mean of communication people often use the Internet to communicate with each other. For this purpose they often use e-mails, don't they?
What do you think what is the theme of our lesson?
Student : The theme of our lesson is : Mass Media. Internet. E-mail.
Teacher : What do you think does the Internet help students in their studies?
How does the Internet help students in their studies?
Student : The Internet gives us the opportunity to learn about past and future, develop our knowledge and do the research on anything we like.
Teacher : And what about you? Do you use the Internet in your study?
Today we shall learn to use the Internet in learning English.
What do you think what is the aim of our lesson?
Student : The aim of our lesson is to study how to write e-mail.
Teacher : You will:
study the rules of writing e-mail and its structure;
learn some useful phrases;
have great practice.
Before you write a letter, let's define subject of the letter. What will you write about?
Student : The subject of our e- mail is S. Valentine's Day.
Teacher : Yes, you are right.
Основная часть урока.
Teacher : As you know S. Valentine's Day is one of the most popular and favourite holidays among teenagers in Great Britain and in Russia too. I think it would be interesting to you to find out some new facts about this holiday. To doit ( this) you need to learn some new words.
1.Развитие лексических навыков. ( фонетическая зарядка). 5 мин
Teacher : We will ( let's) learn new words with the help of the Internet.
Open your CD books , ( e-book) p. 2. Listen to the words, repeat and memorize them.
P. 4. Match the words with the pictures.
P.6. Match the words you hear with the pictures.
Check yourselves. What are your scores? ( самоконтроль лексики)
2. Развитие навыков поискового чтения. 5 мин
Teacher : Now you are ready to read the texts about S. Valentine's Day . The texts are on the p.18. Read the text and answer the questions after the text. Work in pairs. Your time is 5 minutes.
Your time is up. Check yourselves. What are your scores? ( самоконтроль)
Контроль по образцу
3. Валеологическая пауза. 2 мин
Teacher: When you spent too much time using the Internet you damage your eyes. To avoid it, you need do some exercises. Let's relax a bit.
( «Йога для глаз» -видео)
4. Обучение написанию электронного письма.
Teacher : As I have promised you we are going to write e -mail and send valentines to our friends. But before it we must remember the rules of writing e- mails.
Do the quiz. Choose the correct answer.
- The word «e - mail» is the abridgement of ...
english mail.
external mail.
electronic mail. +
exciting mail
- What's the main advantage of an e - mail?
- It's short.
It's fast +
It's nice
It's easy to send
What's the disadvantage of an e - mail?
It's slow.
Somebody can read it.+
You probably won't receive the answer.
It's difficult to write.
In e- mail it's necessary to add:
your photo.
some documents.
the subject.+
your signature.
In informal letters you can use:
unprintable language.
formal language.
professional terms.
abbreviated language.+
How will you end your formal emal?
See you.
I wait for your answer.
I look forward to hearing from you.+
What is the structure of an e- mail?
1. In the top line of the e-mail is entered e-mail address
2. Subject line is an important part of the e- mail.
3.The text of the letter must :
- be logical
- be short
- without mistakes.
- start with a greeting
4. The first sentence in the e-mail in English should begin with a capital letter(in spite of this)
5.Remember phrases for the end of the letter:
С пожеланиями,
Kind regards,
Best regards
С добрыми пожеланиями
Best wishes
С наилучшими пожеланиями
Love / Yours / Bye / the Best / Best
C любовью,
6. If you want to attach a file, you should write:
Please find attached - Просим принять во вложении
5. Практика написания e- mail. Работа в группах. 7 мин
Teacher : And now you will have practice in writing an e -mail.
Your task is to write an e -mail and send it to my e - mail address.
Subject line of the letter is S. Valentine' Day.
Work in groups of 2 people. Your time is 5-7 minutes.
( уч-ся работают в группах по 2 человека, используя выход в интернет, в режиме on -line. Созданные поздравления с Днем Святого Валентина отправляют на e- mail учителя .)
Teacher : So, your time is up. You have written the congratulation with St. Valentine's Day. And your home task is to create a valentine card using photos, pictures, music, animation effects and send to my email address. Be creative please.
6. Обучение трансформации текста. 5 мин.
Teacher : As you know, in informal e -mails can be used abbreviated language or short variants of word combinations
Your task is to rewrite this informal e- mail with short variants of word combinations into the letter with full variants of word combinations.
Письмо другу, неформальная форма:
Subject: Thx for yr msg
Re your msg left on my ans machine - yes, I'm free 4 dinner on Wed next wk. Btw, good news about yr interview. Hv 2 work now. CU, Juliya.
Задание: написать это письмо без сокращений:
Subject: Thanks for your message.
Re your message on my answer machine - yes, I am free for dinner on Wednesday next week. By the way, good news about your interview. I have to work now.
See you, Juliya
( уч-ся работают индивидуально и проверяют задание по образцу. Один ученик работает в режиме on -line с выводом текста на экран.)
Заключительный этап:
1. Оценка результатов работы: 3-4 мин
Teacher: I have received your e -mails. Let's read them. Do you like them? What e -mail do you like most of all? Why?
Teacher: What do you think how do you work at the lesson? Are you satisfied with your work?
Have you evaluated your work? You have 1 minute to do it. ( работа с оценочными листами - выставление оценок себе).
Teacher: As for me, I'm satisfied with your work at the lesson. I'm pleased with the answers. You are very active today. Your marks are…(называет оценки за урок).
2. Рефлексия. Подведение итогов: 2 мин
Teacher: Be the way what do you think about our lesson? Was the lesson interesting for you? ( useful). If you like the lesson, put such sign, if you don't like -such sign.
I would like to finish( end) our lesson with the words: The Internet is not a game -
- it's your life.
And now our lesson is over. Thank you for your participation I hope that the theme of our lesson was interesting for you. Good bye.
Список литературы
1. Биболетова М. З., Трубанева Н. Н. Программа курса английского языка, Обнинск, Издательство "Титул", 2008 г.
2. Биболетова М. З., Трубанева Н.Н. Учебник английского языка для 8 класса "Английский с удовольствием", Обнинск, Издательство "Титул", 2007 г.
3. Боярская Ю. "Средства массовой информации и интернет", Москва, Газета "Английский язык", Издательский дом "Первое сентября" №6, 2004 г.
Приложение 1.
Материал для урока по теме « Mass media. How to write an e - mail»?
8 класс
I. Do the quiz. Choose the correct answer.
1. The word «e - mail» is the abridgement of ...
english mail.
external mail.
electronic mail.
exciting mail
2. What's the main advantage of an e - mail?
- It's short.
It's fast
It's nice
It's easy to send
3. What's the disadvantage of an e - mail?
It's slow.
Somebody can read it.
You probably won't receive the answer.
It's difficult to write.
4. In e- mail it's necessary to add:
your photo.
some documents.
the subject.
your signature.
5. In informal letters you can use:
unprintable language.
formal language.
professional terms.
abbreviated language.
6. How will you end your formal emal?
See you.
I wait for your answer.
I look forward to hearing from you.
II. Phrases for the end of the letter:
С пожеланиями,
Kind regards,
Best regards
С добрыми пожеланиями
Best wishes
С наилучшими пожеланиями
Love / Yours / Bye / the Best / Best
C любовью,
If you want to attach a file, you should write:
Please find attached - Просим принять во вложении
III. Поздравления с днем Валентина на английском языке
It's nice to have a friend like you.
I'll tell you what I'm going to do.
Because you make me feel so fine,
I'll take you for my valentine!
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Sugar is sweet,
And so are you!
My love is like a cabbage:
Divided into two.
The leaves I give to others,
The heart I give to you!
My heart to you is given
Oh do give yours to me
we'll lock them up together
And throw away the key
You make every day as special as Valentine's Day, so February 14th is just a day to celebrate what we have every day. Happy Valentine's day... every day!
My heart beats strongly because of you. Happy Valentine's Day!
Chocolate and flowers are sweet and beautiful, but not as sweet and beautiful as you. Happy Valentine's Day!
I love you a lot. Especially, when you aren't annoying me to death. Happy Valentine's Day!
IV. Your task is to rewrite this informal e- mail with short variants of word combinations into the letter with full variants of word combinations.
Subject: Thx for yr msg
Re your msg left on my ans machine - yes, I'm free 4 dinner on Wed next wk. Btw, good news about yr interview. Hv 2 work now. CU, Juliya.
V. Rate yourself.
Max. score
My result
E -mail
e- mail with short variants of word combinations
Max. score
« 5» - 44 -54
« 4» - 43 - 33
« 3» - 32 - 22
« 2» - 0 - 21
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