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- Конспект урока английского языка A room for Mike (6 класс)
Конспект урока английского языка A room for Mike (6 класс)
Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
«Средняя общеобразовательная школа с. Усть-Кулом»
Учитель Сковородникова Ольга Михайловна
Конспект урока английского языка в 6 классе по теме
«A room for Mike»-Good morning boys and girls!
-Turn to each other and say "hello" to your friends.
How are you today? Ask your friend how he/she is.
Well, I hope you are ready for the lesson.
- Today we have received a letter from an English teenager Mike! Let's listen to it/ read it.
Is the boy happy? Look at his face.
Why is Mike sad? What problem has he got?
Right, he hasn't got a room of his own, his own space in the house.
What are we going to discuss today?
Приветствуют учителя, друг друга.
Интересуются настроением друг друга. How are you?
-I'm fine. Thank you.
-I'm excellent.
Учащиеся читают текст по цепочке.
No, he is sad.
-He doesn't have his own space at home/ his own room.
-The topic of our lesson "A room for Mike"
На экране проектора фотография мальчика (и текст письма) (Приложение 1)
На доску записывается тема урока
Постановка учебной задачи
So, the problem is that he doesn't have his own space at home/ his own room.
But this is his dream.
Can we help him somehow?
So, what is the aim of our lesson?
Well done!
What do we have to do to reach the aim/make a project?
Thank you, boys and girls! You are so smart today!
Let's start doing our tasks. Today you are going to work in the Student's cards. After each task mark your results using +, ? or -. Do you remember what these signs mean?
-Yes, we can. We can make a project of his new room
Make a project of the room for Mike
1. Revise the vocabulary on the topic "Furniture"
2. Learn new words
3. Read about the examples of a room
4. Work out a project of a room and present it
На доске записывается цель на английском языке
Учитель записывает на доску задачи урока.
Актуализация уже имеющихся знаний
1.First, let's check how you remember the furniture. In your student's cards there is task 1: you have words and definitions. Repeat the words after me. All together!
Match them, please. You have 2 minutes.
Are you ready?
Check your results with the board!
Did you do the task correctly? Please, find task 1 in your white cards and put a suitable sign
Учащиеся сопоставляют слова и определения на рабочем листе, задание 1
Учащиеся сравнивают свои результаты с эталоном (верные ответы на доске)
Карточки со словами (предметы мебели) и определениями
Приложение № 2 (задание 1)
Оценочный лист (цветная карточка)
Приложение № 3
Открытие нового знания
Thank you, we've revised the furniture. We'll need these words for describing Mike's future room.
2. Our second task was to learn new words. Today you'll read the text and meet some new words. It may be difficult for you to understand them. Look at the board, please and repeat the words after me. All together!
Can you guess the meaning? (garage, electricity). Thank you. Now find the meaning of the other words in the dictionary. You have 2 minutes.
Are you ready? Look at the board and check. Find the 2nd task on your coloured sheets of paper and put a +- or?
На доске новые слова
den -
attic -
garage -
cosy -
electricity -
space -
Приложение № 2 (задание 2)
den - убежище, приют
attic - чердак
garage - гараж
cosy - уютный
electricity - электричество
space - пространство
Первичное закрепление
3. The next task is to read the text about different kinds of unusual rooms. Amina, please read the first paragraph of the text. Anton, continue, please, read the 2nd paragraph.
Did you understand the text? Let's check it. Answer the questions on the board. (2 pupils orally)
Well done! You are so hard-working!
Let's continue reading. The 3rd part, please.
Find in the text the following expressions.
And finish reading please, Arseny.
Did you understand this part? Let's do the task to check it. TRUE/FALSE
Check your answers and put a +-? In your estimating cards.
Приложение № 2 (задание 3)
1.Where can you make your den?
2.What can you bring to the den on the tree?
Find in the text:
1.Обладают особенным шармом
2.Убрать/ исключить дефекты
3.Красивый вид
4.Меньше пыли и шума
1. There is a lot of space in a garage.
2. On the walls you may hang flowers.
Well, so, where can Mike make his own room? What are the ideas in the text?
Yes, you are right. Well, are you tired, kids? Let's have a short rest! Show me how you do the cleaning in your room. I think you do it to music.
(a garage, an attic, a den on a tree)
Под музыку физмнутка
Самостоятельная работа в группах
Well, we have fulfilled all the tasks except the project itself.
Now, look at your estimating cards. You have either a green, or a pink or an orange card. And according to the colour I invite you to these tables.
В соответствии с цветом оценочного листа, дети делятся на группы и переходят к рабочим местам для проекта.
На столе лежат макеты комнат (чердак, гараж и комната в домике на дереве), а также в конверте нарезанные предметы мебели, карточка-шаблон
Включение нового знания в систему
Well, your time is up. Are you ready to present your projects? Come up here, show us your works.
Thank you! I think Mike will follow your advice and make a room in one of these places
Учащиеся всей группой (или выбрать отвечающего) перед классом рассказывают о комнате для Майка.
Well, kids! Our lesson is coming up to the end.
We have 3 variants of a room for our friend Mike. But I think we need a flower to make Mike's room cosy.
Help me with the flower, please, and add your petals to it.
There are phrases that reflect can your mood. Choose any you like, come up to the blackboard.
How do you feel at the end of the lesson?
As for me, I'm satisfied with your work today and I'm proud of you.
Very good, children! I'm also satisfied with your work today.
На доске цветочный горшок и цветок без лепестков
</<font face="Times New Roman, serif">Дети выходят и вешают лепестки с настроением
Инструктаж выполнения домашнего задания
At home write a letter to Mike and tell him about your ideas how to make a room. On these sheets of paper you've got the beginning of the letter but it's not finished.
Thank you. The lesson is over, good bye!
-Good bye!
Учащиеся получают заготовку для написания письма to Mike
Приложение № 1. письмо.
Dear pen friend,
My name is Mike and I am 13. I live in a small detached house with my big family. All the members of my family enjoy their everyday life. Dad watches TV, mum cooks in the kitchen, younger sisters play their games, Granny talks loudly over the phone and my aunt Sue does her aerobic classes twice a day. There isn't quiet place in the house for me where I can have a rest or just do my homework. I haven't got a room of my own. But I dream about it!
What can I do?
detached house
aerobic classes
Student's card (Приложение 2)
Task. Match the word and the definitionD
You rest on it and watch TV.
You hang them on the window.
Task 2. Find the meaning of the words in the dictionary
den -
attic - чердак
garage -
cosy -
electricity -
space -
Task 3. Read the text and do the tasks
All teenagers want to have their own space in the house for working, relaxing or spending time with friends. If you don't have the room of your own you can make it yourself.
If there is a garden near your house you can make a den there. Find a big old tree and build a small house on it. Put an old sofa, a desk and a chair there. You can have electricity in your tree-house as well. But there won't be any water, so you won't have a bathroom.
1. Questions:
1. Where can you make your den?
2. What can you bring to the den on the tree?
One more variant of a den is an attic. Attic rooms have a special charm and warmth. Today it is possible to remove all the defects in old attics. If you decide to re-arrange the attic you will get a good view, good light, less dust and noise from the street. So, the attic will become a room from your dreams.
2. Underline in the text:
обладают особенным шармом
убрать/ исключить дефекты
красивый вид
меньше пыли и шума
And finally, if there is an old garage near your house you can throw out the rubbish and make a room there. There is usually a lot of space. You can take any piece of furniture there; a sofa, a desk, armchairs and even a fridge. On the wall you can hang the photos of your friends or just posters of your favourite band.
3. True or false:
1. There is a lot of space in a garage.
2. On the walls you may hang flowers.
Приложение № 3
Оценочный лист+" - I did everything well
"?" - I have some questions, not everything was well
"-" - I didn't understand/ do the task
++++ /+++? - "5"
+++- / ++?? - "4"
++-- /++?-/ ???- - "3"
Оценочный лист+" - I did everything well
"?" - I have some questions, not everything was well
"-" - I didn't understand/ do the task
++++ /+++? - "5"
+++- / ++?? - "4"
++-- /++?-/ ???- - "3"
Приложение № 5
Finish the sentences and present the project of a room
Mike can make a room in…
There is/isn't a good …
In the center of the room he can put …
In the left corner there is…
In front of the window…
There is … on the floor.
Finish the sentences and present the project of a room
Mike can make a room in…
There is/isn't a good …
In the center of the room he can put …
In the left corner there is…
In front of the window…
There is … on the floor.
Finish the sentences and present the project of a room
Mike can make a room in…
There is/isn't a good …
In the center of the room he can put …
In the left corner there is…
In front of the window…
There is … on the floor.