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  • Урок английского языка A Winter Tale. 3 класс

Урок английского языка A Winter Tale. 3 класс

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Краткое описание:
предварительный просмотр материала

Тема: A Winter Tale.


Тип урока: урок комбинированного типа.

Цели урока (учащиеся должны уметь):

  • Использовать новую лексику урока

  • Составлять предложения используя слова из раздела «Продукты питания»

  • Употреблять правильные и неправильные глаголы в Past Simple, глагол was/were.

  • Прочитать и понять текст "Brother Rabbit"

  • Развивать память, внимание, мышление, творческие способности учащихся.

  • Формировать чувства: товарищества, взаимовыручки, дружбы.

Методы обучения :

словесные (рассказ)

наглядные (иллюстрация, демонстрация)

методы стимулирования

самостоятельной работы ( работа с текстом)

практические (упражнения)

Оборудование: интерактивная доска, диск с песнями "Join us", лист в форме моркови с текстом для чтения (4 шт.), наклейки, лист в форме моркови для подсчета баллов (22), смайлики для рефлексии.

Ход урока:


T : Good morning.

Ch: Good morning song.

T: Sit down, please.

T: My name is Liliya Alexandrovna. I am glad to see you. Сегодня на уроке мне будет помогать волонтер Корпуса Мира, который прибыл к нам из Америки. Он будет оценивать ваши ответы.

Психологический настрой:

Сегодня прекрасный день, улыбнемся этому дню, улыбнемся друг другу.

Объявление темы и целей урока:

Т: The theme of our lesson "A Winter Tale". We'll play, sing and do interesting tasks today.

Do you like to play?

Do you like to sing?

Do you like to speak English?

Let' s start our lesson.

Подготовка к восприятию нового материала:

T: What is it? (carrot) ( раздать каждому за каждый ответ наклейку в конце урока по кол-ву наклеек выявим лучшего ученика).

Фонетическая зарядка:

T: Look at the blackboard, please.

T: What is it?

St: It is a house.

T: What are they?

St: They are trees.

T: The house is between these three trees.

T: Repeat after me the tongue- twister please : These three trees.

T: Who wants to read? (Some Sts read the best one get a sticker) .

Составление карты путешествия:

T: Now please listen to me. I went to school in the morning. The weather was great. But near your school there was a Rabbit. He was sad. He wanted you to watch this. (video)

T: Now let's do the task and we'll see what is it? (yes/no)

Brother Rabbit was an elephant.

Brother Rabbit was white.

His story was sad.

Brother Rabbit was thirsty.

T: What is it? (It is a map) Let go and help Brother Rabbit to find his lunch.

Работа над новым материалом:

T: The station number one is Mr. Crocodile station.

T: Do you want to go there?

T: Mr. Crocodile asks us to read and translate these words: make (made), food, animal, without (The boy is with a cap. The boy is without a cap.), fruit, vegetable, carrot.

  1. Teacher

  2. In chorus

  3. One by one

а) Словарная работа:

Put down in to vocabularies. В словарь запишем make (made), without.Остальные вы уже встречали.

б) Закрепление нового материала:

T: The next station is Mr. Monkey's station. We have to make sentences using the words.

Bananas are my favorite [fruit].

Mr. Elephant is an [animal].

[Without food], Mr. Pig was hungry.

Brother Rabbit wants to eat a [carrot].

A [carrot] is a [vegetable].

в) Упражнение на развитие памяти:

T: Mr. Horse's station. Look at the picture for a 30 second , then I close it. What was in the picture?

Sts: There was milk, salt, water, a fish, meat, a carrot, an egg, a potato.


T: Now we are at Mr Tigger station. We' ll sing a song. Repeat after me: lollipops, popcorn, ice creams, chocolates, tummy.

Lots of lollipops, lots of popcorn, lots of ice creams, lots of chocolates (2 t)

Oh my tummy, tummy, tummy, tummy, tummy. (2 t)

г) Работа с учебником:

Fox station. Open your books at page 125, ex 8.

Hooray we found the food.

д) Работа в группах по тексту сказки:

T: Now let's read that Brother Rabbit did with the carrots.

Now let's work in groups. Read the tales.

Brother Rabbit had four carrots. He was very hungry. He wanted to eat the carrots. But then he thought that his friend Brother Goat was hungry too. So he ate only two carrots. He wanted to give the other two to Brother Goat.

He took the two carrots and ran to Brother Goat's house. Brother Goat was not at home. So Brother Rabbit put two carrots on the table and run away.

When Brother Goat came home and saw the carrots on the table, he thought: "Oh, what good friend I've got! And I want to be a good friend too. I think that Brother Rabbit is hungry." Brother Goat ate one carrot, took the other and ran to Brother Rabbit's house.

Brother Rabbit was not at home. Brother Goat put the carrot on the table and wrote a letter, " Dear Brother Rabbit ! This carrot is for you." When Brother Rabbit came home, he saw the carrot and the letter on the table. He read the letter, ate the carrot and thought, "Oh! What good friends I've got!"


Retell the story to the class. Let's think of a title.

Что такое дружба?

У вас есть друзья?

Чем вы готовы поделиться со своим другом?

Домашнее задание

T: Open your record books and put down your home task: Я хочу дать вам на выбор кто может напишите историю о своем друге write a story about your friend,а для кого это покажется сложным научиться красиво писать слова ex. 12, p.126.


Если понравился урок поднимите красный смайлик ,если нет синий.

What words did we learn today?

О чем мы сегодня говорили?

Что было интересным для вас?

Давайте посчитаем наклейки? Лучший ученик урока ______

The lesson is over. Good by


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