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- Конспект урока выборы президента США
Конспект урока выборы президента США
Конспект урока
Ролевая игра «Elections of President».
Цель для учителя: создать комфортные условия обучающимся для закрепления лексического и фактического материала на примере выборов президента США.
Цель для обучающихся: употреблять лексические единицы по теме «Выборы» в ситуации, приближенной к реальной.
Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, флажки США, бейджики с вымышленными именами и профессиями, карточки с распределением ролей.
Звучит песня "America the Beautiful", на экране слайды Америки.
I. We gather together today to have a unique chance to become citizens of the United States of America. You have to prove that you are real experts in the US political system. Good Luck! As they say: "Practice make perfect".
На экране схема политической системы США.
II. Look at the screen. Here you see the scheme of the USA system of government.
1. How can you characterize it? (The political system of the USA consists of three branches: the legislative, the executive and the judicial)
2. How does the political system work? (The main body of the legislative branch is Congress. It makes laws. The head of the executive branch is the President. He can veto a law passed by Congress. But Congress can pass the law over the President's veto by the majority of voices. The main body of the judicial brunch is the Supreme Court. It is appointed by the President. The Congress must approve these appointments. The Supreme Court can declare the Presidential acts unconstitutional as well as the laws passed by the Congress. So three branches balance each other).
3. We have some more questions you are to answer (один из обучающихся зачитывает вопросы на карточках, остальные отвечают). (Приложение №1)
III. I am satisfied with your answers. Now you are ready to get personal names. Fix these cards on (обучающиеся крепят бейджики с вымышленными именами и профессиями; расставляют флажки США). Now you have got the right to vote and you can even be elected the president.
На экране флаг США, звучит гимн. Все встают, прикладывают руку к сердцу.
Происходит смена слайдов. Появляется изображение агитационного листка выборов.
IV. Let's imagine it is a leap year and it's time to choose the President. But our elections will be unusual. You are to draw lots (участникам игры предлагается взять карточки с распределением ролей - the Candidate for President (3 шт.), the Representative, the Senator). Who are the senators? Who are the representatives? Please, take your seats here (участники игры рассаживаются за обозначенные столы THE CONGRESS, THE HOUSE OF REPRESANTATIVES).
Who are the candidates for President? You are welcome to this table and take your programmes. Only one of you can be the President. Will you acquaint us with your programmes and some facts of your biography? You have to read your programme to the audience, as for your biography you have to read it only on yourself.
Imaginable situation: In a studio.
I am Mrs. Charity Merril. I am a reporter. We are glad to see you in our studio. You have an opportunity to ask some questions about the candidates' programmes and their biographies.
Вопрос к кандидатам:
- Have you already read your programmes?
- Would you like to introduce yourself?
(Кандидаты по очереди представляются, читают свои программы) (Приложение №2)
Обращение к электорату:
- We are waiting for your questions about some facts of their biography. (A question to Mr/Mrs … When were you born? Where were you born? Since which year have you been a resident of the US? (Кандидаты отвечают на вопросы).
Обращение к электорату:
- You have to decide who of three candidates can be the president? - Why? (двое кандидатов не могут быть избираемыми, т.к. не соблюдены правила участия в выборах; занимают места в аудитории)
Обращение к президенту:
- Our best congratulations! You are the President! Let me put you on this symbol of power (медаль с изображением белоголового орлана). And now I wonder what your next steps will be. (My first step will be to take an oath and then to make the Cabinet). Принимает клятву (Приложение №3).
As you've said your next step will be to make the Cabinet. Here is the list of posts and you are to write down the names (президент берет список, вписывает фамилии, озвучивает. Mr/Mrs … will be the … Расписывается, отдает список в конгресс) (Приложение №4)
Обращение к конгрессу:
- Do you approve the President's appointments? (Yes, we do).
- Put your resolution.
Звучит песня "America the Beautiful", на экране слайды Америки.
V. Let's return to Russia, to our classroom. Thank you for your play. At the very beginning of our play I've said that our elections will be unusual. What was unreal in them? (In reality the President is elected be people but not with drawing lots, besides the candidates for president have great debates).
Now I see that you've learned a lot about the political system of the USA. And what about our country? Are the political systems of Russia and the USA similar or different? At home look through the scheme on page 48 and be ready to discuss this point.
Приложения к уроку
What does "indirect democracy" mean?
When was the Constitution of the country written?
What is a federalist system?
What are three branches of the US national government?
Which two parts does the Congress consist of?
What is the main function of the Congress?
Who is the head of the executive branch?
What is the President's Cabinet?
Which is the most important body of the judicial branch?
When did the colonies in America become free?
Where was the US Constitution written?
Who helps the President to make decisions?
When do Americans vote for the President?
What do you call changes to the Constitution?
How many amendments to the Constitution can you name?
My name is …
I am … (occupation).
My programme is concerned with foreign affairs. The danger of terrorist attacks makes us think about the better protection of our country. I pledge to fight until there is a total and complete destruction of terrorism, to use every tool at its disposal. It means not only strong military but renewed alliances. So I plan to work tightly with international partners.
My Biography.
I was born in Colorado, a state of America, in 1959.
I am a citizen of the United States. I live in New York City.
My name is …
I am … (occupation).
I think that the welfare of nation is connected with its health. That's why my programme is concerned with national and world health. I plan to double the US funding to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.
My Biography.
I was born in Scotland in 1950.
I am a citizen of the United States from 1995. I live in Los-Angeles.
My name is …
I am … (occupation).
It's indisputable that the future of the nation depends on our children. And their future depends on the opportunities which we must give them. So my programme is concerned with education. I'm sure that an opportunity of choosing a school and duty-free education will help them to become good specialists.
My Biography.
My birthplace is Virginia. I live in Washington.
I was born in 1975.
The President's Oath.
I promise to serve America and its people faithfully, to do everything for the welfare of the nation; to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
The List of Appointments.
1. The Private Secretary __________________________________________
2. The Vice-President ____________________________________________
3. The Chief-Justice ______________________________________________
4. The Federal Justices ____________________________________________
5. The Secretary of State ___________________________________________
6. The Secretary of Treasury ________________________________________
7. The Secretary of Defence ________________________________________
The President_____________________________________ (sign) _________________
The Congress Resolution: __________________________________________________