- Учителю
- Контрольная работа по чтению для 5 класса для учебника В.П.Кузовлев, Н.М.Лапа «Английский язык»
Контрольная работа по чтению для 5 класса для учебника В.П.Кузовлев, Н.М.Лапа «Английский язык»
Контрольная работа по чтению для 5 класса для учебника В.П.Кузовлев, Н.М.Лапа «Английский язык». Контрольная работа предназначена для актуализации знаний по пройденному материалу. Ключи к заданиям прилагаются.
</<font face="Times New Roman, serif">Автор: Сотникова И.А., учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ №4 г.Шебекино Белгородской области
Form5 Term 1
I. Combine two parts of these sentences. One letter is extra.
1. We must not run and jump in our school,
2. We must not fight in our class,
3. Parents have to tell the form teacher
4. We must not draw on the tables and walls,
5. We must not bring animals to school,
a) if their child can't come to school
b) because we can hurt each other.
c) because they may bite(кусать) children.
d) because it is useful.
e) because it is dangerous.
f) because our school is beautiful.
II. Match the signs and their explanations (объяснения).
a) We must not speak so loud (громко), because we shall disturb other children.
c) We must not run with scissors (ножницы) in the classroom, we can hurt each other.
d) We must not listen the music at the lessons, because it is wrong.
e) We must not use the telephone at the lessons, because it disturbs other children and a teacher.
III. Read the text.
People all over the world use the Internet and they follow special rules.
Here are some tips on using the Internet.
Talk with your parents about rules for using the Internet. Always follow these rules. People who use the Internet are from all over the world. They are strangers to you. Remember this when you are on the Net and you'll make your life safe. You shouldn't give your address, telephone number without your parents' permission. Be very cautious of any offers(предложений) while using the Internet. You shouldn't write e-mail messages all in CAPITAL LETERS, people may think you are shouting (кричишь).
Are these sentences Тrue or False?
Talk with your mum and dad about rules for using the Internet.
People who use the Internet are only from Russia.
These rules make your life safe.
You shouldn't give your personal information without your parents' permission.You should write e-mail messages all in CAPITAL LETERS.
IV. A girl is talking about her family's way of life. Are these sentences True or False?
Hi! My name is Kerry. I live in London, England. I live with my mum, dad and my sister Sheryl. I like living in London because there are a lot of museums, theatres, cinemas, parks and sport centres with swimming pools. I like spending time with my friends. But I always ask my parents' permission before I go anywhere. Rules are simple in our house. I must always be home on time. I must help my mum about the house. I mustn't watch TV if I haven't done my homework. And I shouldn't spend a long time on the phone. My mum and dad come from Jamaica. This summer we may go on holiday there.
1. Karry has to go to the swimming pool.
2. Karry's parents may not know where she is sometimes.
3. Kerry has some chores in her family.
4. Kerry's parents are strict about watching TV.
5. Kerry's parents are not strict about using the phone.
V. Read the text.
At school we also have rules. Kelly talks about her first days of school. Read and answer the questions.
I like going back to because I can see all my friends again (снова). I have to be at school by 9 o'clock on the first day, so I mustn't run. At school I meet my friends and we should go to our classroom. But we haven't got the lessons on the first day. We just get information about our new classes and we might get our homework diaries. Then we have to find our classes and meet our teacher.
Give full answers to these questions.
1. Does Kelly like going back to school?
2. What time does Kelly have to be at school on the first day?
3. Do Kelly and her friends get information about new classes?
4. Have they got any lessons on the first day?
5. Do they meet their teacher on the first day?
За каждый правильный ответ 1 балл. В заданиях 3-5 0,5 балла выставляется за краткий ответ.
Задание 1.Задание 2.
Задание 3.
Задание 4.
Задание 5.
She likes going back to school.
She has to be at school by 9 o'clock on the first day.
Yes, they do. They get information about new classes.
No. They haven't. They haven't got the lessons on the first day.
Yes, they do. They meet teacher on the first day.