- Учителю
- Открытый урок по английскому языку
Открытый урок по английскому языку
School №169 by named after N. Ilyaletdinov.
Buying clothes
( the open lesson in the 5th form)
Done by: ArtykovaAinurErkinbaevna
Date: 16.02.2016 Бекітемін: Мектеп директоры А.С. Ахметов
Бекітемін: Мектеп директоры: А.С.Ахметов
Form: 5th"D"
The theme: "Buying clothes"
The aims: to review names of clothes, to practice using it in
different exercise;
to bring up their interests through learning language,
to enrich pupils' vocabulary in English;
to develop pupils' listening, hearing, reading, writing and oral
speech skills;
to bring up feeling of friendship and respect to each other.
The aids: active board, stickers, picture papers,cards, work book
The procedure of the lesson
I. Organization moment
- Good day, dear children!
- How are you?
-Who is on duty today?
-Who is absent ?
-What date is it today?
-What's the weather like today?
-What was your home task?
-Now, let's check it.
II. Checking up home task
Exercise 14 p 144. .Write about what you eat for breakfast.
III. Warm-up.
Men Women Both
Shirt blouse coat
Socks dress T- shirt
jacket skirt shorts
IV.New words
1. hat - (hәt) - қалпақ , шапка 12. T-shirt - (ti: shirt) - футболка
2. stockings-(stokings)-гольфи, 13. Jumper - (djumpә) - жемпір
3. blouse - (blauz) - кофта 14. Boots - (bu:ts) - бәтеңке
4. jacket - (d'зәkit) - күртеше 15. Trousers- ('trauzez) - шалбар
5. dress - (dres) - көйлек 16. Shorts - ( sho:ts) шолақшалбар
6. scarf - (ska:f) - мойынорағыш 17. Shirt - (shirt) - көйлек
7. belt - (belt) - ремень 18. Tie - ( tai:) - галстук
8. skirt - (skә:t) - белдемше,юбка 19. Mittens-(mitns)- бір саусақты қолғап
9. shoes- (shu:z) - туфли, бәтеңке 20. Trainers - (treinәz) - кроссовка
10. socks - ( soks) - шұлық 21. Cap - (kәp) - кепка
11. gloves - (glavs) - қолғап 22. Coat - (kәut) - пальто
V.Read and Remember
Singular- Plural form.
a skirt-skirts a sweater-sweaters jeans-a pair of jeans
a shirt-shirts a jumper- jumpers shoes-a pair of shoes
a coat-coats a blouse- blouses boots-a pair of boots
a hat-hats a dress-dresses trousers- a pair of trousers
a glove-gloves a tie-ties a scarf- scarves
Exercise 2.Talk to your partner.
1) Do you like shopping?
Yes, I do. I like shopping.
2) Where do you buy clothes?
I buy clothes in supermarket.
3) Do you like wearing fashionable or comfortable clothes?
I like wearing comfortable clothes.
VI. Find the clothes of season "Group work"
Қыста қандай киімкиеміз? (жоғардағы сөздерге қарaп қыста киетін киімдерді жаз)
- sweater, gloves, scarf, jumper, coat, trousers, hat
2) Көктемде,күзде қандай киім киеміз?(жоғардағысөздерге қарап көктемде киетін киімдері жаз)
- blouse, dress, skirt, shoes,trainers
3) Жазда қандай киім киеміз? (жоғардағы сөздерге қарап жазда киетін киімдерді жаз)
- sandals, T-shirt, shorts, cap, dress
Exercise 1.Put the names of clothes into the correct column.
VII.Choose the right word
1.We usually wear ____________in summer.
2.We often wear__________ in cold weather.
(sandals/mittens/ dresses)
3.We seldom wear__________ in hot weather.
4.We never wear__________ in summer.
VIII.Now children I'll read the text you should paint the clothes in different colours
Төмендегісүреткеқарап,мәтіндіоқы, киімдерінберілгентүскесырла.
This is Tim. He's wearing a blue jacket, red trousers and brown socks. He's got orange hair.
IX.Now we'll do physical drilling
Head ,shoulders knees and toes
Ex 3, p 145. Read the thanking letter and guess missing clothes. Do
it in written form
Dear Aunter!
Thanks you for all presents. The brown a)_______is very nice. It's good to wear it to school when it's cold. And the two b)__________ are fantastic.I'm playing football tomorrow.
a) jumper/coat/jacket
b) T-shirts/trainers/shorts
Ex 5 Make up the dialogue. Put the lines in the correct order
X. Conclusion. Now let's find the words of clothes
XII. Putting marks
So children, let's mark each other .
What do you think , how the first group have worked today?
They were excellent-5
They were good-4
What kind of lesson was today?(bad,good, scientific, interesting) Did you like this lesson?Why?
XI. Giving home work
Home task for the next lesson will be ex 7 p146
XII.End of the lesson.
Well, pupils today's lesson is over.
See you soon! Good bye!