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  • Открытый урок по английскому языку

Открытый урок по английскому языку

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предварительный просмотр материала

School №169 by named after N. Ilyaletdinov.


Buying clothes

( the open lesson in the 5th form)


Done by: ArtykovaAinurErkinbaevna


Date: 16.02.2016 Бекітемін: Мектеп директоры А.С. Ахметов

Бекітемін: Мектеп директоры: А.С.Ахметов

Form: 5th"D"

The theme: "Buying clothes"

The aims: to review names of clothes, to practice using it in different exercise;

to bring up their interests through learning language,

to enrich pupils' vocabulary in English;

to develop pupils' listening, hearing, reading, writing and oral speech skills;

to bring up feeling of friendship and respect to each other.

The aids: active board, stickers, picture papers,cards, work book etc.

The procedure of the lesson

I. Organization moment


- Good day, dear children!

- How are you?

-Who is on duty today?

-Who is absent ?

-What date is it today?

-What's the weather like today?

-What was your home task?

-Now, let's check it.

II. Checking up home task

Exercise 14 p 144. .Write about what you eat for breakfast.

III. Warm-up.

Men Women Both

Shirt blouse coat

Socks dress T- shirt

jacket skirt shorts

IV.New words

1. hat - (hәt) - қалпақ , шапка 12. T-shirt - (ti: shirt) - футболка

2. stockings-(stokings)-гольфи, 13. Jumper - (djumpә) - жемпір

3. blouse - (blauz) - кофта 14. Boots - (bu:ts) - бәтеңке

4. jacket - (d'зәkit) - күртеше 15. Trousers- ('trauzez) - шалбар

5. dress - (dres) - көйлек 16. Shorts - ( sho:ts) шолақшалбар

6. scarf - (ska:f) - мойынорағыш 17. Shirt - (shirt) - көйлек

7. belt - (belt) - ремень 18. Tie - ( tai:) - галстук

8. skirt - (skә:t) - белдемше,юбка 19. Mittens-(mitns)- бір саусақты қолғап

9. shoes- (shu:z) - туфли, бәтеңке 20. Trainers - (treinәz) - кроссовка

10. socks - ( soks) - шұлық 21. Cap - (kәp) - кепка

11. gloves - (glavs) - қолғап 22. Coat - (kәut) - пальто

V.Read and Remember

Singular- Plural form.

a skirt-skirts a sweater-sweaters jeans-a pair of jeans

a shirt-shirts a jumper- jumpers shoes-a pair of shoes

a coat-coats a blouse- blouses boots-a pair of boots

a hat-hats a dress-dresses trousers- a pair of trousers

a glove-gloves a tie-ties a scarf- scarves

Exercise 2.Talk to your partner.

1) Do you like shopping?

Yes, I do. I like shopping.

2) Where do you buy clothes?

I buy clothes in supermarket.

3) Do you like wearing fashionable or comfortable clothes?

I like wearing comfortable clothes.

VI. Find the clothes of season "Group work"

Қыста қандай киімкиеміз? (жоғардағы сөздерге қарaп қыста киетін киімдерді жаз)

- sweater, gloves, scarf, jumper, coat, trousers, hat

2) Көктемде,күзде қандай киім киеміз?(жоғардағысөздерге қарап көктемде киетін киімдері жаз)

- blouse, dress, skirt, shoes,trainers

3) Жазда қандай киім киеміз? (жоғардағы сөздерге қарап жазда киетін киімдерді жаз)

- sandals, T-shirt, shorts, cap, dress

Exercise 1.Put the names of clothes into the correct column.

Открытый урок по английскому языку

VII.Choose the right word

1.We usually wear ____________in summer.


2.We often wear__________ in cold weather.

(sandals/mittens/ dresses)

3.We seldom wear__________ in hot weather.


4.We never wear__________ in summer.


VIII.Now children I'll read the text you should paint the clothes in different colours

Төмендегісүреткеқарап,мәтіндіоқы, киімдерінберілгентүскесырла.

This is Tim. He's wearing a blue jacket, red trousers and brown socks. He's got orange hair.

Открытый урок по английскому языку

IX.Now we'll do physical drilling

Head ,shoulders knees and toes

Ex 3, p 145. Read the thanking letter and guess missing clothes. Do it in written form

Dear Aunter!

Thanks you for all presents. The brown a)_______is very nice. It's good to wear it to school when it's cold. And the two b)__________ are fantastic.I'm playing football tomorrow.


a) jumper/coat/jacket

b) T-shirts/trainers/shorts

Ex 5 Make up the dialogue. Put the lines in the correct order

X. Conclusion. Now let's find the words of clothes

Открытый урок по английскому языку

XII. Putting marks

So children, let's mark each other .

What do you think , how the first group have worked today?

They were excellent-5

They were good-4


What kind of lesson was today?(bad,good, scientific, interesting) Did you like this lesson?Why?

XI. Giving home work

Home task for the next lesson will be ex 7 p146

XII.End of the lesson.

Well, pupils today's lesson is over.

See you soon! Good bye!



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