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  • Занятие по английскому языку в 9 классе по программе элективного курса «Интерактивное чтение»

Занятие по английскому языку в 9 классе по программе элективного курса «Интерактивное чтение»

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Занятие по английскому языку в 9 классе по программе элективного курса «Интерактивное чтение»

Пояснительная записка

Образцы текстов из курса «Интерактивное чтение» представляют собой законченные смысловые отрывки из художественных произведений британских авторов и знакомят учащихся с героями, нравами и событиями описанных времён. Тексты подобраны с учётом соответствия возрастным особенностям учащихся, аутентичности, целостности произведения. Цель курса - дальнейшее развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции, а также воспитание учащихся средствами учебного предмета, расширение кругозора за счёт знакомства с авторами лучших образцов британской литературы, привитие интереса к чтению.

На данном занятии используется чтение с полным пониманием содержания текста, что позволяет расширить лексическую сторону речи за счёт овладения новыми лексическими единицами, грамматическую сторону речи за счёт активизации употребления синонимичных глаголов в Past Simple, закрепить орфографические, а также слухо-произносительные навыки за счёт фонетической отработки текста по прослушанному образцу.

Работа над чтением на данном занятии способствует развитию умений высказываться по прочитанному при целенаправленной логической и методической последовательности выполнения заданий, проверки понимания прочитанного, информационной переработке текста.

Основные типы заданий: выявление деталей, деление текста на смысловые отрезки, поиск ключевых слов, подбор предложений к иллюстрациям, характеристика героя, описание событий и чувств, составление схемы, высказывание личного мнения. Работа над произведением рассчитана на два занятия. Ниже приведён текст произведения и план первого занятия.

The Birthday of the Infanta

by Oscar Wilde

Standing under the shadow of the doorway, at the extreme end of the room, he saw a little figure watching him. His heart trembled, a cry of joy broke from his lips, and he moved out into the sunlight. As he did so, the figure moved out also, and he saw it plainly. It was a monster, the most grotesque monster he had ever beheld. Not properly shaped, as all other people were, but hunchbacked, and crooked-limbed, with huge lolling head and mane of black hair.

The little Dwarf frowned, and the monster frowned also. He laughed, and it laughed with him, and held its hands to its sides, just as he himself was doing. He made it a mocking bow, and it returned him a low reverence. He went towards it, and it came to meet him, copying each step that he made, and stopping when he stopped himself. He shouted with amusement, and ran forward, and reached out his hand, and the hand of the monster touched his, and it was as cold as ice. He grew afraid, and moved his hand across, and the monster's hand followed it quickly. He tried to press on, but something smooth and hard stopped him. The face of the monster was now close to his own, and seemed full of terror. He brushed his hair off his eyes. It imitated him. He struck at it, and it returned blow for blow. He drew back, and it retreated. He started, and taking from his breast the beautiful white rose, he turned round, and kissed it. The monster had a rose of its own, petal for petal the same! It kissed it with like kisses, and pressed it to its heart with horrible gestures.

'When the truth dawned upon him, he gave a wild cry of despair, and fell sobbing to the ground. So it was he who was misshapen and hunchbacked, foul to look at and grotesque. He himself was the monster, and it was at him that all the children had been laughing, and the little Princess who he had thought loved him - she too had been merely mocking at his ugliness, and making merry over his twisted limbs. 'Why had they not left him in the forest, where there was no mirror to tell him how ugly he was? ' The hot tears poured down his cheeks, and he tore the white rose to pieces. The sprawling monster did the same, and scattered the faint petals in the air. He crawled, like some wounded thing, into the shadow, and lay there moaning.

And at that moment the Infanta herself came in with her companions through the open window, and when they saw the ugly little dwarf lying on the ground and beating the floor with his clenched hands, in the most fantastic and exaggerated manner, they went off into shouts of happy laughter, and stood all round him and watched him.

'His dancing was funny,' said the Infanta; 'but his acting is funnier still. Indeed he is almost as good as the puppets, only of course not quite so natural.' And she fluttered her big fan, and applauded.

But the little Dwarf never looked up, and his sobs grew fainter and fainter, and suddenly he gave a curious gasp, and clutched his side. And then he fell back again, and lay quite still.

'That is capital,' said the Infanta, after a pause; 'but now you must dance for me.'

'Yes,' cried all the children, 'you must get up and dance, for you are as clever as the Barbary apes, and much more ridiculous.' But the little Dwarf never moved.

And the Infanta stamped her foot, and called out to her uncle, who was walking on the terrace with the Chamberlain, reading some despatches that had just arrived from Mexico where the Holy Office had recently been established. 'My funny little dwarf is sulking,' she cried, 'you must wake him up, and tell him to dance for me.' But the little Dwarf never moved.

'A whipping master should be sent for,' said Don Pedro wearily, and he went back to the terrace. But the Chamberlain looked grave, and he knelt beside the little dwarf, and put his hand upon his heart. And after a few moments he shrugged his shoulders, and rose up, and having made a low bow to the Infanta, he said: 'Mi bella Princesa, your funny little dwarf will never dance again. It is a pity, for he is so ugly that he might have made the King smile.'

'But why will he not dance again?' asked the Infanta, laughing.

'Because his heart is broken,' answered the Chamberlain.

And the Infanta frowned, and her dainty rose-leaf lips curled in pretty disdain. 'For the future let those who come to play with me have no hearts,' she cried, and she ran out into the garden.


Цель: Обеспечить максимальную мыслительную активность учащихся на всех этапах работы над чтением


- дидактическая: расширить активный и пассивный словарь учащихся по теме; развивать умения в устной речи на основе прочитанного, умение давать собственную оценку событиям, анализировать отдельные места в тексте; тренировать навыки выразительного чтения;

- развивающая: развивать умение читать текст с полным проникновением в содержание; развивать компенсаторные умения путём тренировки употребления глаголов синонимов;

- воспитательная: формировать культуру чтения, интерес к английской литературе;

Оснащение: копии художественного текста, презентация с биографией О.Уайльда, иллюстрациями к произведению, аудиозапись отрывка произведения, видеоролик с конкурсного прочтения прозаического произведения на английском языке.

Ход урока

  1. Оргмомент.

  2. Сообщение темы.

Today we are going to read a very interesting but a very sad story written by a famous English writer Oscar Wild. It is "The Birthday of the Infanta". Get ready to discuss the portrait and actions of the main character of this story. Of course, we are going to learn some information about the author and his most famous books.

  1. Просмотр презентации и знакомство с биографией и произведениями автора.

I invite you to watch the presentation and to learn some facts of the author`s biography. (См. Презентацию)

Работая с презентацией, учащиеся составляют предложения об основных фактах биографии и известных произведениях по опорным словам. (Слайды 1-5)

  1. Предтекстовая работа. ( слайд 7)

Remember the words and translate the sentences with them!

to dawn on (upon) somebody - осенить

The truth began to dawn upon him

despair - отчаяние

He was filled with despair when he saw it.

Princess - принцесса

The little Princess was playing with her companions.

to mock - насмехаться

The naughty boys mocked at his ugliness.

merely - просто

I merely asked his name.

to moan - стонать, moan - стон

We were listening to the moan of the wind on a winter evening.

to crawl - ползти

wounded - раненый

He crawled like some wounded thing into the shadow of the tree.

to exaggerate - преувеличивать

exaggeration - преувеличение

You exaggerate the difficulties.

  1. Работа с текстом.

  1. Listen to the beginning of the story, pay your attention to pronunciation!

Учащиеся прослушивают запись первого абзаца произведения, корректируют ошибки в произношении, тренируются в выразительном чтении.

  1. Give the description of the monster according to the first paragraph!

Учащиеся дают описание карлика в соответствии с текстом.

  1. "The Birthday of the Infanta" is a good example of Oscar Wild`s manner to describe people`s feelings through their actions. If we read the text further we`ll find a lot of verbs, showing the behaviour of the main character. Now I ask you to find all of the verbs in the second paragraph!

Учащиеся выделяют глаголы во втором абзаце текста.

  1. Arrange the verbs into the following groups: verbs of movement and of the mimic. Fill in the table using them in Infinitive!

Учащиеся группируют глаголы:



To go towards, to come to meet, to hold one`s hands to the sides, to stop, to run forward, to reach one`s hand, to touch, to move one`s hand across, to follow, to brush one`s hair from eyes, to draw back, to retreat, to start, to turn round, to press.

To frown ,to laugh, to grow afraid, to kiss, to seem full of terror to copy, to imitate

The variety of actions makes reading dynamic and allows the readers to understand what the author wanted to explain. One of the author`s methods is using synonyms and opposites. Let`s group the verbs of movement into opposites!

Учащиеся группируют глаголы с противоположным значением:

To go towards - to draw back

To start - to stop

To come to meet - to retreat

To reach one`s hand - to move one`s hand across

To frown - to laugh

Учащиеся также приводят примеры синонимов:

To go towards- to come to meet, to run forward,

To imitate - to copy, to follow

To draw back- to retreat

  1. Read the sentences to the illustrations! (слайд 8-10)

Учащиеся подбирают иллюстрации к предложениям.

Can you guess what the Dwarf could see? (Учитель подводит школьников к догадке, что карлик увидел в зеркале своё отражение).

  1. The tension of the story grows when the Dwarf learns that he himself a monster is. Listen and watch the video from the competition where one of our students reads this extract. She tries to show the Dwarf`s bitter feeling.

Учащиеся смотрят видеозапись, затем отвечают на вопросы учителя:

Why is the Dwarf in despair?

Where do you think the action took place? How do you know?

Where do you think the Dwarf had lived before he found himself in the palace?

The Dwarf`s mood changed. Explain why it was first joy, then it was surprise, then horror and it last it was despair.

  1. Now I want you to do a creative task. Make a ladder showing how Dwarf`s feelings were changing.

Учащиеся создают лестницу чувств карлика по убыванию: от радости до отчаяния, приводят доказательства из текста:


(His heart trembled and a cry of joy broke from his lips)


(He laughed, and it laughed with him.)


(He went forward, and it came to meet him copying each step)


(He grew afraid, and moved his hand across, and the monster`s hand followed it quickly)


(It kissed the rose with like kisses, and pressed it to its heart with horrible gestures)


(He himself was a monster)

What do you think the final of the story will be?

Учащиеся прогнозируют продолжение и окончание истории.

  1. Заключительный этап работы над текстом.

What made the greatest impression on you in the passage?

Would you recommend the book for reading to the younger children?

  1. Do the crossword!

Учащиеся разгадывают кроссворд по прочитанному.

  1. Домашнее задание.

I would like you to read the end of the story at home and try to characterize the Infanta and her companions and describe the Dwarf`s death.


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