- Учителю
- Разработка урока по английскому языку по УМК О. В. Афанасьевой (7 класс)
Разработка урока по английскому языку по УМК О. В. Афанасьевой (7 класс)
По учебнику О. В. Афанасьевой и И.В. Михеевой «Английский язык»
Учебник для 7 класса с углубленным изучением английского языка , лицеев и гимназий
Задачи: 1. Продолжать знакомить с историей Олимпийских игр.
2. Отрабатывать навыки аудирования (полное понимание текста)
3. Развитие навыков устной речи.
I.1) Оргмомент.
T. Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. The weather is nice, isn't it? Is the weather favourable for skiing and skating? And what sports can you go in for in such weather? Now, look at the blackboard and say what is the topic of our lesson.
P. The Olympic Games.
2)Речевая зарядка
T. Yes, today we are going to see the film about the history of the Olympic Games and listen to your projects about the Olympic Games in Sochi and future Olympic Games.
But first , look at the words on the blackboard and complete them to make a list of traditional Olympic sports. Let's read the first word as an example. P1,you are welcome. Did you understand? Then, P2 and P3, come to the blackboard and complete these words,P2- winter sports, - P3 summer sports.
Sk---g, bia---on, s-el---n, cu----g, cross c----ry sk-g, ski j---ing,
Ru----g, hi-- j--p, sw----ng, 100m r-e,
T. I know, you like sport. Would you like to know what sport P4 is fond of and what role sport plays in his life. Then P4, come to the blackboard and answer your classmates' questions.
P. (pupils ask P4 questions and he answers their questions.)
T. Thank, you,P4. Now we know, what sport you are fond of. Well, let's check P2 and P3's work. Thank you, well done.
II. 1) Подготовка к просмотру фильма. Чтение слов по транскрипции.
T. We are going to see the film "The History of the Olympic Games". But first look at the blackboard and read the transcription of the words and match the transcriptions and the words.
[´æmətə ] [ t∫´æriət] [ pent´æɵlɒn] [gri:s ]
[səl´u:tiŋ] [´æɵinz] [ ə´limpik geimz]
[´resliŋ] [pjer də kubə:´tin]
the Olympic Games chariot wrestling Pierre de Coubertin Athens amateur saluting Greece pentathlon
2) Ответы на вопросы до просмотра фильма.
T. I think you have already guessed what this film is about. It's about the history of the Olympic Games. But what main items can this film tell us about?
P5 (примерный ответ) About the ancient Olympics, about ancient kinds of sports, how Pierre de Coubertin renewed the Olympic Games, about Summer and Winter Olympics and about the first modern Olympics. And now some questions before watching the film:
1. When were the first ancient Olympic games?
2. Who could take part in the Olympic Games?
3) Look at these questions and watch the film, after watching the film answer the questions:
1. What sports did the athletes take part in?
2. What awards were given to the winners of the Games?
3. Were the Olympic Games of great religious significance?
4. What city was a host city of the Olympic Games in 1986?
5. Why were the Olympic Games cancelled in 1940s?
4) Now, before the second watching, look through your tasks , some of you will do "True" "False", others will correct the false statements, and some of you will complete the statements, so after watching the film you'll do the task. (разноуровневые задания)
1 группа
1. The Olympic Games bring the whole world together. T
2. The Olympic Games date back to the 8th century BC. T
3. The ancient Olympic Games included chariot race, wrestling and boxing. F
4. The athletes who took part in the Game were amateurs, not professionals. T
5. Pierre de Coubertin brought the Olympic Games back to life in the late of the 18th century. F
6. In 1894 International Olympic Committee was born. T
7. The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens, Greece in 1856. F
8. The Athens Games were a success. T
9. Only 3 countries took part in the Athens Olympics. F
10. Winter Olympics were included in 1936. F
11. Nowadays the Winter Olympic Games are held in the same year as the Summer Olympic Games. F
12. The Summer Olympic games in 1916 were cancelled because of the 1st World War. T
1T, 2T, 3F boxing - , 4T, 5F 18century -19th century, 6T, 7F 1856-1896, 8T, 9F 3-14, 10F 1936 -1924, 11F in the same year - in two years after the Summer Olympics, 12T
3 группа
1. The Olympic Games bring the …… ….. together.
2. The Olympic Games date back … …. ….. .
3. The ancient Olympic Games included chariot race, … .
4. The athletes who took part in the Game were …, not … .
5. …. ….. brought the Olympic Games back to life in the late of the 19th century.
6. In 1894 … …. …. was born.
7. The first modern Olympic Games were held in … …. …. .
8. The …. …. were a success.
9. Only 14 countries took part in the …. …. .
10. Winter Olympics were included in… .
11. Nowadays the Winter Olympic Games are held in …. ….. the Summer Olympic Games.
12. The … …. games in 1916 were cancelled because of the 1st World War. T
(After watching the film and having done the task) Now, exchange your answers and
check up the answers with the key 12-11 -"5" , 10-9 - "4", 8-6 - "3", 5-"2" .
17-15 -"5", 14-12 - "4", 11-9 - "3", 8- "2"
1. whole world, 2.to the 8th century BC, 3.wrestling, 4.amateurs, professionals, 5. Pierre de Coubertin, 6. International Olympic Committee, 7. Athens, Greece in 1896 8. the Athens Olympics, 9.Athens Olympics, 10. 1924 11. two years after 12. Summer Olympics
3) Защита проектов «Олимпийские игры»
T. We have spoken about the history of the Olympic Games. And your homework was to make up projects about the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi , about the future 3000 Olympic Games, and the Olympic Games of the Aliens. Let's listen to the first project about the 2014 Olympic Games and as usual you will ask questions to clear up some items.
Let's watch the presentations and listen to the speakers . (учащиеся представляют презентацию - ответы учащихся по презентации)
1 слайд The topic of our project "Welcome to the Olympic games of aliens" We have chosen this topic, because we like to read books about space. And we think the aliens also go in for sports.
2 слайд The emblem of these games is a circle in the field. We think they will like our motto: We are champions, we are aliens"
3 слайд The opening ceremony will be at the stadium where a lot of multi-colored aliens will run and jump, sing their songs.
4 слайд They will take part in the same sports as on the Earth: running, swimming, athletics, jumping
5Слайд A new kind of sport is kidnapping of animals and people from the earth and if they can do it, they win a prize - to fly to the Earth.
6 слайд Landing on the Earth and speaking to people will be the greatest award for them
T. Your questions, what you would like to clear up or to know about these Olympic Games. (учащиеся задают вопросы по презентации) Примерные вопросы были такие - When were the last Olympic Games? Where were the last Olympic Games? Who can take part in the Olympic Games? Do the aliens have the Winter Olympic Games?
T. Well done. Now, the last presentation. You are welcome, girls. (презентация сделана девочками) После презентации учащиеся задают вопросы, примерные вопросы: Why did you choose a white tiger for your emblem? Do you think it is easy to compete in high-heeled shoes? Would you like to take part in these race?
T. Excellent. Can you say whose project is more interesting and why, but be objective.
III. Подведение итогов. Рефлексия
What did we speak about in the lesson? Have you learned anything interesting in the lesson? Your marks- 5,4……
Домашнее задание.
Ex. 69 P.251 (open the brackets to complete the text)