• Учителю
  • Конспект и презентация по английскому языку по теме 'Все работы хороши' (6 класс)

Конспект и презентация по английскому языку по теме 'Все работы хороши' (6 класс)

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Краткое описание: Данный урок составлен на материале учебника "English 6", автор В.П.Кузовлев. Это - четвертый урок в главе 11 "What are you going to be?". Целью урока является создание условий по развитию навыков монологической и диалогической речи на основе пройденных и новых лексических единиц и речевых
предварительный просмотр материала



Авдонина Людмила Ивановна

учитель английского языка

ГБОУ Школа № 1794


Данный урок составлен на материале учебника "English 6", автор В.П.Кузовлев. Это - четвертый урок в главе 11 "What are you going to be?". Целью урока является создание условий по развитию навыков монологической и диалогической речи на основе пройденных и новых лексических единиц и речевых структур. Урок построен с использованием элементов проблемной технологии. Используются такие формы работы как: фронтальная, самостоятельная, групповая. Современные средства обучения представлены мультимедийной презентацией.

Метод проекта позволяет создать на уроке исследовательскую атмосферу, где каждый ученик вовлечен в активный, творческий, познавательный процесс на основе методики сотрудничества. Группа учащихся выбирает задание, но при его выполнении происходит распределение ролей. Каждый ученик получает определенный участок работы в проекте. В процессе выполнения проекта учащиеся приходят к выводу, что от успеха каждого зависит успех всей работы, поэтому каждый участник включается в поиск новой информации. Работая над проектом, школьники учатся работать в «команде», ответственно относиться к выполнению своего участка работы, оценивать результаты своего труда и своих товарищей.

На всех этапах урока учитель должен инициировать самостоятельную, поисковую, творческую деятельность учащихся, направлять на определение проблемы и поиска ее разрешения. Учебник В.П.Кузовлева «English 6» содержит информативный и познавательный материал, который ориентирован на развитие личностной активности учащихся, на развитие познавательной компетенции, вовлечение их в творческую деятельность.

Я предлагаю урок по теме «Профессии», который провела в 6 классе с использованием метода проектов.

Цель урока: способствовать формированию навыков устной речи по теме «Профессии».



  • Совершенствовать произносительные навыки.

  • Учить дифференцировать в речи вопросы Who are you? What are you?.

  • Активизировать в речи лексические единицы предыдущего урока

  • Формировать навыки чтения с поиском заданной информации.

  • Познакомить с новыми лексическими единицами.

  • Способствовать формированию навыков монологического высказывания по теме урока.


  • Развивать внимание, память, языковую догадку.

  • Развивать самостоятельность мышления.

  • Развивать воображение


  • Расширять кругозор через ознакомление с реалиями: "Тауэр", "бифитер".


  • Воспитывать уважительное отношение к различным видам профессиональной деятельности.

Оборудование: мультимедиа проектор, экран, ноутбук, аудиозапись рифмовки, мультимедйная презентация по теме урока, иллюстративная наглядность по теме "Профессии".

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент.

Учитель: Good morning, boys and girls!

I am glad to see you!

What day is it today? What date is it today? What season is it now? What is the weather like today? How are you today?

Let's start our lesson. The topic of our lesson is "Which Job is the best". The motto of the lesson is "Where there is a will there is a way". Can you tell me why should we think about the problem of our future profession?

P1: I think that after finishing school we will do a lot of different things. So we have to choose the job we like.

P2: We must make the right choice in order to like what we do.

2. Фонетическая зарядка

Teacher: Right you are. So today we are going to speak about jobs we like and dream now. There are a lot of proverbs and sayings which express our wishes. Do you remember any of them?

P1: Where there is a will there is a way. - Где хотенье, там и уменье.

P2: A cat in gloves catches no mice. - Без труда не вынешь и рыбку из пруда.

P3: Promise little but do much. - Меньше обещай, больше делай.

P4: Live and learn. - Век живи, век учись.

P5: It's never late to learn. - Учиться никогда не поздно.

P6: Practice is the best master. - Люби дело - мастером будешь.

P7: He works best who works his trade. - Не за свое дело не берись.

3. Аудирование. Развитие навыков говорения.

Учитель: I see you know the proverbs well and I'm sure you will use them in your life. Now I want you to listen to the poem by C.Read and S.Salaberri. It's called "Secret Wishes". After listening of this poem try to answer the following questions: 1.What does this boy want to be most of all? 2.Can this boy realize his ambitions while he is so young? Why? Why not? 3.Which of the boy's wishes come true? 4.Which of his wishes do you share?

4. Активизация лексических единиц по теме " My job". Презентация новых лексических единиц.

Учитель: The word "job" is associated with several questions.

Well, I agree that people have different jobs. They work in different places.

So let's play a little! Please, suppose what profession I mean. (Выделенные слова являются новыми ЛЕ. В данном упражнении идет презентация ЛЕ через языковую догадку и перевод (3 слова). С названиями профессий учащиеся познакомились на прошлом уроке)

What is a person? Where does he work?"

A person works on a farm

He's a farmer.

A person works at a hospital

Doctor / nurse

A person works at a shop or a supermarket


A person works at a factory (фабрика)


A person works at a bank


A person works at office


A person works at a school


A person works at an agency


A person works at an orchestra, pop group


A person works at a police station

Policeman / police Officer

A person works at a workshop (мастерская)


A person works at a house


A person works at a kindergarten (детский сад)


A person who makes a newspaper


A person who serves in the Army.


A person who decorates houses and create new clothes


A person who makes films

Film maker

A person who earns much money


A person who shows fashionable clothes


A person who drives a car


A person who flies a lot. (управляет самолетом)


A person who acts in films and plays


A person who works with a computer

Computer operator

5.Закрепление лексических навыков

Teacher: Children, I'm sure you know a lot of words connected with the topic "Jobs". Let's play now. Look at the screen and try to give definitions of the following words. We are having brain ring. (На экране появляется изображение

людей разных профессий).

P1: A postman has to walk from house to house and deliver newspapers and letters.

P2: A teacher has to teach children at school.

P3: A painter has to make pictures and drawings.

P4: An engineer has to work at a factory or a plant. He has to make projects too.

P5: A lawyer has to advise people about laws.

P6: A doctor has to treat ill people.

P7: A model has to pose before cameras.

Teacher: Now I want to concentrate your attention on the following thing. Look at the screen, please. You can see a pair of questions: 1.What is his name? - Who is he? Is there any difference between them? What do we want to learn asking questions "Who is he?" and "What is he?"

P1: When we ask "Who is he?" we mean the name of the person.

P2: When we ask "What is he?" we mean the job of the person.

Teacher: Right. Now you know that people can ask about the same things in different ways. Let's do an exercise in which you are to match the questions that have the same meaning.

A) What is his name? a ) What is your name?

B) What is he? b) Who is he?

C) Who are they? c) What are their jobs?

D) What are they? d) What are you?

E) What's your job? d) What's her job?

F) Who are you? f) What are their names?

G) Who is she? g) What is her name?

Teacher: I see, you know the vocabulary. And I also see that you are a bit tired. Let's do some physical exercises in order to relax and you'll be fresh again in a minute.


Под музыку аудиозаписи учащиеся делают упражнения для релаксации.

Stand up now!

Don't sit down!

Walk, don't stop!

Stop. Then run!

Touch your nose!

Jump up high!

Go under your desk!

This is fun!

6.Совершенствование навыков монологической и диалогической речи. Проверка домашнего задания. Защита проекта (работа в группах).

Teacher: Children, look at the screen. What can you see? На экране слайд с изображением людей разных профессий. What can you say about these people?

P1: We see people of different professions: a doctor, teacher engineer, plumber, salesperson, librarian, military man, businessman and others.

Teacher: Are these professions important? Why?

P1: Because we can't do without these people.

P2: They do different and useful work.

P3: We need these people. Doctors treat us. Teachers teach us. Military men defend us. etc.

Teacher: Now I want you to make a presentation of your projects about jobs you like. You are welcome! (Первая группа демонстрирует свой проект).

Примерное выступление учащихся:

P1: We want to tell you about teacher's profession.

My dream is to become a teacher when I grow up. I like this job because it is very interesting. My mother is a teacher. She likes working with children. She tells me it's a hard job. But I think this job is for me. It is intellectual and exciting. I would like to teach children and explain lessons


P2: As for me I like this job too. I think this profession is great, but difficult. Teachers must be very energetic and wise. I want to work with little children. I'd like to be like my teacher of Primary School. She is strict, clever and wise. We love her. I hope my dream comes true.

Teacher: I know Julia likes drawing. Let's listen to her.

P3: Now I've got a very interesting hobby. It's painting. When I have free time I take my pencils and draw pictures. Best of all I like to draw nature and people. My dream is to become a famous painter. I think this job is romantic and well paid. Look at my pictures! Do you like them?

P4: As for me I would like to be a plumber. I understand this job is hard, but interesting. I'm sure this job is necessary for people. Besides I like to help people. I think I would be a good plumber.

P5: My dream is to become a military man. This profession is popular and very important. But first I'd like to be a soldier of the Russian Army. It is very noble to defend our Motherland, our city and family.

P6: My uncle is an officer in the army. He is strong and noble. He can do a lot of difficult things. He teaches me to be courage confident. He is a real man. I hope my dream comes true.

Teacher: I see you've got great dreams. Now I want you to listen a conversation between two girls. Your task is to find out what they want to be.


- What is your mum?

- She is a salesperson.

- Where does she work?

- At a big supermarket.

- Does she like her job?

- I'm sure she does. But she says it's very difficult to be a salesperson.

- Why?

- Because she has to work with different people every day. She must help them to choose things. It's not easy.

- Would you like to be a salesperson like your mum?

- No, I want to be an engineer like my dad. And what does your dad do?

- Oh, he is a businessman.

- Where does he work?

- At the bank. He is an accountant.

- Does he like his job?

- I think he does.

- Why?

- He says it's interesting. And I would like to be a businesswoman like my father. He is sure I can cope with difficult things.

Teacher: Now, children, answer the question: What do the girls want to be? (Engineer and businesswoman)

Teacher: I know that two girls have prepared the role play about working at a hospital. You are welcome!

P 9-10:

We want to be doctors. My dream is to become children's doctor. And my friend wants to be a vet because she loves animals. Now we are going to play a game which is called "At the Doctor's".

7. Формирование навыков чтения

Учитель: There are a lot of different professions in the world. The professions we enumerated are quite usual. But there are some unusual jobs.

Звучит музыка

Your task now is to read the text. Then agree or disagree with the statements.

Pay attention to the following words: ( учащиеся самостоятельно читают текст, выполняют задание.)

New words :

A beefeater - «мясоед», «бифитер», стражник Тауэра

The Tower - тауэр

A Place of interest - достопримечательность

To guard - охранять

Reign - правление

to serve in the Army - служить в армии


In England people can work as a Yeomen warder ( popularly known as " a beefeater").

The Beefeaters used to guard the Tower. The Tower of London is the main place of interest in England. Beefeaters have guarded the Tower since the reign of Henry VIII. To become a beefeater today you have to serve in the Army for at least 22 years.

Today beefeaters work mostly as guides. They show people around and tells stories about all the terrible things that have happened here. No one knows more about the history and secrets of the Tower than these famous men.

When they are guiding, they wear dark blue uniforms. On ceremonial occasions they wear red and gold tunics designed for them during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I.


"A beefeater" is a soldier of the British Army.


"Beefeaters" are the guards of the Tower.


The Tower is the main place of interest in the capital of England.


"Beefeaters" don't know anything about the history of the Tower.


"Beefeaters" have two variants of their uniforms.


1 F; 2 T; 3 T; 4 F; 5 T.

Учитель: Please, check up the task. (учащиеся обмениваются результатами выполненной работы и проверяют задание, сравнивая с ответами на доске, выставляют оценки, заранее ознакомившись с критериями: 1-2 ошибки "4", 3 ошибки - "3", 4 ошибки - "2")

7. Презентация новых ЛЕ. Развитие навыков устной речи по теме с использованием новых лексических единиц

Учитель: What kind of job is a beefeater? You can answer in Russian.

We need new words to describe this job. Repeat the words after me (фонетическая отработка новых лексических единиц)

Guess the meaning of the words! (при семантизации используется языковая догадка, перевод).

Write down the translation of the words on these sheets of paper.

(учащиеся записывают перевод слов самостоятельно, проверка осуществляется фронтально)

8. Решение проблемного вопроса на основе нового языкового материала

Учитель: Well, look at this picture ? Do you know this woman? < рисунок 1>

Who is she?

Ученик: This is Elizabeth II.

Учитель: Where does she work?

Ученик: At a palace.

Учитель What is she?

Ученик: an English Queen

Учитель: Do you like her job? Why?

Ученик: Yes, I do. / No, I don't.

Учитель What kind of job is it?)

Ученик: It is exotic, rare, important.

Учитель: At our city there are a lot of people who are good at their profession! Let's speak about them.

These people work at our school. Do you know them? (на экране фото библиотекаря и медицинского работника)

Учитель : Ученик: (высказывание строится с помощью визуальной опоры)

  • Who is this?

  • Where does she work?

  • What is she?

  • What kind of job is it?

It is ….)
She works at …
She is
It is ……

Далее высказывание строится без опор.

Учитель: To be a king or a librarian depends on you. You should choose your future profession wisely. "The world is full of a number of things, I'm sure we should all be as happy as kings! R. L. Stevenson.

10. Выставление оценок, самооценка

Учитель: Oцените свою работу, выберите красный квадрат - "все понял отлично", желтый - "все понял хорошо", зеленый - "нужно стараться, не все понятно")

Учитель выставляет отметки, комментирует работу учащихся.

11. Домашнее задание:

Your home task is to write about your parents' profession.

12. Подведение итогов

The lesson is over. You have done your work well. I'll be glad to see you again. Goodbye!


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