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  • Урок по английскому языку в 10 классе «Легко ли быть молодым?» (Is it easy to be young?)

Урок по английскому языку в 10 классе «Легко ли быть молодым?» (Is it easy to be young?)

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Краткое описание: Урок по английскому языку в 10 классе «Легко ли быть молодым?» (Is it easy to be young?) обладает антинаркотической направленностью, направлен на систематизацию знаний лексики по теме, активизациюлексики в условно-речевых упражнениях, закрепление грамматических навыковговорения и
предварительный просмотр материала


Урок " The choice is yours!" продолжает работу над изучением учебной темы "Is it easy to be young?" (Легко ли быть молодым? Проблемы современной молодежи в России и странах изучаемого языка.) по учебнику В.П. Кузовлева "English-10-11".

Основной воспитательной целью проводимого урока является раскрытие негативных медицинских, психологических, социальных и морально-нравственных аспектов, связанных с наркоманией; воспитание отрицательного отношения и жёсткого неприятия к наркотикам на материале иностранного языка.

Сопутствующие коммуникативные цели таковы: систематизация знаний лексики по теме, активизация лексики в условно-речевых упражнениях, закрепление грамматических навыков говорения и аудирования с общим и полным охватом содержания.

При подготовке урока использован обширный дополнительный материал и интернет ресурсы, рассказывающие о проблемах, связанных с подростковой наркоманией в странах изучаемого языка и в России, визуальные средства для создания языковой среды: видеофрагменты, плакаты, рисунки учащихся, презентация.

План урока ориентирует учащихся на достижение воспитательных и общеобразовательных целей. Для положительного эмоционального настроя в ходе речевой разминки использован метод "Brain Storming" (Мозговой штурм), который всегда помогает активизировать изученную лексику в речи, ориентирует учащихся на достижение цели урока. Обобщается лексика и грамматический материал предыдущих уроков.

Материал на уроке вводится в коммуникативной форме, с помощью предметной, изобразительной наглядности, с использованием ТСО. Работа осуществляется поэтапно.

Учащимся предложены различные задания в форме ЕГЭ, нацеливающие их на продуктивное овладение аспектами языка: в данном уроке - это неподготовленная монологическая речь (говорение) и аудирование различных стратегий.

Учащимся следует записывать ключевые слова и выводы по каждому из блоков урока, что способствует более эффективному усвоению материала.

Предложенные виды работы помогают удачно использовать тексты для аудирования и зрительные лексические опоры, как базу для тренировки употребления лексико-грамматических единиц в устной и письменной речи.

При обучении аудированию и говорению учитываются личностные интересы детей, их возрастные особенности, а также тот факт, что подростки находятся в так называемой "группе риска". На уроке учащиеся могут поработать с интернет-сайтом ФСКН России (), где имеется специализированный информационный блок, в котором размещаются необходимые материалы антинаркотической направленности для учащихся, градированные по двум возрастным категориям (от 12 до 16 лет и старше 16 лет).

Использованные методические приёмы организации учебного сотрудничества обеспечат усвоение материала и позволят создать необходимые условия для формирования универсальных учебных действий учащихся и будут ориентировать школьников на выработку твёрдой отрицательной позиции на предложение попробовать наркотики, при этом научить сказать НЕТ.

Цели урока:

  1. коммуникативная:

    1. совершенствование лексико-грамматических, композиционных навыков говорения (неподготовленная монологическая и полилогическая речь) по теме;

    2. развитие навыков аудирования различных стратегий - с общим и полным охватом содержания;

    3. актуализация лексического, грамматического и языкового материала, изученного ранее в условно-речевых и речевых упражнениях;

    4. скрытый контроль уровня развития речевых умений.

  2. образовательная:

    1. знакомство с одной из социальных проблем в подростковой среде в России и странах изучаемого языка - наркоманией;

    2. расширение кругозора учащихся, привитие чувства толерантности и взаимопонимания друг друга;

    3. раскрытие негативных медицинских, психологических, социальных и морально-нравственных аспектов, связанных с наркоманией.

  3. развивающая:

    1. развитие творческих способностей учащихся через размышление, суждение и презентацию своего мнения с аргументацией и примерами;

    2. развитие способности к обобщению, логичности и доказательности;

    3. развитие критического мышления и воображения.

  4. воспитательная:

    1. воспитание отрицательного отношения и жёсткого неприятия к наркотикам на материале иностранного языка;

    2. развитие умения анализировать окружающую действительность с нравственной точки зрения;

    3. развитие самосознания и ценностной ориентации учащихся;

    4. предупреждение распространения подростковой наркомании, осознание ответственности за совершение действий, запрещённых моралью и правом;

    5. формирование потребности осознания своего права на собственную позицию, умения говорить «нет».

Оборудование: рисунки антинаркотической направленности, портреты известных людей, погибших от употребления наркотиков, аудиозапись песни , плакаты с надписями:

  1. Life is too short to do everything you want.

  2. It's much easier to stay clean than to kick the habit.

  3. Drug free- the way to be in this millennium.

  4. There is no drug using after death… (Folk wisdom)

  5. Life on drugs is not a fairy tale.

Ход урока:

Организация учащихся на урок.

Teacher: Good morning, everybody! Take your seats, please! How are you? How do you feel today?

Сообщение темы. Постановка цели и задач урока.

Today we are going to speak about drugs. You know that the number of drug addicts in Russia is increasing every year. Despite the ruinous effect of drug usage, some young people cannot refuse taking drugs. Today we will get some information about the general situation with teens' dependency on drugs all around the world; we'll try to define reasons of becoming drug-addicted; surely we will learn some new facts about the influence of this negative health habit.

Фонетическая зарядка.

First of all, let's have a phonetic drill. We will work with the words and expressions connected with our topic. Listen and repeat after me:

  • drugs

  • hard/soft drugs

  • drug dealer

  • drug abuse

  • drug taking

  • drug consumption

  • overdose

  • to be on drugs

  • to have a destroying effect

  • to affect the mind

  • to cause mental changes

  • to ruin the nervous system

  • to slow brain activity

  • to have a heart attack

Речевая зарядка.

That's right! Now I would like to ask you:

What do you know about taking drugs? What information have you recently heard or read on this topic? What is your personal attitude towards it? What can being on drugs result in? (Pupils should answer using words and phrases above)

Основная часть урока. Развитие навыков построения связного монологического высказывания с опорой.

Good of you! Now look at the blackboard. Here you can see different teenagers' ideas about the reasons of being on drugs. Your task is to agree or disagree with the idea you like and comment on it - give your own arguments, thoughts or examples. (Pupils share with their ideas and examples of their own)

Curiosity pushes young people to try drugs first and then they inevitably become the slavers of drugs.

The main reason of teens' addictiveness to drugs lies in family. Parents and children can't find mutual understanding nowadays.

It is the way to kill the time and to have a fun. Young people try drugs just for company or under the pressure of their friends.

Совершенствование навыков аудирования с общим охватом информации.

(задание в форме ЕГЭ)

Thanks for your ideas! Now we will listen to some teens speaking about different aspects in taking drugs. Your task is to listen to them twice and match given sentences with the texts in the table. Remember that one sentence (title) is extra.

So, let's start listening. Be very attentive!

Speaker 1: Many young people start taking drugs under pressure of their mates. Teenagers want to try all sorts of options. They want to live now and to live to the maximum. For many of them it means to be cool, they want to get as much pleasure as possible. Some teens take a stimulant to dance all night, other teens make psychedelic drugs or hallucinogens to produce the equivalent of waking dreams, to broaden their mind and to whip up creativeness. Others need a relaxant to ward a stress.

Speaker 2: Today, our US Government is inclined to legalize some kinds of soft drugs. It's a crime against future generations to make some of them legally available. Some of my friends say that Smoking Pot isn't dangerous. Hemp is used in medicine. A lot of people use soft drugs without any harm. But I know that even smoking grass is as dangerous as drinking and it can cause health problems. Drugs destroy our minds, family and friend relationships and kill our youth.

Speaker 3: Drug dealers' interest is in getting money - not your health. So they try to involve as many teens in drug usage as possible. And being on drugs teens become really aggressive and violent and they can turn out to be potential criminals. Because when a drug addict needs a "dose" but has no money, he is able to steal smth, to commit a robbery or even a murder. So, I think that all drugs should be strictly forbidden.

Speaker 4: You know that drug usage causes such socially dangerous disease as AIDS. Young people often commit suicide. The average length of drug abused person's life is only 21 years. According to statistics the cure from drug abuse costs 10 thousand dollars. Much more money you need to receive help in special rehabilitation centers. Do you agree to pay such money? If yes, it is your choice and only you are responsible for it.

Speaker 5: As for me I'd like to appeal to parents and teachers. The following symptoms may be the signs of trouble: constricted pupils, unusual flare-ups, withdrawal from responsibility, deterioration of physical appearance, unusual borrowings of money, abrupt changes in school attendance, discipline. For example, smoking grass causes a person to become unable to think and to be short-tempered, then breathe problems, heart attacks appears and death comes inevitably. At the end I'd like to say don't inhale purposely any drug. Think about how hard it is to stop.

  1. Even soft drugs can destroy your health and inner world.

  2. Specially organized help for addicts is really expensive.

  3. Having fun for teens is possible only while being on drugs.

  4. Prohibition is the only way to stop drug abuse.

  5. Any kind of experimentation with drugs is dangerous.

  6. The consequences of drug taking are inevitable.

Speaker 1

Speaker 2

Speaker 3

Speaker 4

Speaker 5

(Answers: 1-C, 2-A, 3-D, 4-B, 5-F)

Актуализация изученного ранее лексико-грамматического материала в рамках обсуждения текста публицистического характера.

Teacher: Nowadays we can read а lot of articles about young people who take and sell drugs in different newspapers and magazines. They help young people not to make such mistakes in their life. Let's remember the article which is entitled LIFE ON DRUGS. (Приложение 1) You have read it at home. Your task will be to answer the following questions:

  1. What is the article about?

  2. Who is the article about?

  3. What traits of character did the girl have?

  4. What steps of taking drugs are mentioned in the story?

  5. What is the main idea of the story?

  6. What is your personal attitude towards this story?

  7. How would you behave if you were this girl?

  8. Can anything approve her style of life and behavior? Prove your point of view.

Teacher: Often young people do something not because they want to do it. They do things, because everybody around does it or because they think it's impossible to refuse. But sometimes we have to say we are unwilling to do something and give reasons.

Imagine that the young man can refuse from trying marijuana. How would he react? Which phrases would he use in this situation? And how would his life change if he can refuse from trying marijuana? Listen to your ideas. (The pupils' answers)

Совершенствование лексических навыков, расширение словарного запаса по теме.

Teacher: Now you will have 10 minutes to do the following task - LANGUAGE - MULTIPLE CHOICE. (задание в форме ЕГЭ). You are to read and put the correct words from the table below in the article.

The United Nations reports that global drug (1) ____ is changing. The U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime says that in the developing world, more people are using cocaine and heroin; whereas in the developed world, there is a (2) ____ in the use of synthetic drugs. The (3) ____ reports that worldwide use of traditional drugs has gone down, while at the same time there has been a huge rise in the use of stimulants and prescription drugs. The UN estimates the global number of users of synthetic drugs (4) ____ between 30 and 40 million. Antonio Maria Costa, director of the U.N. drug office, told reporters: "People are saying goodbye to heroin and they are (5) ____ not so much enchanted by cocaine, but they are starting to use prescription drugs in amounts which make them (6) ____."

The report highlights a worrying (7) ____ of increased drug use in developing countries, especially in Asia and Africa. Mr Costa said demand for cocaine and heroin was (8) ____ on these two continents and that many governments did not have the resources to help addicts. "As a (9) ____," he said, "there is now the risk of a public health disaster in developing countries that would enslave (10) ____ of humanity to the misery of drug dependence." Costa also expresses his concern over the popularity (11) ____ synthetic drugs. He warns there are "unlimited amounts of them, produced in mafia labs at trivial costs". Costa also noted that globalization made it easier for illegal drug manufacturers to operate. They can be made near to their target markets and the (12) ____ materials are easy to find.













































































































(Answers: 1-b, 2-c, 3-a, 4-d, 5-c, 6-a, 7-d, 8-b, 9-d, 10-c, 11-b, 12-a)

Teacher: Now it's high time to have a rest. (Эмоциональная разрядка - песня «We are the world»)

There comes a time when we heed a certain call
When the world must come together as one
There are people dying - and it's time to lend a hand
To life … the greatest gift of all

We can't go on - pretending day by day
That some one - somewhere will soon make a change
We are all a part of - god's great big family
And the truth - you know love is all we need

We are the world - we are the children
We are the ones to make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true - we make a better day just you and me.

Совершенствование навыков аудирования с общим охватом содержания. Расширение лингво-страноведческих знаний. (культурологический аспект обучения иностранному языку)

Teacher: Now I'd like you to look at the blackboard. Here you can see the portraits of famous people who suffered from drug usage. (на доске портреты М.Монро, К.Кобайна, Дж.Моррисона, Дж.Хендрикса, Э.Пресли, А.Башлачова, А.Крупнова)


Marylyn Monroe-an actress - died from overdose.

Kurt Kobaine - the leader of the group "Nirvana" - committed a suicide taking a great dose.

Jim Morrison - a singer of the group "Doors"- died in the hotel bathroom in Paris from overdose.

Jimmy Hendrix - a super guitar player died from drugs in London.

Elvis Presley died from drugs.

Alexander Bashlachev - a rock singer- threw out of the window.

Anatoly Krupnov - a member of the group "Black Memorial" died from heart attack due to the long usage of drugs.

Подведение итогов урока.

Teacher: Now I will show a picture of a drug abused person. (демонстрация уч-ся фотографий наркозависимых подростков)

Do you want to be like this person? - (in chorus) No.

Do you want to be here? (a picture of hell) - (in chorus) No.

Do you want your children to become monsters? - (in chorus) No.

Do you want to die young? - (in chorus) No.

Teacher: So, Stop drugs!


We shall say simple words
People must live very long
Live without any sorrow,
Now and of course tomorrow.


Teacher: You have learnt a lot about drugs and drug addiction at the lesson today.

What will you tell your friends about them?

P1, P2, P3.......

Завершающий этап урока.

The end of the lesson is coming. I believe that you have learnt a lot today and it will help you to make a right choice. Remember that everything in your life depends only on you.

So, your marks are…

Thanks for the lesson. I hope it has been very useful for you.

Приложение №1

How appealing are drugs?
When you look at their effects on your health and life, not so much
By Martina Stritesky

Chances are you've already been around drugs. Maybe they've been at a party you've been to, or maybe they were offered to you at a friend's house. You know that they're around. You may have even tried them. Or maybe you are still weighing the pros and cons. After all, you're not naïve. You know the seriousness of drugs. Or do you?

What you may not know are the cold hard facts. What they can do to your judgment, your grades, and how they can alienate you from all the things you care about. Meet Stella. Stella didn't always have it easy growing up. At 13, Stella changed schools. She was lonely and trying to fit in, until she met a new friend. Sarah was different. She smoked, she drank, and she was sexually active. Sarah's mom even provided her with condoms. Soon Stella was trying the same things, getting drunk and getting high, and together they started running with an older crowd.

Stella lost her virginity at 14. She doesn't remember that much of the experience, though. She was too high that night. "He was older and I didn't realize what I was getting into," she says. "I wish I could remember it as a special time, but it wasn't. I was high." Before long, Stella was flunking out of school. And then she dropped out. From 13 to 16, Stella smoked pot on a daily basis. At around 16, she started experimenting with cocaine and ecstasy. The harder the better, she thought. Gone were her school ambitions; drugs had taken over her mind. In fact, they had taken over her life. She started fighting with her parents and soon moved out. She bounced from house to house, never quite sure where she was going to end up each night. At 17, Stella started dating an older guy and got pregnant. They barely knew each other, but that didn't matter when they were high.

It wasn't until her baby girl was born with heart complications that Stella finally began to wake up. She watched her daughter spend the first few weeks of her life in intensive care, undergoing heart surgery. She had to bring her daughter for weekly checkups. Stella realized her decisions were affecting not only her life, but also the life of her baby girl. Stella wanted to be a mother her daughter could depend on.

Stella dropped her partying friends and went back to school. She took solace in her mother who, thankfully, had not turned her back on her. She says that if it wasn't for her mother, she doesn't know where she would be now. In between taking care of her daughter, taking her to the hospital for her many heart appointments and working a part-time job as a cashier, Stella hit the books. She studied at night when her baby was asleep, determined to get her high school diploma. Now 21, Stella has finished high school through a series of correspondence courses. She plans on continuing her education and becoming a nurse so that she can learn more about her daughter's condition and help other children born with the same complications.

When asked if she regrets any of her decisions, she answers quietly and slowly. Yes. She does. Her road has not been easy, she says. But she's glad she got out when she did. Stella remembers friends who weren't so lucky. She says they simply got sucked in too deeply. Today, Stella wants nothing more than a better life for her daughter. She hopes she's learned enough of a lesson for both of them. "It's not worth it," she says. "It's a long, hard road with drugs. It changes your perspective and makes you lose your ambition. I've never felt worse than [when I was] on drugs."


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