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  • урок английского языка на тему 'Rooms' description'

урок английского языка на тему 'Rooms' description'

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Дата публикации:
Краткое описание: Тема урока: “Rooms' description” Тип урока: урок- закрепление знаний по теме «Home»1. Данный урок занимает ведущее место в теме «Home», т.к имеет своей целью активизацию употребления лексики предыдущих уроков и готовит ребят к последующему 2. 5 класс изучает английский по учебникуАяпо
предварительный просмотр материала

"Room's Description"

The type of the lesson Integrated Lesson (Интеграл сабақ)

The aim of the lesson:

1. Knowledge aim (білімдік): «Үй, пәтер» тақырыбы бойынша жаңа лексиканы еңгізіп, алған білімдерін тереңдету

II. Development aim ( дамытушылық): Оқушылардың білім сапасы мен пәнге деген қызығушылығын арттыру. Сонымен қатар әр жеткіншіктің іскерлігін, ізденімпаздығын байқау, есте сақтау қабілеттерін мүмкіндік беру.

III .Upbringing aim ( тәрбиелік): оқушыны топпен жұмыс жасау арқылы достыққа, бірлікке, көпшілікпен қарым қатынас жасауға тәрбиелеу

Visual Aids of the Lesson (Сабақ көрнекілігі): multimedia

Procedure of the lesson (Сабақ барысы):

  1. Greeting.

We shall remember and learn the words on the topic "My Flat":, describe rooms and learn how to say the address in English.

  1. Warm up. Let's begin our lesson with the ABC song.

Nice, you sing well. Now we shall remember the pieces of furniture.

Look at the picture. There are different things we have at home. Which room do they go with: a living room, a bedroom or a kitchen?

III. Presentation:

  • 1)to read newspapers

  • 2) to relax

  • 3) to listen to music

  • 4) to cook dinner

  • 5) to talk to

  • 6) to watch TV

  • 7) to wash up dishes

  • 8) to learn English

  • 9) a wardrobe

  • 10)a wall unit

  1. Writing . What do you do in your living room?

What do you do in your kitchen?

  1. What do you do in your living room \ kitchen? Write all the ideas which come to your mind.

  2. Speaking. Which room do you like? Why?

  3. Focus on Grammar. Prepositions of place.

Pupils describe the picture and use different prepositions.

  1. Read. Ex 6. Pupils complete the sentences.

  2. Pre - listening task

Сan you tell me how to say the address in English? (We shall say the number of the house, then the street and then the number of the flat.)

You will listen to the dialogue of two girls and the 1 task for you is to answer the questions. Look at the board, please. As you see each question has three different answers. You will choose the correct answers to the questions. Read the answers to yourself, please. Are you ready to listen to the dialogue? Let's start then.

1.Where does Natasha live?

a) at number 3, Abaj Street, Flat 6.

b) at number 9, Apple Street, Flat 2

c) at number 9, Apple Street, Flat 3

2) What is Natasha's telephone number?

a) 553-21-35

b) 332-54-48

c) 332-12-78

- That's all right. Now let's read the dialogue after the speaker.

IX. Role play

  • Now your turn is to think of the dialogue and act it out. You can use this dialogue but don't forget to change over.

Time limit 5 minutes.

  • Its time to listen to your dialogues . Who will be the first to act out?

  • Your home task will be to learn the dialogues by heart.

  1. Making up the conclusion.

Im sorry we must stop here. Your hometask will be to learn the words and to describe your room in written. Don't forget to learn the dialogues by heart.

- Thank you for your work . Get your things together. Good bye.

Home Task: ex 11(p 112)

Tapescript. What's your address?

- Hello, Natasha! Do you live here?

- Yes, I do. I live at number 9, Apple Street, Flat 3.

What's your address, Caroline?

- I live at number 17, Main Road. My Flat is 3, too.

Are you on the phone, Natasha?

- Yes.

- What's your telephone number?

- That's 332-54-48.


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