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  • Презентация по английскому языку на тему 'The Earth' (9 класс)

Презентация по английскому языку на тему 'The Earth' (9 класс)

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Цель урока: Закрепление знаний учащихся по теме "Our Planet Is in Danger!"

Задачи урока:

  1. Развитие речевых умений и навыков по теме.

  2. Обучение аудированию.

  3. Обучение чтению с пониманием основного содержания текста.

  4. Тренировка в построении условных предложений (для выражения будущего действия).

  5. Развитие орфографических навыков.

Оснащение урока:

  • Учебник "Английский язык" для VI класса школ с углубленным изучением
    английского языка" (авторы О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева).

  • Книга для учителя.

  • Рабочая тетрадь.

  • Схематический рисунок земного шара на доске с символическим изображением основных экологических проблем внутри него.

  • Плакаты на экологическую тему.

  • Магнитофон, звуковые задания №24, №32.

  • Раздаточный материал на отработку условных предложений.

  • Разрезанные тексты на чтение.

  • Доска.

I. Начало урока.

Teacher: Good morning, children! Good morning, dear guests! Glad to see you. Let's begin our lesson on the theme "Our Planet Is in Danger!"

At the today's lesson we'll discuss environmental problems and their influence on the man and wildlife. You'll share your opinions concerning this problem. You'll also role-play and develop your grammar skills in making conditional sentences to express future actions. At the end of the lesson you'll have to be able to talk using the new vocabulary on this theme.

II. Фонетическая зарядка.

Teacher: First of all some phonetic exercises. Say after the announcer, mind your pronunciation (№ 24)

Test, radiation, ultraviolet, ton, resources, ozone, filter, waste, dump, shortage, cause, destruction, pollute, environment, poison, nuclear, safe, mix, survive, weapon.

III. Речевая зарядка.

a) Teacher: Listen to my explanations and guess which words I mean.

  • making water, air, atmosphere dirty and dangerous for people and animals to live in

  • a place where rubbish is left (a dump);

  • not hurt, not dangerous (safe);

  • material which was used and is no longer wanted (waste);

  • something that kills people or animals if it is swallowed (poison).

b) Teacher: Express the same in English:

  • защита окружающей среды (protection of environment);

  • загрязнять атмосферу (to pollute the atmosphere);

  • сброс промышленных отходов (dumping of industrial waste);

  • испытывать ядерное оружие (to test nuclear weapon);

  • проблема мусора (rubbish problem);

  • "тепличный эффект" ("the greenhouse effect");

  • озоновые дыры (ozone holes);

  • озоновый слой (the ozone layer);

  • наносить вред окружающей среде (to damage the environment);

  • экологический кризис (ecological crisis);

  • ядерная катастрофа (nuclear disaster);

  • угрожать жизни людей (to endanger people's lives);

  • разрушение живой природы (destruction of wildlife).

c) Учебный разговор: Teacher - P1, P2, P3.

Teacher: We live on the planet Earth. Nowadays it is in great danger because it has been suffering from many environmental problems. The most serious of them are depicted here. Will you name them?

P1 - air pollution
P2 - water pollution
P3 - nuclear pollution
P4 - rubbish problem
P5 - destruction of wildlife
Рб - "the greenhouse effect"
P7 - ozone holes
P8 - noise from cars and buses

Teacher: Answer my questions, please.

  • Where does air pollution mostly come from? (cars, buses, plants and factories)

  • What can appear as the result of air pollution? (holes in the ozone layer)

  • Why are holes in the ozone layer dangerous? (ultraviolet radiation from the sun
    can get to the earth and cause skin cancer)

  • What shouldn't we do not to get skin cancer? (not to be in direct sunlight)
    What makes the sea waters dangerous? (testing of nuclear weapon, dumping
    industrial and nuclear waste)

  • Why is it dangerous to dump industrial waste in the sea? (this poisons and kills fish and sea animals)

  • Why are nuclear power stations dangerous? (they can go wrong and cause
    nuclear pollution)

  • Why have some species of animals become endangered? (the Man kills animals
    and destroys their habitats)

  • Why can "the greenhouse effect" be dangerous for the planet? How does it work? (the air surrounding the earth has become warmer because the heat which sunlight gives us can't go back into space, as a result of it winter and summer temperatures have become higher)

  • What has been done in the world to save our planet from the ecological disaster?
    (international organizations, filters at factories and plants, in cars and buses, the Red

IV. Обучение устной речи.

1) Конкурс плакатов.

Teacher: Much attention is paid to the environmental problems at our school. Our pupils keep correspondence with international organization, which works to protect our environment, they take part in different meetings and conferences devoted to this problem and after all they take part in different drawing contests and try to attract our attention to this problem by their posters. Here are some of them. Choose the poster which you like most of all and try to explain what ecological problem it presents.

2) Групповая разработка надписей.

Teacher: Now I want you to take part in the similar contest. Imagine that the Green peace organization asked you to design T-shirts telling people about ecological problems of the day. Work in groups and design two T-shirts on sheets of paper.

V. Обучение чтению.

Teacher: Put the pieces of these mixed up stories right and read the texts about extinct animals. Give each story a title. Find a key sentence (a sentence expressing the main idea) in each paragraph.


In the 18-th and 19-th centuries these were millions of beautiful passengers pigeons in the USA and Canada. A visitor from Holland wrote, in 1625, that there were so many pigeons that the sky was dark with them and no sun was seen. Today, not a single passenger pigeon is alive.

The passenger pigeon was one of the largest and most beautiful members of the pigeon family. It was about 45 cm long, had narrow wings and a long graceful neck. Its tail was 20 cm long and was silver white. The head was dark blue and the neck was gold and green with purple.

In 1900 many zoos had passenger pigeons. On 14 September 1908 the last wild passenger pigeon was caught near Detroit. Martha, the last living passenger pigeon in the world, died on 1 September 1914. Her body is placed in a museum in Washington, D.C.

Text №2.

Dinosaurs lived on the Earth for over 140 million years. Then, suddenly, 65 million years ago, all the dinosaurs died, and most of the other animals and plants died along with them. Over 75 per cent of life on the Earth became extinct. For more than 150 years scientists have tried to find why.

Many of them think that a change in climate caused it. But what could cause a change in climate? Some scientists say that an asteroid fell on the earth 65 million years ago. A huge cloud of dust rose into the sky. There was no sunlight. Temperatures became very low, and without sunlight, plants died. The dinosaurs died from hunger and freezing.

This theory answers all the questions. Scientists are still asking questions and try to explain why so many plants and animals became extinct. It's one of the oldest mysteries in the world.

VI. Обучение аудированию.

Teacher: a) Listen to the tape and say why people need no less protection than animals do.

Ecology of Man

It may sound funny to you, but man needs protection and care as much as animals do. People's habitats - their homes towns and cities - must be kept ecologically clean. In the places where people drink poisoned water, eat bad food and breath polluted air they suffer from serious diseases and die earlier; their children are born weak. No medicines prescribed by the doctors can help them. This problem becomes more and more serious with every passing day. The modern way of life when people have little physical activity, use cars instead of walking, watch TV for many hours and work on computers is turning them into legless creatures.

b) Teacher: Think of 5 things Modern Man must do to survive. Then we'll compare your lists. Suggested answers:

to stop air and water pollution;
to keep waters in the rivers and lakes clean;
to stop nuclear tests;
to plant new forests and keep them clean;
to eat ecologically clean food;
to drink clean water;
to be physically active;
to spend more time out of towns.

VII. Обучение грамматике.

Teacher: Make the following conditional sentences complete.

If people use nuclear weapons...

If people think more about ecology...

If people use filters at nuclear power stations...

If we don't dump waste into rivers...

If nuclear power stations go wrong...

If people stay in direct sunlight for a long time...

If there is no ozone layer in the atmosphere...

If factories dump their waste in the rivers...

If people want to survive...

VIII. Ролевая игра.

Teacher: Now I want you to role play. The imaginary problem is following. The drivers of our town decided to build a garage very near our favourite park. They cannot find a better place than our park. The angry citizens have come to a meeting with the Mayor of the city. Let us hold such meeting. Who wants to speak for the Mayor? For the drivers? For the citizens? For the children?

Be ready to make your speeches in 3 minutes.

1-st driver: You know that public traffic has always been a problem in our town. And we, drivers, are ready to help the city to solve this problem.

2-nd driver: Besides, a new garage means more jobs for the unemployed. You must see clearly that it is very important for the town with a population over 70 thousand.

1-st angry citizen: As the citizen, who lives near the park, I want to say that the air in our town is especially badly polluted because of the local plant and now you are going to poison the air still more with car exhaust. I'm against the garage!

2-nd angry citizen: Mr. Mayor, we ask you to think properly and to make right decision. We must keep the park green or you will never enjoy real freshness of the park air.

a parent: I protest against building a garage near park, too. Look at my children's pale faces. The air smells awful, the water tastes bad, the traffic sounds terrible. I personally think the best place for the garage is out the town. Think of your future!

children: We'd like to tell you that this park is the only place where we can have fun. Don't steal it, please!

the Mayor: Dear citizens! Your problems are our city problems. I promise I'll do my best to solve this problem. I want to know which of you are for and against the garage. Let us vote!



Thank you. Now I know your opinion. Thank you for coming and for the information I've got. Our meeting is over. Good-bye.

IX. Обучение письму.

Teacher: Remember and write down the words concerning our theme beginning them with the following letters:


E(nvironment, endanger)

S(urvive, safe, species)


R(adiation, ruin)


C(risis, creature)

T(emperature, ton) I(nternational)



X. Домашнее задание.

Teacher: At home think over and write a letter to the Mayor of our town in support of drivers or citizens. Give convincing arguments. Try to use conditional sentences (10-12 sentences).

XI. Конец урока.

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Did you enjoy it? People all over the world speak so much about ecology and healthy environment nowadays. Do you think ecological problems should be discussed or it is no use talking? Why? Should these problems be discussed at the lessons or you are not old enough for such discussions? What can you personally do to save our planet from an ecological disaster?

Форма урока: урок-проект.

Программно-методическое обеспечение:

  • программа - базовый уровень,

  • учебник для 5 класса школ с углубленным изучением англ.языка, лицеев и гимназий. Верещагина Л.Н., Афанасьева О.В., М. Просвещение.

Цель: активизация речевой и мыслительной деятельности учащихся.


  • Ознакомить учащихся с проблемами экологии во всем мире.

  • Совершенствовать у учащихся навыки устной речи, аудирования, чтения, развивать умение владения английским языком в обсуждении экологических проблем.

  • Воспитать чувство ответственности за чистоту окружающей среды, любовь к природе.

  • Привить интерес к изучению иностранного языка.

Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор, компьютер, видеофильм, раздаточный материал.

Ход урока

The topic of our lesson is "The Earth is in Danger ''

Today we'll discuss why these problems exist, how we can help our planet, our country and our city.

Now let's watch the film about our planet - the Earth , and the problems it is facing.

Показ рекламного ролика фильма "Home" Яна Бертрана и Люка Бессона.

Now let's talk about this film. What does it tell you about?

Учащиеся повторяют пройденную ранее лексику по теме.

Let's try to resume, what we need to do for our planet.

Use these cards, and say what we can do.

Групповая работа : учащиеся в совместной деятельности заполняют карточку №1.

Now please tell me what must we protect ?

What and whom must people save ?

What must we keep green ? clean ? alive ?

So let's see now some more words on out topic. Look at this list of words. Which of them do you know ?

Учитель прочитывает вслух список слов (карточка №2 )

Учащиеся называют слова, пройденные ранее (clean, litter, water )

And what are the words new for you ? (environment, energy, fuel, habitat, recycle, reuse)

Let's read them all together.

Фронтальная работа : хоровая отработка лексики.

Let's use them in our speech. How will you say ?

чистая окружающая среда

чистый воздух

береги энергию

не мусори

чистое топливо

пресная вода

защищай среду обитания

перерабатывайте бумагу

повторно используйте древесину

Well done. I want you to take these cards as your homework . Make the sentences at home for our next lesson, please . And here is one more home task for you. Take this word puzzle and do it at home. You will get them at the end of the lesson.

Учащиеся получают задание на дом : карточка №2 - составить свои предложения дома, карточка №3 - решить кроссворд. Карточки с заданиями раздаются в конце урока.

The Earth is our home. We must take care of it. How can we keep our environment clean?

Let's tell our guests and other people what to do and what not to do to our environment.

These green cards are saying what is good for our planet. Finish the sentences please and say them aloud.

Парная работа учащихся : карточка №4, зеленая. После заполнения учащиеся озвучивают её вслух.

Now look at the red cards. They say what is bad to do . Fill them up and read to your friends.

Групповая работа учащихся : карточка №5, красная. После заполнения учащиеся озвучивают её вслух.

Thank you. I see you love Nature, and you know a lot about it.

And do you know what date it is today ?

Pupils: March, 27.

Fine. And do you know what is going to happen today in the World, on our Planet ?

Look. Today, on March, 27, people who care about our Planet will join Earth Hour.

At 8.30 pm today many people on our planet will switch off the lights, electricity, to save energy, and help our Earth.

Учитель показывает постер «Сбрось напряжение!»

I want you to see a film about children from Australia.

Look, listen and try to understand what they are saying.

Показ видео ролика "Kids Voting Earth for Earth Hour».

Did you like it ? Australia is beautiful , and the children are like you. What do they say ?

I am voting.

I am voting Earth because Global Warming makes the planet too hot.

I am voting for the sand coasts.

I am voting for the surf.

I am voting for the future.

I am voting for the sky to stay blue.

I am voting because I live on Earth.

I am voting to make our planet better.

Because I am not scared of the dark.

I am voting for all the animals.

For the emu, elephants, fishes, kangaroo, ducks, lions, butterflies.

I want to save coalas, because polar bears like it the way it is.

Not only the adults can do it.

My switch is my vote.

Switch off your light.

Turn your lights off.

Vote Earth .

We can all do it.

I am voting Earth because it's our planet.

Do you agree ?
Let's join the other people on our planet, switch off the lights in the evening today, lit the candles and say to everybody :

Vote Earth !

What will you say ?

Учащиеся заявляют о своем участии в акции час Земли, и зачитывают свои призывы, которые они подготовили при работе над проектом.

Let's say all together :

Vote Earth ! Switch off your Lights !

Учащиеся вручают гостям свои открытки с призывом принять участие в акции Час Земли, и дарят им свечи в виде звездочек.

Thank you ! You did very well. I have a present for you too, this is a poem which says that this World is yours. Switch off the lights tonight and lit the candle to be together with the world.

And Vote Earth.


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