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  • The verb be: negative; questions and short answers 5 класс

The verb be: negative; questions and short answers 5 класс

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</<span>Lesson theme: The verb be: negative; questions and short answers

School: №1Terekty's Secondary school

Date: The 4th of October

The 5th of October

Teacher: Kozhankulova Assem Maukenovna

Class: 5 "A", "B"

Present: /absent

Subject Language Integrated reading level:

Пәндік тілдік кіріктірілген оқу деңгейі:

The average: (40-75%)

High: (75-100%)

The purpose of the subject within the framework of the program of teaching:

Пән бойынша оқу бағдарламасы аясындағы сабақ оқытудың мақсаттары:

Ағылшын тілінде ілтипатты сұрақ қоюға дағдыландыру.

Learning Objectives:

Оқыту мақсаттары:

Ағылшын тілінде сұрақ қоюға, жауап беруге және де қысқаша жауап беруге үйрету

The purpose of language:

Тілдік мақсаттары:

Ағылшын тіліне деген қызығушылықтарын ояту



The beginning of the lesson:

Сабақтың басы:

Organization momenent:

-Good morning children.

-Good morning my teacher.

-Who is on duty today?

-I am on duty today.

-Who ia apsent?


-What is your homework?


Checking up the homework:

(Смайлик арқылы бағалау)

In the middle of the lesson:

Sport /spo;t/ спорт

Art / а;t/ өнер, шеберлік

Computer games /kәm'pjutә geimz/ компьютер ойыны

Science /saiәnts/ ғылым

Cooking /kukin/ас даярлау

Reading /'ri;din/ оқу

Music /'mju;zik/ әуен

Swimming /swimin/ жүзу

Key grammar be: negative and questions

Complete the gaps with the negative forms of the verb to be.

Example: She


from France.

This book


Jane and Peter




My brother

here at the moment.


in England.


Monday today.

Jennie's surname



a hairdresser.

My name



many people in this class.

I am not a singer.

He is not a receptionist.

She is not a nurse.

It is not my book.

We are not not musicians.

You are not a shop assistant.

They are not taxi drivers.

Contracted negative forms of the verb to be

I'm not a singer.

He isn't a receptionist.

She isn't a nurse.

It isn't my book.

We aren't not musicians.

You aren't a shop assistant.

They aren't taxi drivers.


Grammar materials

Doing the exercises workbook page on 16 ex.3 /a/

  1. Are you good at English

  2. Is Jack good At sport

  3. Is Sydney in Australia

  4. Is it the capital

  5. Are Jack and Sadie in Sydney?


Сергіту сәті

Pupils dancing and sing a song

Reading the dialogue

-I've got a letter from my cousin and a photo. Look! That's Annie.

-She's nice.

-And that's Mark

-Is he her boyfriend?

-No, he isn't. He is her brother.

-What a fantastic beach! Is it in England?

-No, It's in Australia. They live in Sydney.

-Are they good at surfing?

-Yes, they are. And they are good at volleyball and tennis and swimming!

-Is Sydney the capital of Australia?

-No, it isn't. Canberra's the capital

-Oh, yes. I'm not very good at geography, and I'm not very good at sport/

-Never mind. Jack. No one's perfect.


Reading again and follow in your book. Then choose the right answer to the questions.

  1. Is Sadie with her cousin?

  1. Yes it is.

  2. No, she isn't

  3. Yes, she is

  1. Are Jack and Sadie on the beach?

  1. No, they aren't

  2. Yes, we are

  3. Yes, they are.


Сабақты бекіту

Writing and Speaking

Write at least three true sentences about you.

For example: I'm not bad at sport.

I'm quite interested in science.


Оқушылар стикерге өз пікірлерін жазып қалдырады


Бағалау: бағдаршам, смайлик үш шапалақ, өзін-өзі бағалау


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