- Учителю
- Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему ' Рождество в Британии'
Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему ' Рождество в Британии'
Открытый урок английского языка на тему
"Christmas in Great Britain"
(«Рождество в Великобритании»)
Цель: создание условий для воспитания уважительного отношения к культуре другой страны через ознакомление с её традициями, поэзией, музыкой; формирования способности участвовать в межкультурном диалоге путем сравнения традиций наших стран.
познакомить с традициями празднования Рождества в Великобритании;
закрепить в речи учащихся необходимую тематическую лексику;
совершенствовать навыки аудирования, говорения, чтения;
закрепить форму оформления поздравительных писем на английском языке;
развивать творческий потенциал учащихся, приобщая их к национальной культуре страны изучаемого языка.
Оборудование: ПК, мультимедийный проектор, аудиозапись "Jingle Bells", на тему «Рождество», обучающий фильм "This is Britain" (part 4 "Christmas") , рождественские украшения (елка, рождественские чулки, открытки, календари, подарки) , карточки с заданиями и упражнениями для проверки понимания увиденных фрагментов фильма.
План урока:
Организационный момент (приветствие, тема, задачи урока); 2 мин.
Фонетическая разминка (песня "We wish you a Merry Christmas "); 4 мин.
Просмотр 1 отрывка видео (знакомство с лексикой урока);7 мин.
Просмотр 2 отрывка видео (подписываем открытки); 5 мин
Физкультминутка; 2 мин
Просмотр 3 отрывка (работа по карточкам); 5 мин.
Просмотр 4 отрывка (подарки); 4 мин.
Просмотр 5 отрывка (канун Рождества); 5 мин.
Заключительный этап (подведение итогов, выставление оценок, домашнее задание).-6 мин.
Ход урока
Организационный момент (приветствие, тема, задачи урока); 2 мин.
Teacher (T- учитель): Good morning, our guests and children!
Students (S- ученики): Good morning, teacher!
T: I'm glad to see you.
S: I'm glad to see you too.
T: How are you?
S: I am fine, thank you. How are you?
T: I'm fine, thank you. Sit down, please. Today is the 19th of December. The classroom is decorated nicely. You can see calendars, Christmas tree and many decorations. What's happening? What is the holiday that we are going to talk about?
S: We are going to talk about Christmas.
T: Why are we going to talk about Christmas now?
S: We are going to talk about Christmas now because it's coming soon in Great Britain, on the 24th of December.
T: That's right. In Russia we celebrate Christmas on the 7th of January. That holiday is different in two countries. Let's look closer and learn what these differences are. To learn this we're going to watch video, write Christmas cards, give presents and sing songs. Oh! Can you hear that? (Song )
Фонетическая разминка (песня); 4 мин.
S: (sing the song)
We wish you a Merry Christmas;
We wish you a Merry Christmas;
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
T: Thank you, you are great singers. Now look at the screen and pay attention to the words! Repeat them after the speaker and fill in the missing letters in your cards.
Просмотр 1 отрывка видео (знакомство с лексикой урока);7 мин.
S: an Advent Calendar, a Christmas tree, a Christmas card, a mince pie, Father Christmas, decorations, presents, a stocking, a cracker, a Christmas pudding.
T: (shows the things representing the words and explains). And now let's watch the video.
Просмотр 2 отрывка видео (подписываем открытки); 5 мин
T: You've just seen how Sally and Jack sign their postcards. I want you to do the same now: to sign postcards to your friends.
S: (sign the cards and give them each other)
T: Well done, you're very hardworking but we shouldn't forget about the rest. Please, stand up. It's high time we relax.
Физкультминутка; 2 мин
T: Let's decorate a Christmas tree.
Put the garland (hands to the sides).
Put the star (hands up).
Put the present (squat).
S: (do the commands)
Просмотр 3 отрывка (работа по карточкам); 5 мин.
T: Thank you, you're very attentive. Sit down please. Look at the screen again and do the exercise in your cards. Jack is helping his mum to make mince pies. You need to place the actions in the right order marking them as in the example 1, 2, 3, etc. Be attentive!
S: (do the exercise)
Просмотр 4 отрывка (подарки); 4 мин.
T: Excellent! Let's go to next task- the most pleasant one, I think. You've prepared little presents for this lesson, me too. Our Father Christmas will collect them into the stocking and each of you should say what he is going to give. For example: I'm going to give a little hippo. One by one, please.
S: I'm going to give a ….
I'm going to give a … etc.
Просмотр 5 отрывка (канун Рождества); 5 мин.
T: Thank you so much for your presents. Father Christmas will dispatch them after we watch and discuss the next video. Attention!
S: (watch the video)
T: Can you tell me the difference between Christmas Eve in our country and Great Britain?
S: the food, the crackers, the way of giving presents.
T: You're all right. So you've learned so much new information. What did you like most? What were you surprised by?
S: advent calendars, food, weather etc.
Заключительный этап (подведение итогов, выставление оценок, домашнее задание).
T: I'm glad that this lesson was interesting for you, wasn't it? We have done so much. Can you tell what was useful for you at the lesson?
S: wrote cards, watched videos, sang song, gave presents and learnt new words.
T: And now Father Christmas will dispatch the presents, be ready to catch the best ones!
S: (get the presents from the stocking)
T: I hope you enjoyed the lesson, and also I hope you will enjoy the home task. Open your diaries and write it down. I want you to make the advent calendar for December and write what are you going to do in the next 10 days before New Year (from 22.12 to 1.01).
S:(write down the task)
T: Thank you. I'm glad that all of you were active. Our lesson is over.