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  • Конспект урока “What is the temperature?”

Конспект урока “What is the temperature?”

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Краткое описание: Конспект урока составлен на основе учебника по английскому языку "Rainbow English", авторы О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова. Чтобы узнать тему урока ученики разгадывают ребус. Начало урока после организационного момента сопровождается песней “The weather song”. На уроке ис
предварительный просмотр материала




Конспект урока по английскому языку

"What is the temperature?"


учитель английского языка

Васильченко Полина Николаевна

г. Лангепас


Цель: совершенствование навыков монологической речи.



Закрепить основные понятия и термины о погоде и температуре на английском языке;

Закрепить использование Present Simple, Past Simple и Future Simple в устной речи, используя речевые образцы "It was …","It is …","It will be …". "The temperature was …", "The temperature is…", "The temperature will be …".

Совершенствовать лексико-грамматические навыки;


Развить логическое мышление и внимание учащихся;

Развить коммуникативные навыки;

Развить умение высказывать свое мнение.


Создать ситуацию успеха для детей.


ребус, карточки с заданиями на знание словосочетаний о погоде, карточки на выполнение задания по совершенствованию монологической речи аудиозапись песни "The weather song", учебник Rainbow English О. В. Афанасьева и др. 6 класс 2 часть.

Тип: урок применения знаний и умений.

Ход занятия:

I. Организационный момент

Teacher: Hello, children! I am glad to see you.

Pupils: Hello, teacher. We are glad to see you too.

Teacher: Let's call the roll. Why he/she is absent?

Pupils: He/she is …

II. Основная часть

Teacher: Let's start our lesson. Now we listen to "The weather song". You have words, please, sing back up.

What's the weather? It's sunny.

What's the weather? It's rainy.

All together that the weather.

Sun, wind, rain, storm.

Hot, cold, cool, warm.

What's the weather? It's cloudy.

What's the weather? It's windy.

All together that the weather.

In the summer it is hot.

In the winter it is not.

In the spring there're flowers.

In the autumn there're showers.

What's the weather? It's frosty.

What's the weather? It's foggy.

All together that the weather.

Sun, wind, rain, storm.

Hot, cold, cool, warm.

What's the weather? It's snowing.

What's the weather? It's blowing.

All together that the weather.

In the summer it is hot.

In the winter it is not.

In the spring there're flowers.

In the autumn there're showers.

What's the weather? It's frosty.

All together that the weather.

All together that the weather.

Teacher: Very good. Thank you. I hope you remember the words. Open your books page 54 exercises 5b; I give you two minutes to repeat the word combinations. Your time is over. Close your books. Now I give you the cards. You have four minutes to do them. Приложение 1.

Teacher: You time is over. Give me your cards, please. Today we continue to speak about the weather. Before we write the theme of our lesson, try to solve the puzzle.

(There is a puzzle on the blackboard)

Pupil: This word is temperature.

Teacher: You are right. It is temperature. The theme of our lesson is "What's the temperature?"

Teacher: So, let's continue. Open your books page 56 exercise 7, letter A. …, please read the task and translate.

Pupil 1: What is the weather like in these places now? Какая погода в этих местах сейчас?

Teacher: Thank you. You must speak about the weather using phrases in the frame for helping you.

Pupil 1: It is snowing heavily in Oslo. The temperature is 5 degrees below zero. (It is 5 degree below zero.)

Pupil 2: It is snowing heavily in Moscow. The temperature is 10 degrees below zero. (It is 10 degree below zero.)

Pupil 3: It is snowing heavily in Helsinki. The temperature is 12 degrees below zero. (It is 12 degree below zero.)

Pupil 4: It is raining heavily in Paris. The temperature is 5 degrees above zero. (It is 5 degree above zero.)

Pupil 5: It is raining heavily in Berlin. The temperature is 3 degrees above zero. (It is 3 degree above zero.)

Pupil 6: It is raining heavily in Venice. The temperature is 10 degrees above zero. (It is 10 degree above zero.)

Pupil 7: The sun is shining brightly in Kiev. The temperature is 7 degrees above zero. (It is 7 degree above zero.)

Pupil 8: The sun is shining brightly in Rome. The temperature is 12 degrees above zero. (It is 12 degree above zero.)

Pupil 9: The sun is shining brightly in Madrid. The temperature is 15 degrees above zero. (It is 15 degree above zero.)

Teacher: Thank you. You are absolutely right using these phrases. You have just spoken about the weather using present continuous. Now try to say about the weather tomorrow. You must use Future Simple. Use phrases in the frame for helping you.

Pupil 1: It will snow heavily in Kiev. The temperature will be 6 degrees below zero. (It is 6 degree below zero.)

Pupil 2: It will snow heavily in Berlin. The temperature will be 5 degrees below zero. (It is 5 degree below zero.)

Pupil 3: It will snow heavily in Paris. The temperature will be 3 degrees below zero. (It is 3 degree below zero.)

Pupil 4: It will rain heavily in Moscow. The temperature will be 0 zero degrees. (It is 0 zero degrees.)

Pupil 5: It will rain heavily in Helsinki. The temperature will be 2 degrees above zero. (It is 2 degree above zero.)

Pupil 6: It will rain heavily in Madrid. The temperature will be 7 degrees above zero. (It is 7 degree above zero.)

Pupil 7: The sun will shine brightly in Oslo. The temperature will be 7 degrees above zero. (It is 7 degree above zero.)

Pupil 8: The sun will shine brightly in Rome. The temperature will be 12 degrees above zero. (It is 12 degree above zero.)

Pupil 9: The sun will shine brightly in Venice. The temperature will be 10 degrees above zero. (It is 10 degree above zero.)

Teacher: Thank you. You are absolutely right using these phrases. Stand up. Let's do exercises.

My hands upon my head I place,

On my shoulders,

On my face,

Then I put them in front of me,

And gently clap: one, two, three.

Look left, right. Look up, look down. Look around.

Look at your nose. Look at that rose. Close your eyes.

Open, wink and smile. Your eyes are happy again.

Teacher: Thank you, sit your place. Continue to work. I want you to take a card and tell us about country where you live and the weather today, yesterday and tomorrow. I give you a minute to prepare.

Приложение 2.

Pupil 1: I live in Sochi, Russia.

Yesterday: The sun was shining brightly. The temperature was 17 degrees above zero.

Today: It is snowing. The temperature is 10 degrees above zero.

Tomorrow: The sun will shine brightly. The temperature will be 15 degrees above zero.

Pupil 2: I live in London, England.

Yesterday: It was cloudy. The temperature was 10 degrees below zero

Today: It is snowing. The temperature is 6 degrees below zero

Tomorrow: The sun will shine brightly. The temperature will be 6 degrees below zero

Pupil 3: I live in New York, America.

Yesterday: It was raining. The temperature was 17 degrees above zero.

Today: The sun is shining brightly. The temperature is 20 degrees above zero.

Tomorrow: The sun will shine brightly. The temperature will be 20 degrees above zero.

Pupil 4: I live in Washington, the USA.

Yesterday: It was cloudy. The temperature was zero degrees.

Today: It is cloudy. The temperature is 5 degrees above zero.

Tomorrow: It will rain. The temperature will be 2 degrees above zero.

Pupil 5: I live in Cardiff, Wales.

Yesterday: It was cloudy. The temperature was 5 degrees below zero.

Today: It is snowing heavily. The temperature is 10 degrees below zero.

Tomorrow: The sun will shine brightly. The temperature will be 20 degrees below zero.

Pupil 6: I live in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Yesterday: It was raining heavily. The temperature was 15 degrees above zero.

Today: The sun is shining brightly. The temperature is 20 degrees above zero.

Tomorrow: The sun will shine brightly. The temperature will be 27 degrees above zero.

Pupil 7: I live in Novosibirsk, Russia.

Yesterday: The sun was shining brightly. The temperature was 5 degrees above zero.

Today: It is cloudy. The temperature was zero degrees.

Tomorrow: It will be snowing. The temperature will be 10 degrees below zero.

Pupil 8: I live in Varna, Bulgaria [bΛl'gεəriə].

Yesterday: It was raining heavily. The temperature was 20 degrees above zero.

Today: The sun is shining brightly. The temperature is 25 degrees above zero.

Tomorrow: The sun will shine brightly. The temperature will be 31 degrees above zero.

Pupil 9: I live in Bonn, Germany ['dƷə:məni].

Yesterday: It was snowing heavily. The temperature was 19 degrees below zero.

Today: It is snowing heavily. The temperature is 25 degrees below zero.

Tomorrow: The sun will shine brightly. The temperature will be 38 degrees below zero.

Pupil 10: I live in Barcelona [,ba:si'lounə], Spain.

Yesterday: It was raining heavily. The temperature was 5 degrees above zero.

Today: It is snowing heavily. The temperature is 3 degrees below zero.

Tomorrow: It will be cloudy. The temperature will be 7 degrees below zero.

Pupil 11: I live in Vilnius ['vilniəs], Lithuania [,liƟju:'einjə]

Yesterday: The sun was shining brightly. The temperature was 0 degrees.

Today: The sun is shining brightly. The temperature is 1 degree above zero.

Tomorrow: The sun will shine brightly. The temperature will be 10 degrees above zero.

Pupil 12: I live in Prague [pra:g], Czech Republic ['tʃəh ri'pΛblik]

Yesterday: The sun was shining brightly. The temperature was 7 degrees above zero.

Today: It is cloudy. The temperature is 0 degrees.

Tomorrow: It will be snowing. The temperature will be 1 degree below zero.

Pupil 13: I live in Bra, Belgium ['beldƷəm].

Yesterday: The sun was shining brightly. The temperature was 38 degrees below zero.

Today: The sun is shining brightly. The temperature is 30 degrees below zero.

Tomorrow: It will be cloudy. The temperature will be 35 degrees below zero.

Pupil 14: I live in Brest, Belarus.

Yesterday: The sun was shining brightly. The temperature was 40 degrees above zero.

Today: The sun is shining brightly. The temperature is 39 degrees above zero.

Tomorrow: It will be cloudy. The temperature will be 35 degrees above zero.

III. Заключительная часть.

Teacher: Thank you, children. Today you have worked hard. Give the mark for your work today, please. And explain why. What was difficult for you? What do you know new for yourself today?

Teacher: Now open your day-books and write down your home task. Exercises number 8, 9, 10 page 57. The lesson is over. You may be free. Good - bye.

Список литературы:

  1. Английский язык. 6 кл. : в 2 ч. Ч. 2 : учебник / О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова. - М. : Дрофа, 2014. - 176 с.: (Rainbow English)

  2. (песня)

Приложение 1.

  1. Translate into Russian.

Ten degrees hotter.

To forget everything.

Frosty air.

Prepare the ground for the flowers

Translate into English.

Дождь стал сильнее.

Белые снежинки.

На земле.

Ниже нуля.

  1. Translate into Russian.

Ten degrees hotter.

To forget everything.

Frosty air.

Prepare the ground for the flowers

Translate into English.

Дождь стал сильнее.

Белые снежинки.

На земле.

Ниже нуля.

  1. Translate into Russian.

Ten degrees hotter.

To forget everything.

Frosty air.

Prepare the ground for the flowers

Translate into English.

Дождь стал сильнее.

Белые снежинки.

На земле.

Ниже нуля.

  1. Translate into Russian.

Ten degrees hotter.

To forget everything.

Frosty air.

Prepare the ground for the flowers

Translate into English.

Дождь стал сильнее.

Белые снежинки.

На земле.

Ниже нуля.

  1. Translate into Russian.

Ten degrees hotter.

To forget everything.

Frosty air.

Prepare the ground for the flowers

Translate into English.

Дождь стал сильнее.

Белые снежинки.

На земле.

Ниже нуля.

2. Translate into Russian.

To win a match.

Beautiful snowflakes.

A heavy stone.

To fall to the ground.

Translate into English.

На 5 градусов холоднее.

Ничего не забывать.

Морозная погода.

Сильно идёт дождь.

2. Translate into Russian.

To win a match.

Beautiful snowflakes.

A heavy stone.

To fall to the ground.

Translate into English.

На 5 градусов холоднее.

Ничего не забывать.

Морозная погода.

Сильно идёт дождь.

2. Translate into Russian.

To win a match.

Beautiful snowflakes.

A heavy stone.

To fall to the ground.

Translate into English.

На 5 градусов холоднее.

Ничего не забывать.

Морозная погода.

Сильно идёт дождь.

2. Translate into Russian.

To win a match.

Beautiful snowflakes.

A heavy stone.

To fall to the ground.

Translate into English.

На 5 градусов холоднее.

Ничего не забывать.

Морозная погода.

Сильно идёт дождь.

2. Translate into Russian.

To win a match.

Beautiful snowflakes.

A heavy stone.

To fall to the ground.

Translate into English.

На 5 градусов холоднее.

Ничего не забывать.

Морозная погода.

Сильно идёт дождь.

3. Translate into Russian.

To snow heavily.

Seven degrees of frost.

To forget nothing.

To win a game.

Translate into English.

Я упал на землю.

Белые снежинки.

Морозный воздух.

Холоднее на 10 градусов.

3. Translate into Russian.

To snow heavily.

Seven degrees of frost.

To forget nothing.

To win a game.

Translate into English.

Я упал на землю.

Белые снежинки.

Морозный воздух.

Холоднее на 10 градусов.

3. Translate into Russian.

To snow heavily.

Seven degrees of frost.

To forget nothing.

To win a game.

Translate into English.

Я упал на землю.

Белые снежинки.

Морозный воздух.

Холоднее на 10 градусов.

3. Translate into Russian.

To snow heavily.

Seven degrees of frost.

To forget nothing.

To win a game.

Translate into English.

Я упал на землю.

Белые снежинки.

Морозный воздух.

Холоднее на 10 градусов.

3. Translate into Russian.

To snow heavily.

Seven degrees of frost.

To forget nothing.

To win a game.

Translate into English.

Я упал на землю.

Белые снежинки.

Морозный воздух.

Холоднее на 10 градусов.

Приложение 2.

Pupil 1

Sochi, Russia




Yesterday: +17

Today: +10

Tomorrow: +15

Pupil 2

London, England




Yesterday: - 10

Today: - 6

Tomorrow: - 6

Pupil 3

New York, America




Yesterday: +17

Today: +20

Tomorrow: +20

Pupil 4

Washington, the USA




Yesterday: 0

Today: + 5

Tomorrow: + 2

Pupil 5

Cardiff, Wales




Yesterday: - 5

Today: - 10

Tomorrow: -20

Pupil 6

St. Petersburg, Russia




Yesterday: + 15

Today: + 20

Tomorrow: +27

Pupil 7

Novosibirsk, Russia




Yesterday: + 5

Today: 0

Tomorrow: - 10

Pupil 8

Varna, Bulgaria [bΛl'gεəriə].




Yesterday: + 20

Today: + 25

Tomorrow: + 30

Pupil 9

Bonn, Germany ['dƷə:məni]




Yesterday: - 19

Today: - 25

Tomorrow: - 38

Pupil 10

Barcelona [,ba:si'lounə], Spain




Yesterday: + 5

Today: - 3

Tomorrow: - 7

Pupil 11

Vilnius ['vilniəs],

Lithuania [,liƟju:'einjə]




Yesterday: 0

Today: + 1

Tomorrow: + 10

Pupil 12

Prague [pra:g],

Czech Republic

['tʃəh ri'pΛblik]




Yesterday: + 7

Today: 0

Tomorrow: - 1

Pupil 13

Bra, Belgium ['beldƷəm].




Yesterday: - 38

Today: - 30

Tomorrow: - 35

Pupil 14

Brest, Belarus




Yesterday: + 40

Today: + 39

Tomorrow: + 35


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