- Учителю
- Урок английского языка в 9 классе
Урок английского языка в 9 классе
Обобщающий урок по теме'Primary, secondary schools in
England ,the USA and our country'.
Цель урока: Активизация лексических и грамматических навыков в речевом общении, в оформлении речевых высказываний.
Задачи урока:1.Развивать у учащихся навыки говорения с использованием схем-опор, составленных ими самими.2.Активизировать в речи учащихся условных предложений I типа. 3.Воспитывать чувство коллективизма, любовь к школе.
Оборудование урока: Тематические картины ('Вritish schools', 'American schools' 'Kazakhstan schools".
1.Орг. момент.
2.Чтение учащимися пословицы. Сообщение учителем темы урока.
Proverb: Live and learn.
Ср. Век живи- век учись. Of course people should learn while they live. You are pupils and you also should learn different subjects at school , get some knowledge from books, lessons. And the school is the main place where pupils get their knowledge.
3.Listen to the poem 'School' and repeat it after me. Can you translate the poem? What is it about?
4.Before describing different schools, let's repeat some sounds and words. Look at the blackboard and pronounce the words please.
[e] [æ] [ei] [Λ]
Chemistry Math Education Compulsory
Lesson Algebra State Subject
Attend Latin Painting Punishment
Every Language Time-table
Secondary Grammar
5. Now look at the picture and listen to the story about one of the junior schools in England.
-Children from 7 till 11 attend this school. They go to school 5 days a week.
They don't have lessons on Saturday. Their lessons start at 9 o'clock and they last for 40 minutes. English schoolchildren go to school from the middle of September till the middle of July. They have lessons before lunch and after lunch. From 12 till 2 o'clock they have lunch (dinner-time). They may go home or have lunch at school. After dinner they have lessons again. Their school day ends at a quarter past 3. As you see they wear a school uniform.
6. After listening to the text I'd like you to read and answer some questions which are on the blackboard:
How many days a week do English children go to school?
How many minutes do lessons last at English school?
When do English pupils start to learn: on the first of September or in the middle of September?
When does their school year finish? ( on the 25th of May or in the middle of July?).
How many days a week do you attend your school?
How many minutes do your lessons last?
What subjects do you learn at your school?
What is your favourite subject?
What languages do you study at school?
7. Now look at the blackboard and read the English joke. Let's read it in parts: who wants to be a mother? And John?
JOKE: Mother: 'It's 8o'clock. John, if you don't get up just now, you will be late for school!'
John : 'It's all right, mother, the school is open all day.'
(Grammar task to this joke: Find a sentence with Real Condition, name its predicates and determine their Tense Forms.)
Of course you and all other pupils must go to school in time. Listen to the rhyme and repeat it after me:
Mind the clock
And keep the rule,
Try to come in time to school.
9. Now, let's listen to your projects about schools in England, in America and Kazakhstan.
Private (they charge high fees) State
(7%) (93%)
The first steps in reading,
Writing, using numbers.
a) Modern schools (general subjects +practical subjects: wood work, metal work, needle work, typing)-30%
b) Comprehensive schools (general subjects, foreign languages (50-55%)
c) Grammar schools (general subjects +optional subjects .They give General Certificate of Education, which allows its leavers to enter some University. They train young people for political, diplomatic, military, and religious service.
The System of Education in the United States of America
Higher Education
College or University( from 18 years or later)
Secondary Education
Senior High ( from 15-18 years of age)
Junior High ( from 12-18 years of age)
High School ( from 12-18 years of age)
Elementary Education
Elementary or Grade School ( from 6-12, 14 years)
10. Let's repeat Real Conditional Sentences ( I type). Translate these sentences into Russian:
A) If I go to England, I'll see some private schools there.
B) If we are in America, we'll meet many students of the 9th grade there.
C) If you want to enter Oxford University, you'll have to work hard.
11. Итоги урока. Домашнее задание