- Учителю
- Конспект урока на тему «Читаем отрывок из романа Дж.Свифта «Путешествия Гулливера» для 8 класса Биболетова М.З.
Конспект урока на тему «Читаем отрывок из романа Дж.Свифта «Путешествия Гулливера» для 8 класса Биболетова М.З.
Конспект урока на тему «Читаем отрывок из романа Дж.Свифта «Путешествия Гулливера»
Предмет: английский язык
Класс: 8
УМК: М.З.Биболетова, Денисенко О.А., Трубанева Н.Н. «Английский с удовольствием»2014
Учитель: Камагаева Ульяна Владимировна
Тип урока: урок закрепления и обобщения знаний
Технологии: кейс-технология, диалоговое взаимодействие, критическое мышление
«Читаем отрывок из романа Дж.Свифта «Путешествия Гулливера»
Развитие навыков поискового чтения и монологической речи на основе текста
-обучающие: тренировать употребление лексики по теме;
освоение фраз to get along with smb, to tell lies, to avoid wars, to protect;
-развивающие: совершенствовать навыки устной монологической речи;
развивать навыки работы с переводом предложений с английского языка;
развивать навыки работы в группе;
-воспитательные: повышать положительную мотивацию и устойчивый интерес к изучению английского языка, воспитание культуры бережного отношения к природе, к окружающим.
Основное содержание темы, понятия
Лексический материал по теме «Взаимоотношения», «Защита природы», грамматические структуры I should/I shouldn't, I would/I wouldn't
Планируемые результаты:
Развитие навыков аудирования
Совершенствование навыков употребления в речи грамматического структуры
I should/ I should not, I would/I wouldn't
Совершенствование навыков монологической речи по темам
«Взаимоотношения», «Защита природы»
Развитие навыков поискового чтения, чтения с извлечением нужной информации
Формирование ответственного отношения к учению, готовности к саморазвитию и самообразованию, формирование коммуникативной компетентности в общении и сотрудничестве со сверстниками
• формулировка собственного высказывания по теме, способность аргументировать и координировать ее с позициями партнёров в сотрудничестве при выработке общего решения в совместной деятельности, умение строить ответы на вопросы, адекватно использовать речевые средства для решения различных коммуникативных задач;
• освоение форм познавательной и личностной рефлексии;
• овладение навыками смыслового перевода;
• готовность слушать собеседника и вести диалог;
• определение общей цели и путей ее достижения;
Организация пространства:
Развитие умения планировать свое речевое и неречевое поведение.
Индивидуальная, групповая, фронтальная.
- Учебник;
- Проектор;
- Компьютер;
- Презентация;
- Раздаточный материал (кейсы)
Структура урока
- Приветствие
- Проблемный диалог
- Определение детьми темы урока
- Фонетическая разминка
- Речевая разминка
Познавательные: выделять известную и неизвестную лексику, формулировать на основе полученной информации познавательную цель
Коммуникативные: слушать учителя, уметь правильно отреагировать на предлагаемые вопросы
Осуществлять регулятивные действия самоконтроля, самооценки в процессе коммуникативной деятельности на иностранном языке
Стадия осмысления
- Проверка домашнего задания,
- Выполнение заданий к тексту,
- Работа с кейсами
Извлекать информацию, строить предложения, работать с грамматическим материалом
Взаимодействовать с учителем, с одноклассниками, аргументировать, корректировать речь
Умение выполнять несколько действий одновременно, осуществлять контроль собственной речи, сравнивая ее с эталоном
Стадия рефлексии
- Выступление учащихся с собственным мнением о важности сохранения мира на Земле,
- Подведение итогов урока,
- Выставление оценок.
-Домашнее задание
Самостоятельно определить, что было выполнено на уроке
Осознавать качество и уровень усвоения знаний
Ход урока
I этап актуализации
Учащиеся берут жетоны и рассаживаются по группам за столы, на которых лежит выбранный ими жетон (3 groups).
Teacher: Hello everyone!
Students: Hello, teacher!
Teacher: I am glad to see you. How are you today? Do you like today's weather?
Students: …
Постановка целей и задач урока:
Учитель: Look at the board and say if you know this man.
Students: Jonathan Swift.
Teacher: You're right. What was he?
Students: He was a writer.
Teacher: Good! Can you name any of his works?
Students: Gulliver's Travels
Teacher: I absolutely agree with you. Jonathan Swift was one of the greatest English writers. He lived more than 300 years ago. His famous novel "Gulliver' Travels" is popular nowadays. And the problems shown in his novel are still topical.
So, can you tell me what we will do today?
Students: We'll discuss these problems.
Teacher: Yes, you are right! This time we'll pick out the main problems and at the end of the lesson you'll be able to speak what you should do to save our world.
Фонетическая зарядка:
Teacher: As usual we begin with some phonetic exercises. You can see the words and phrases from the text on the board and on your tables. Let's pronounce them. (card 1)
A creature
A human being
To get along with somebody
To understand each other
To receive information
To tell lies
Teacher: Thank you. Now try to guess the meaning of the words, read the definition and match them.
To say things that is not true; (to tell lies)
Wishing that you had what someone else has; (greedy)
Wanting a lot more food, money, etc, than you need; (envious)
To know the meaning of something that someone says; (to understand)
A man, a woman, a child; (a human being)
To support an idea or to agree with someone's opinion; (to get along)
Any large or small thing that can move; (a creature)
To get something that someone has given or sent to you; (To receive information)
Having the effect or result you intended. (Successful)
Teacher: you've worked quite well. Now please answer my questions.
Are you a human being, … ?
Do you get along with your sister/brother?
Do you often tell lies?
Do you like to receive only good information?
Teacher: Fantastic! Now you know these words. Try to use them in your sentences.
Проверка домашнего задания.
Teacher: you read the text at home and who are the main characters?
Students: They are human beings and creatures.
Teacher: What are three things Gulliver's master didn't know?
1 student: he didn't know what meant telling lies.
2 student: he didn't know why people fought.
3 student: he didn't know the word soldier.
Стадия осмысления
Teacher: What you've said is true. And now according to your answers you can make up sentences that express the main ideas of the text. (card 2) Work in groups and complete the sentences. You have 1 minute for this task.
Card 1
1. We use language in this country in order to …
2. We fight for many reasons …
fight wars and tell lies?
understand each other and give and receive information.
Sometimes because the enemy isn't strong enough, sometimes because the neighbors want the things we have.
Card 2
3. His orders are to kill as many people as he can though …
4. With guns and bullets and gunpowder we can …
destroy a thousand ships, a hundred cities, and twenty thousand men.
than making war or making money.
they never hurt him.
Card 3
5. Why do we humans so often …
6. Peace and truth began to seem more important …
destroy a thousand ships, a hundred cities, and twenty thousand men.
than making war or making money.
fight wars and tell lies?
Students read the sentences.
Teacher: Do you agree with the sentences?
Students: We agree.
Teacher: Does the author say how to improve the world?
Students: he says that peace and truth are more important than making war or making money.
Teacher: I believe you and now I see that you're ready to express your own ideas about how to save our world. Please study the cases and discuss the questions. Be ready to express your ideas,
using the words and phrases.
Case 1
Why was there no word which means "telling lies" in the fairytale country?
Can people live without telling lies?
Do you often lie? Is it bad to tell lies?
Words and phrases:
To use language
in order to …
to understand each other
to receive information
to live without lies
it's bad
Case 2
Were there any wars in the fairytale country?
Is it possible to avoid (избегать) wars in our world? Why?
Why do people start wars?
Words and phrases: It's possible
To avoid (избегать) wars
To quarrel (ссориться)
To attack another country
Case 3
Would you like to live on the island with Houys? Why?
Would you like our world to become similar to theirs?
Words and phrases:
They are kind and clever
Don't tell lies
To get along with each other
Stop telling lies and arguing
ОтветыCase 1
There was no word which means "telling lies" in the fairytale country because they used language in the country in order to understand each other and to give and receive information. I think people can't live without telling lies because there are sometimes situations when we need tell lies. As for me, I don't often lie. I think it's bad to tell lies.
Case 2
There were no wars in the fairytale country. To my mind, it is possible to avoid wars in our world, but people can't do it because they often argue and quarrel.
Case 3
Yes, I would. I would like to live on the island with Houys because they look like horses, they are kind and friendly, they don't tell lies, and they like to get along with their neighbours. I would like our world to become similar to theirs. It is possible, I think, if people stop telling lies and arguing.
Teacher: Thank you! I agree with you. What you've said is true. Now let's make the conclusion what people should and should not do.
Ученики: People should not:
1. Argue with each other with the help of guns;
2. Quarrel;
3. tell lies;
4. make wars;
5. pollute the Earth.
People should:
1. Tell the truth;
2. live in peace with each other;
3. protect our planet;
4. recycle the litter.
Стадия рефлексии
Teacher: As you understand there are a lot of problems in the world. Among them there is the problem of people's relationships. Now we know what people should and shouldn't do.
What about you?
What would you do to improve your world? Discuss in your groups and share your ideas.
Answers: To improve the world …
1) I would stop fighting.
2) I would make laws to protect our planet.
3) I would punish those who make crimes.
What have you learnt today?
Was the lesson interesting to you?
What mark can you give to yourself?
Подведение итогов.
Teacher: Thank you for your work! You were active today. I believe that you remember everything and at home you will make a mini-project "A perfect world" and write your ideas how to improve our world. You can use the sentences that you've heard today. And paint a picture to understand.
The lesson is over you may be free.