- Учителю
- Урок на тему 'Outstanding writers and poets of Kazakstan'
Урок на тему 'Outstanding writers and poets of Kazakstan'
Краткосрочный план урока
Предмет: английский язык Класс: 8 Время:15.04.2015 Учитель:Танирбргенова Айнур Болатовна
Тема урока
Outstanding writers and poets of Kazakhstan
Ознакомить учащихся с информацией о казахских выдающихся писателях и поэтах на английском языке, расширить словарный запас, выявить владение учащимися дополнительной информации , умение использовать past tense в речи , способствовать развитию критического мышления; навыков поискового чтения и систематизации полученной информации.
Результаты обучения
Владеют информацией о казахских писателях и поэтах, используют past tense в речи , умеют работать в группах, оценивать. Владеют навыками анализа, синтеза полученной информации, поискового чтения, передачи информации другим.
Формы работы
Групповая , джигсо, КМ,
Oценивание, включая оценку в целях обучения
Содержание обучения:
Основные ресурсы
Организационный момент: 1-2 мин. приветствие;
учёт посещаемости (дежурный ученик называет отсутствующих).
Приветствие- «Доброе слово»
Настраиваются на урок.
Учащиеся говорят, встав в круг по часовой стрелке добрые слова пожелания
- What season is it now? What month is it now?
- I want to continue our lesson with the proverb:
Өнер - ағып жатқан бұлақ, Art is running spring,
Білім - жанып жатқан шырақ. Education is a burning candle
As you know, our life is impossible without water and light, but it is impossible to live without knowledge and arts too. Now, please, tell me, who can give us an opportunity to use such "sources" of life? -
The theme of our lesson is: Outstanding poets and writers of the Republic of Kz. Қ Р көрнекті ақындары мен жазушылары.
Today at the lesson we shall speak about the greatest Kazakh poets and writers, such as Ibrai Altynsarin and Muhtar Auezov, their biographies and creative works. We shall practise in making up short reports about them
Делит класс на группы для игры Проводит плавный и нестандартный вход в изучение нового материала урока
За правильный ответ получают смайлы
Writers and poets.
Делятся на 2 группы: "writers and poets"
Обучение через диалог
Деление на группы
Let's revise the most useful words according to the theme of the lesson in Kazakh and English. Translate the words from Kazakh into English:
Grammar rvision : past tense
Read the statements, choose 5 necessary sentences to tell about Ibrai Altynsarin and put them in the correct order:
• He learnt the works of the worldwide writers and poets, such as Shakespeare, Byron, Pushkin, Gogol, Lermontov, Ferdausi, Nizami.
• He finished the muslim religious school (medresse). Also he studied at Russian school and started writing poems there.
• In 1860 he opened the specialized school for Kazakh children (for girls) to teach them the Russian language.
• Being influenced by his mother he was fond of books and poetry.
• His father died when he was very young, that's why he was brought up by his grandfather.
• In 1928 he graduated from Leningrad University, where he studied at the faculty of History and Philology.
• He had been elabourating the New Kazakh Alphabet for 3 years.
• He was born in 1841 in Torgai Region.
Read the statements, choose 5 necessary sentences to tell about Muhtar Auezov, put them in the correct order:
• His first work "Enlik-Kebek" was written in 1917.
• He had been elabourating the New Kazakh Alphabet for 3 years.
• He died in 1961; his stories and novels became very popular among young people.
• He learnt the works of the worldwide writers and poets, such as Shakespeare, Byron, Pushkin, Gogol, Lermontov, Ferdausi, Nizami.
• In 1928 he graduated from Leningrad University, where he studied at the faculty of History and Philology.
• Being influenced by his mother he was fond of books and poetry.
• He was born in 1897 in Semey region.
• He finished the Muslim religious school (medresse).
• He had written a great number of famous stories and novels, interesting articles and books, which represent one of the most important directions in Kazakh written literature
Let's doing exercises. Take your seats and be ready do work.
- Постер .
Date / place of birth
The most famous creative works
Public activity
Date of death
- Защита постера
Переводят слова на английский язык Көрнекті- outstanding
aтақты- famous
ойшыл- thinker
ағартушы -educator
аудармашы- translator
негізін қалаушы- the founder
сазгер -composer
өлеңдер -poems
білім -education
ұрпақ -generation
ғылым -science
ақын- poet
жазушы -writer
мұғалім -teacher
мәдениетті -cultural
салт-дәстүрлері -customs and traditions
шетел тілі -foreign language
ана тілі -mother tongue
читают предложения и переводят ,
определяют временную форму и обьясняют правило
Выбирают 5 предложений соответсвующие
1гр. Ибрай Алтынсарин
2 гр - Мухтар Ауезов
Делают разминку
Работают над постером
Раздаточный материал
Today you are estimating each other. Pay attention to...
- right answers
-extra information
-capacity for getting on with others
Each criterion is one mark. Total mark is five.
Работа в группах по «джигсо»
Австралийский дождь
Оценивание «Большой палец»
Итог урока
Feel in your lists with five criteria.
You have two minutes.
Please collect this lists for me.
I will summarize your marks and tell your results during the next lesson.
You must make up your own slide-show " My favorite poet/ writer" , learn new words
Напишите что вам понравилось? Что бы вы хотели изменить в уроке? Что вам понравилось?
Thank you! The lesson is over. Good bye.
Заполняют листы оценивания
Записывают д.з.
Критерии оценивания
Рефлексия : метод