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- Разработка урока в 4 классе на тему
Разработка урока в 4 классе на тему
Тема. Four seasons in a year
Класс 4
Цель: Совершенствование навыков устной речи, чтения, письма и аудирования по теме «Времена года. Погода».
а) образования:
- Развитие произносительно - интонационных навыков.
- Знакомство учащихся с образованием прилагательных от существительных и тренировка употребления их в речи.
- Тренировка учащихся в чтении текста, построенного на знакомом языковом материале.
- Совершенствование навыков устной речи (монологической и диалогической).
- Развитие навыков аудирования с опорой на картинки и навыки письма.
б) воспитания:
- Воспитание любви и бережного отношения к природе родного края.
- Формирование эстетического вкуса учащихся, положительного отношения к живописи и музыке.
в) развития:
- Развитие лингвистических способностей учащихся (внимания, наблюдательности, умения выделять главное, памяти, речи).
- Развитие познавательного интереса учащихся.
- Расширение кругозора учащихся.
Персональный компьютер, интерактивная доска, аудиозапись Чайковского, интернет-страницы ], , мультимедийная презентация, видеозапись для физкультминутки, текст, послетекстовые задания, тетради, видеозапись прогноза погоды, карта Украины, обозначения погоды, раздаточный материал для коллажей, листы А3, клей, аудиозапись песни How's the weather?.
Ход урока
1.Начало урока. Приветствие
Good morning, my dear pupils! I'm glad to see you. How are you?
Today we have an unusual lesson: we have guests at our lesson. So, greet them.
Dear pupils. I am glad to see you here. I am sure you are ready for active work. Our topic today is "Four seasons in a year".
Four seasons in a year
Four seasons in a year
I can name all four
Do you wanna hear?
Let's get ready and
Say them all
Winter, spring, summer and fall.
I want you to take to a little journey to all the seasons. By the end of the lesson you should learn more about nature, seasons of the year, the weather in England and Ukraine, you have also learn how the weather forecast is made.
T. I propose you to guess a riddle:
There are twelve brothers,
Who follow one another.
What are they?
T. Name them. Game "Snowball"
T. And now I propose you to listen to wonderful music. The author of this music is a famous Russian composer Chaikovskyi. He created many famous operas, ballet, symphonies. "The Seasons" is a set of 12 compositions: one for each month of the year. So, listen attentively and try to guess what season it is about and what month it is about.
Учащиеся слушают отрывок композиции, дают свои ответы.
Т. Now let's make a calendar and write down today's date.
]. Учащиеся делают календарь на месяц, используя интернет-страничку
Фонетическая зарядка. Phonetic warm up. Tongue twister.
Т. Train the sounds [∫] and [s]. Compare them.
Основная часть
Practice topic words.
T. Let's remember the words of the topic.
T. So, every season is beautiful in its own way. You'll practice to use the words of the topic in speech.
Put one extra word away and guess the season:
Rain, foggy, yellow leaves, snow, cloudy;
Warm, green leaves, May, New Year;
Snow, frosty, flowers, cold, hockey;
Sunny, July, snowman, hot flowers.
Make up sentences with these words:
Warm, in, it, often, is, spring.
Brown, the, and, yellow, orange, are, and, leaves.
Is, ice, the, sometimes, river, on, there.
Cloudy, was, warm, it, and.
Open your copy-books and write down the sentences.
T. And now we are going to practice your reading skills.
Read the text and do exercises. Underline the facts you know, using a red pen; and new information you have found in the text, using a blue pen.
There are four seasons in the year. Spring, summer, autumn and winter are the four seasons. March, April and May are the spring months, June, July and August are the summer months, September, October and November are the autumn months, December, January and February are the winter months.
Spring is a very beautiful season. The weather is usually warm, but there are sometimes cold days in spring. Nature awakens in spring. Birds return from the South. Trees turn green, young fresh leaves appear, grass become green, too.
When summer comes, the weather gets warmer and sometimes it's hot. It's a busy time for those who live in the country. There is a proverb "Make hay while the sun shines." It sometimes rains and there are storms in summer.
When autumn comes the days get colder. But sometimes it is warm in late September. It is called Indian Summer. The trees turn yellow. The leaves begin to fall from the trees. Autumn is harvest time. The farmers gather crops and pick fruits in the orchards.
Winter is the coldest season. The air is frosty. The wind blows in winter. The days are the shortest and the nights are the longest. There is a proverb "A snow year is a rich year."
Post-reading task.
Read the new information you have found in the text.
True (+) or False (-).
The weather often changes.
There are twelve seasons of the year.
September, October and November are winter months.
The weather is hot in spring.
In spring birds return from the North.
The grass becomes yellow in spring.
When summer comes, the weather becomes colder.
Winter is the busy time for those who live in the country.
When autumn comes, the days become hotter.
The trees turn green in autumn.
Winter is the hottest season.
There is a proverb "A snow year is a poor year."
Grammar. The Present Simple Tense. Writing.
Use the words in brackets in a proper form.
It often (to snow) in winter.
The sun (to shine) brightly in summer.
They (to live) in the South.
Little children always (to wash) with warm water.
Ann usually (to wear) bright dresses in spring.
Boys (to play) football in warm seasons on the football field.
It usually (to snow) in winter.
Check yourself.
It often snows in winter.
The sun shines brightly in summer.
They live in the South.
Little children always wash with warm water.
Ann usually wears bright dresses in spring.
Boys play football in warm seasons on the football field.
It usually snows in winter.
T. Weather is a part of nature. Weathermen study natural features. They collect information from ships, planes weather stations and space stations. Then they make a weather forecast. With the help of weathermen we know what clothes to choose for the day. Let's listen to the International Weather Report.
T. I propose you to be weathermen and to make your own weather forecast. Place the symbols on the map.
Today it is windy in the south, and hot and sunny in the east.
Today it is cold and cloudy in the west.
It is hot and sunny in the north.
Работа в группах
Учащиеся делятся на 4 группы. Каждая группа тянет фант с названием времени года - это и будет название группы.
2.Члены каждой группы собирают картинки, соответствующие названию группы.
3. Члены каждой группы собирают слова, соответствующие названию группы.